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Posts posted by Tmrw

  1. Well it has come to my attention, and i'm sure SOMEONE has thought about it.

    Westeria Lane will Finally stop shooting Desperate Housewives as they're in the Final Season

    With this being said, could we FINALLY see a new Terror Tram add on?

    Maybe circle the streets only to come back to Whoville?

    the Addition to the Terror Tram wouldn't be so hard

    The drop off and line cue can fit perfectly where Westeria begins on the little hill

    However I wonder if they would connect the path so we hike up a bigger hill?

    Reminder this ISN'T for sure

    but it could be used within the Near Future (Next Year cough)

  2. Can't freakin wait. So stoked for this maze. Hitting it second, right after Alice Cooper. Been anticipating this like crazy since the artwork came in.

    Is it more dark atmospheric and brooding like TCM or is it a bit more actiony like Saw?

    We went in first with just daylight and its DARK AS HELL

    with the lights on it makes you FEEL like you inside the warehouse

    It has the mixture of both where your walking play by play inside the maze

    while anticipating something to come then BOOM out of nowhere something happens

    Oh and I have to say 13 is my favorite number in the maze, when your in the area look for it you'll know why xD

    I can seriously say USH is stepping up in this maze, even for being in just normal work clothes yesterday.

    two words: KILLEDDDD it

    Alice Cooper didnt have shit on Hostel ;)

  3. Excuse my language as it may be a bit inappropriate

    After finally entering the house last night

    I can honestly say. You guys are SERIOUSLY NOT EVEN JOKING ALL AROUND


    I've been through mazes all around southern california,

    I've been to HHN since 06 and knotts even prior to that

    I've never been actually scared of a maze, but this one takes the fucking cake

    Better than SAW and at this point is BETTER than TCM

    The detail in this maze is INCREDIBLE

    and the cast is seriously at its best and has become even from JM's own words

    His personal all around Favorite and THEE SCARIEST thing they've EVER done at HHN

    Mark my words

    its gonna be a bloodbath >:)

  4. Guess I might as well add mine here since its gonna be hard during breaks.

    However me and my double will work things out

    So In order: (Hostel will be removed due to already seeing the maze)

    Alice Cooper (since its right next to ours)

    The Thing

    Terror Tram

    La Llorona



    then If i ever get enough time, I'll hit up Bill and Ted :D

    Oh and both Opening night and Closing i'll be getting merch :)

  5. .Some basic things I know:

    The Scareactors won't be 100% on their game.

    A lot of concepts and ideas won't be completely fine tuned.

    As for line administration and stuff, we'll basically be guinea pigs (other than employee night)

    Now the few questions I have to ask:

    How does the Eyegore Awards effect the event? Like are any streets, scarezones, mazes or anything closed down because of it until it's over? What time is it usually anyway?

    Are celebrities often seen walking around because of the Eyegore Awards on this night?

    I know before last year, opening night was relatively low crowds - - but it sold out last year. How bad were the lines after about 9 PM?

    Do people arrive super early for opening night or is it kinda the same for other nights where people trickle in until 9?

    Is the parking chaos before park opening? (I guess that goes with the last question a little)

    Will the front plaza scarezone (SCREAM this year) be open when they let people in for opening scaramonies?

    Is it mostly fans who know to do the lower lot first? Or is it still a big GP crowd who wander around?

    Is there any maze venues it takes an extra while for scareactors to get to before the event begins, making it less full then it will be later?

    Any other comments, details, advice?

    I'd figure i'll advise some of these questions based upon fair judgement

    i'll be on my A game ALL EVENT LONG even if im dead (no pun) the next day i'll push my A game

    From training days to Final scare on the 31st

    Theres always something bound to happen at any moment, its like a live taping of a show, someone yells out something stupid or throws something, theres nothing you can do since its live

    Same with us, We're going on for 8-10 hours a night, if something goes wrong or if theres a small flaw we have to work through it so dont expect it to be on purpose

    Opening Night will be the greatest next to EP and special event nights. You guys are the REAL crowd, EP are our test subjects. so dont feel so bad :) we have multiple training sessions before EP so you'll be ready for our scares

    Onto your unanswered questions :)

    Eyegore Awards doesn't truly effect the event, although there will be A LOT of Press and Camera Opening night. If you do meet a celebrity or if someone in your group spots one, be respectful to them

    Remember they've been invited to be a guest the same way Universal opened its doors to you. If theyre trying to catch a maze with a few friends Let them.

    Opening Night is usually always the night that gets packed. Its the First of The Year, People wanna get scared and they've seen Universal Quality so they know what to expect.

    Long Time Fans to even New Fans, Its gonna be a blood bath. My Suggestion, hit SCRE4M first then Lower Lot :)

    People usually arrive early to buy tickets or to hang at citywalk before the event. My Suggestions, When at Universal, Do as the Romans Do

    The Lines can get a little crazy along with Parking, So be prepared to find a quick safe and easy place to park you WILL be tired after the nights over

    Front Plaza usually opens around 6:15 as they like to get guests in before 6:30 when the event Truly opens. Usually Opening Scaramonies take place in NY Street

    So if anything they pull the line toward HoH and Stop so you can witness the OS

    Lower Lot can get crowded on some nights, Usually its the least due to it being all the way at the bottom. My Suggestion was up above about Hitting Scream then Lower Lot

    If your gonna hit LL hit both Hostel and Alice, TRUST ME you're gonna thank me when its over

    Last for the way scareactors get to mazes. We have different call times and different casts (A and B) this means that usually people with say a 4:30 call time would need to get to Scare Base, Sign in Get make up costume prosthetic prop etc etc and take their shuttle down up or to the backlot

    Once there they immediately are set into position, JUST BE WARNED certain times Scareactors WILL be switching during the run of a maze. My Suggestion. Miss the scares hit it before the night completely ends. Even if you are late to Bill and Ted hit EVERY maze at least twice ITS VERY POSSIBLE

    All in All dude Have Fun and be sure to say Hi if you see me on break, this years gonna be amazing and you WILL NOT regret it :)

  6. @HorrorNights Does Transformers have an extended que? If so, probably a maze location in the future?

    Its the queue we use for the maze behind mummy

    Well after looking on Google Earth and seeing where we could possibly FIX this problem,

    There are infact a few suggestions

    If this is the last year for Mummy Extended then thats fine. BUT, and its a giant one at that

    There are many possibilities for having a 2nd maze within the lower lot. Or just another maze in general.

    Lets look at some options

    Option 1) If JP Extended Que is in use again for next year

    why not have the next maze where the Backdraft (Idk why i wanna call it Disaster!) que line is.

    Point being, next year they put up BIG walls blocking some of the Que and building the Maze within that part of the Que.

    Both the EQ of Mummy and the outer lines (where we normally line up) can be used to fit people for Transformers.

    Option 2) Theres always room within the park that just hasnt been truly looked at, or has been but hasnt been put to use.

    In Example: Close HALF of the JP Que for Maze Room and leave the rest open for Guests.

    They could use the old Waterworld/Slauterworld Extended I talked about twice, once here and once on the vault.

    If it permits, I really hope they wont due to safety hazards, they could pull a 1990's move and place a maze in one of the parking structures.

    They Could use Parts of the open area in Coke Zone and move off exiting T2 guests

    Maze on the Backlots (POSSIBILITY)

    Maybe if Western isnt done on time, they can place a maze inside!

    hell theres 1000s of places that can be done, as long as it meets all requirements the team is looking for.

    So please dont give up too much hope yet, Maybe if we're lucky they'll close down a ride for us come June of 2012 and use the Que for a Maze

  7. I shall tell you all like this, Forget what you've seen with SAW:Game Over/On

    Remember this is an entirely different movie, YES there is torture traps, BUT the whole surrounding lair

    the inside of the Hostel, the place where "Fantasies, Pleasure , and Pain" all drift into one,

    I recently went back and watched both movies and I can assure you this maze WILL BE BETTER than Saw

    the mixture of Atmosphere, Adrenaline, Torture and Seclusion will make this maze 10000x better than what we've had before

    they may both be torture porn movies, but both have different premises

    Saw gave the people a chance to live, the idea of one to realize what they've done made them pay for their actions

    With Hostel, once your set in your done for, there's no escape, they pay for you to be hooked up and tortured by any means of their choice, Chainsaw, Knifes, Razors,

    and the best part of it all NO PIGS!!! :D

  8. Soap Opera window is open till Midnight

    Here are the Hints to Soap Opera, "Hints for "Soap Opera" "Run, FOREST, Run" "O'Dowd" and an acronym in "Anarchy in the UK"

    How do any of THESE hints connect with LA LLORONA????

    I think i know how ;)

    "Can you connect the hints to this MAZE in one tweet? Its not an easy one and no one is in contention for the prize...yet."

    start tweeting

  9. MS:What is the maze behind Shrek 4d?? PLEASE someone tell me im dying over here...

    11 hours ago · Like ·

    JV: I kno i wanna kno too :D

    11 hours ago · Like · 1 person

    HH: My guess its the wolfman maze looks alot like the chapel wolfman clims up to howl at the moon ...i can imagine a full moon behind it and howls already

    11 hours ago · Like

    (wooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww^ xDDDDDDD)

    MS: been told wofman will be the theme for the House of Horrors

    11 hours ago · Like

    ( really....i just thought....you know...press release...didnt think it was that private man....jsyk)

    -.- *Facepalm*

  10. Yeah, just Die-In Take 2. But it was cool (though nothing compares to the original Die In).

    @ Steven - You called La llorona "La Llorona: Legend of the Lake". Where did you get that? Or is that just your guess?

    I was wondering about the "Legend of the Lake" as well. Could this be some inside info accidentilly slipping out? hmmmm. I am pretty apathetic towards the whole La Llorona thing. I thought the scarezone was kinda whatever but it was also put into the Deadwood spot (am I right?) which is the smallest and most underwhelming scarezone location in general. The segment on the TT was wildly out of place within the Chucky theme but pretty damn creepy and cool and let's face it - anything Uni does with it is gonna kick the shit out of the lackluster Knotts 3D snorefest Dia De Los Muertos. At the end of the day it doesn't really excite me but I am very curious to see what they do with it in a maze setting. Uni hasn't dissapointed me yet in terms of mazes so bring it on I say!

    Just a guess people nothing to see here, then again i could be right ;D

    remember us Universal people have souls of a carny ;)

    I could see it being La Llorona: The Cry. There was a 2007 movie called The Cry that was based upon the La Llorona legend.

    I shall have to look that up and watch it

    btw Welcome to the Hollywood side of HNN and to the HNN Family :)

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