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Posts posted by Anu

  1. I'ma be realistic and say no to The Thing.

    Knotts had a Thing animatronic and it looked like crap (but for Knotts standards, I guessed it looked good)

    And I imagine that one alone probably cost a lot to do.

    I mean, we have to consider eyes blinking and brows moving and what not.

    These are things used on year round attractions, not just monthly things.

    As cool as it would be, I don't think Murdy would wanna do it unless he can do it right.

    How did Orlando do it?

    It's Knotts, come on now, you know it was going to be shit. :lol:

    I honestly do believe Universal can pull it off, but you bring up a good point: Making these creatures formed by the alien and bringing it to life would be better suited for year-round attractions and not for an event that runs for about a month..

    Hell, I say take out the House of Horrors (*Cue angels singing!*) and re-work it as "The Thing." Make it a year round attraction to make the work worthwhile! Hmm, but then there's the issue of the setting.. The soundstage is a multiple-level building.

    Perhaps guests could start out underground in the ice and work their way up to the bunkers? Meh, this idea is a mess! :lol:

  2. Did I already mention The Thing?

    I've dreamed of this movie being a maze for ages now. The 80s "The Thing" we know and love is horrifically grotesque and very interesting, but the problem it's not exactly new.

    BUT the remake/prequel will be coming out next Spring! This is the perfect opportunity to use The Thing in HHN. My only fear is that the maze will be too costly. Let's be honest, The Thing on it's own looks very costly. The grotesque creatures formed from the alien were quite elaborate and wonderfully disgusting. I guess it's safe to assume this new prequel will use CGI, CGI, and more CGI (ugh) so I'm not sure how well the creations used in the movie will be transferred to maze format. The puppetry in The Thing was great! Perhaps these methods will be utilized at HHN? I hope so.

    Buttera, yeah. The Thing maze for HHN 2011! Strike the iron while it's hot, Mr. Murdy!

  3. Ooh Raleigh, you are ON IT! :lol:

    Speculation, speculation.. I'm already vouching for Scream at HHN like the rest of you. :zombie2:

    Hm.. I'm also vouching for Trick 'r Treat. See, we already speculated about this movie pre-HHN 2010, but the movie has definitely grown in popularity and should be more known by the masses now. It hasn't gotten a theater release, but perhaps it's now popular enough to earn a spot at HHN.

  4. (Decided to repost here to keep it more general.)

    Whether it's scares that get you laughed at by your friends and family or scares that gets crowds surrounding and laughing at you, you know you've gotten some embarrassing scares.

    I officially crown myself as the queen of embarrassing scares because I freak the fuck out. You don't have to limit the year to 2010 or to Halloween Horror Nights, you can reminisce about scares in 1985 at your grandmother's bachelor party! :lol:

    Embarrassing Scare #1:

    This scare was actually this Thursday at HHN.. I met up with a fellow fan and her mother and we were in the lower lot just about to leave when a pig began to follow us! I grab onto my friend's shoulders and scream at her to run. So she's running and I'm holding onto her shoulders and we're looking like a 2-person loud conga-line at hyperspeed and this girl decides to run up to the escalator going down! We're both running up the down escalator and she quickly gets off. I was about to leave, but there was the pig revving his chainsaw at the base of the stairs waiting for me. I kept running up (progress was futile!) and I was getting tired, attempting to jump over to the escalator going up (failing miserably) and people were just laughing their asses off at me.

    It's only been 3 days since this happened and I still can't live this down. :blush:

    Embarrassing Scare #2:

    Another fun night at HHN when I was still rocking my fro.. I was in the Lunaticz scarezone getting chased persistently by this one specific lunatic with short hair, odd cheekbones, one hand holding a small weapon and the other hand bare. This specific lunatic chases me so much just to molest my afro. On this night, I made the mistake of running into the phone booth as shelter from him! It worked.. for a few seconds. Not only did this guy begin scaring me by banging the window, 2 SLIDERS JOINED IN! They began to sneak around the phone booth and randomly bang the windows anywhere I wasn't looking, and then some ugly guy (guest) joined in to make his friends laugh. Leave it to the scareactors, thank you.

    I was getting so loud and so much was going on, people began to crowd around this scene and laugh their asses off. A girl was also recording this happening saying she was going to put it on Youtube. Absolute madness. All my screaming and freaking out also got me overheated, the windows of the phone booth were fogging up. They finally let me go and I ran out of there a hot sweaty mess. I was getting teased about it even far away from the Lunaticz scarezone from guests who recognized me that night. :wacko:

    Embarrassing Scare #3:

    Oh this was another scare that happened this past Thursday. I was still with my fellow fan friend, her awesome madre, and another group of fellow fan female friends (fucking alliteration, don't you love it?) and we were doing the terror tram!

    Of course, I was freaking out, screaming like a banshee, running like a Thundercat on crack the entire way though. But at the end of the terror tram where the loading station is, Havoc and another scareactor decided to target me! They both surrounded and scared me into an extra pair of unused queues that were in the opposite direction of where everyone else was. I was stuck in those queues for some 10 minutes getting harrassed by Havoc and another scareactor and people waiting in line to be picked up where staring at this all laughing and pointing at me. Finally they let me go and I ran right into the line trying to get on the tram ASAP.

    Then I hear the tram guide welcoming us back and she says "A girl got REALLY scared! Where is she? She's wearing a headband." I was wearing a headband. :playdead: People on the tram once again began pointing and laughing and I was shouting back at her. It was hilarious!

  5. DTH316, I didn't know you went this Thursday! Aww, I wish I saw you. Well I don't even know how you look like, haha~

    Great review, I enjoyed reading your thoughts. Although I wish I had the same experience as you did in the Saw maze. It's fun, but it felt the same to me as last year's maze with little difference.

    But Thursday, all the scareactors were on their game and I loved it. You chose a great night for a review. ;D

  6. In descending order:

    * House of 1,000 Corpses

    * Nightmare on Elm Street: Never Sleep Again

    * Friday the 13th: Kill Jason, Kill!

    * Saw: Game On

    * Vampyres

    I had so much fun and already cannot wait for next year. <3 We all may have had our opinions about the maze choices when they were initially released, but you know loads of fun was imminent! I enjoyed this year thoroughly.

  7. OH GOD, IT'S OVERRRR! *Went to my last night of HHN last night*



    More nights on the Killer Night Deal pass! That's what I call an improvement! 9 nights? You must be crazy, gimme 13!

    On a serious note, can we get some regulation on the smoking? At HHN, you will see people literally smoking right next to a no-smoking sign.

  8. LOL, I love the enthusiasm and music choice Anu. I am a FFP holder, (BTW they need to change it back to Frequent Fear Pass, and drop the KND name, its weird and I dont like it) I would love to go back to HHN on Halloween.

    Aaaaagreed! I like the slight alliteration in Frequent Fear Pass. And I took the idea to the Facebook fan page, but the idea was shot down by the admin. :\


  9. **Twisted Sister to rile you up, lol**

    I don't know if you've heard, but Orlando recently gave their Frequent Fear Pass passholders an EXTRA NIGHT!

    Am I jealous?


    I'd absolutely love it if Hollywood did the same for us Killer Deal Night passholders but nothing of the sort has been mentioned yet! I don't know about you, but 9 nights was never enough for me. Don't you know I'm an addict? I need my fix in LARGE DOSES!

    GIMME ONE MORE NIGHT! For those who agree, stand up and FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO RECEIVE AN EXTRA NIGHT OF FRIGHT! Post on the fan pages about Orlando getting one more night and how we should get one more as well. Hell, take it to Mr. Murdy so he can see his fanbase really wants this! HHN is almost over and I want to enjoy it as much as I can!

    I'd absolutely love it if we got an extra night on HALLOWEEN! That's undoubtedly the most fun night for HHN because scareactors GO ALL OUT! Share your desire for an extra night- ask for the Halloween night if you please! Thursday shouldn't be our last night!

  10. Hell even the HoH was good when it was just me and my girlfriend walking through it on a dead night...

    It's crazy how mazes you easily think are shit immediately turn intimidating and truly frightening WHEN THERE'S ALMOST NO ONE ELSE TO GO WITH YOU! HHN could have a Barney the Dinosaur (Reptilian Revenge? Lol, I suck at this.) maze and I think I would be truly scared if I entered it alone on a slow night. :lol:

  11. I said it before and I'll say it again; ain't much I can do about stopping Saw from coming back so I'll do my best to encourage it's improvement in the new maze next year. My requests: 3D, new venue, 75% new traps.

    Agreed! If they want to repeat Saw for the third time, at LEAST revamp more than half of the maze. The final movie will be coming out soon, dedicate it to the final chapter of the saga! Actually, I'd like that a lot, even though I'm not really a Saw fan.

  12. All mazes are good when you walk through by yourself when nobodyvis really around, which is why I enjoyed this maze

    Yup! Doesn't matter how crap the maze is, go through the maze when there's barely any guests in there and it will instantly turn great! :lol:

  13. (That Chucky rap has GOT. TO. GO.)

    Bleh, the rain last night forced the good parts of TT to be closed down. Understood though, I heard there was over an inch of mud.

    Also, I heard from Havoc that the people who are complaining about the noise are actually wealthy people who live in the mountain area right next to Universal. Universal Hills is the name of their community, I think. You can actually see some of the houses from the Terror Tram.

    Really though, these people can't soundproof their home? I mean.. you DO live next to a theme park!

    Also, Hobbz, did you find me last night? I no longer have my afro. Instead, I had black hair down and two high pigtails. I was probably also wearing devil horns. I was shouting your name last night and people thought it was a codeword, hehe~

    On a side note, I had a great scare in the TT. The fenced area just before the Bates motel was where it happened. One of the killer dolls was doing a "come here" motion to me like he wanted to tell me something. I lean in, and ANOTHER Killer doll pops out screaming at me from the fence!

    They got me good, everyone, including the dolls, were laughing at me. :lol:

  14. Alright, who's the wise guy who wants King Kong to return? lol that would get rid of our potential sixth maze.

    As much as I enjoyed King Kong 360, it is simply not worth being a single attraction when it's main purpose was it's place in the regular Tram Tour. You expect me to wait some 40 freaking minutes for some 2 minutes of Dinosaurs, Spiders and Kongs, oh my?

    Buuuuullshit. I'm only willing to go when the lines are short. I really wish King Kong 360 was a full-length attraction, though. It undoubtedly has that potential. I don't understand why people say they hate it because IMO, it's really freaking cool! But then, these people most likely had to wait for some time in line JUST to see KK360 alone and that is annoying. It's simply too short and not worth the long lines it generates at HHN.

    I'd rather view KK360 on the regular Tour Tram. At least we're getting much more to see and learn.

    No KK360 for HHN, please.

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