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Posts posted by goldie

  1. I've actually started to panic (I am female) and started thinking...what if??? What if the decided the whole surprise was ruined so they trashed it!!! OMG!!! WERE ALL GOING TO DIE! :mmyers:

  2. Last time they tried this, (Lady Luck) everyone HATED it. Everyone loves to whine that they "don't listen to the fans", but they do. The last icon didn't get a great reaction, so I think they took that into account and shifted focus to making sure they have a strong lineup of houses to bring to the event.

    That's only because they didn't put very much thought into it, Lady Luck only bombed because of bad marketing! (sole opinion of poster) lol

  3. I'm probably going to cry through the whole house! Not out of fear but happiness that it is all finally happening...I'll just hang out there all night, y'all can pick me up when it's over ;)

  4. I am a little confused. As a FFP you have access to HHN tonight. However if mean as an annual passholder, we have our own rates for HHN tickets. Tonight would be $38.99, which is essentially the same rate as Stay and Scream.

    But we only have early access the first few weekends, I want to know if we can go to the "holding pen" same as a Stay and Scream pass...

    Edit: I guess the real question would be...Do I have to exit the park at 5 and re-enter at 6:30 or can I go to the Holding Pen?

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