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Posts posted by Cody

  1. I go for the atmosphere, the shows, and to see other people get scared. I love watching people get scared, which is one of the main reasons I want to be a scareactor when I get my US citizenship (damn Canada...).

    I usually get scared less than a dozen times a year, and in all but one or two incidents they were just me being startled by someone I hadn't noticed or a loud sound effect. Only the first Frankenstein in 2009 and the decapitated head hall in The Hallow in 2008 (read my post in the "HHN Scares" thread for more detail on that...). I don't enjoy it one bit, but I do congratulate the scareactors when they get me, because I'm usually so cautious that I notice them or an obvious boohole before they attack. If you do manage to scare me, it's because you were very good at your job.

  2. 2006. As a kid, I was always scared of going. My first encounter with a screamer at about 12 or 13 didn't help my psyche much. I got my nerves up in 2004, but the hurricanes wrecked our roof and flooded our backyard, so we had to miss HHN that year (my mom was working at Universal, so she got to experience it, but with the repairs and time needed to fix everything we couldn't afford a ticket, much less the time to go). By the time 2005 rolled around, my fear had returned and I missed it as well. Both years, however, I spent a good deal of time on the website, reading over the house and scarezone descriptions and filler material. I'm 14 by now, and Sweet 16 pops up.

    It took my mom a lot of convincing to get me to go. Eventually I promised to just go in one house to see if I liked it. I had done a lot of research on previous years before going in, including the 2002 documentary, and I had heard that Screamhouse had been very popular. I went into Screamhouse: Resurrection. As soon as I got out, I practically ran to get back in line and go through again.

    I went through All-Nite Die In: Take 2, and the rest is history. We got a Frequent Fear Pass for that year and all subsequent years, and 2010 will be my fifth year. I'm currently the most educated on HHN in my entire school (once very easily pointing out a bullshitter who claimed to have gone in 2004 but didn't even remember how dead IOA was) and got my girlfriend addicted as well.

  3. HHN 18 was the first time I ever actually got scared.

    We were going through The Hallow when it was still light out, so our eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet (silly us, it was the second house we went through on the first night). We were going through one corridor that was barely lit, just enough to be able to see some dark shapes floating in front of me. I pushed one out of the way, and it was hairy and wet. Confused, I continued onward.

    Suddenly, there was a crash of thunder and lightning that showed a disgusting, very realistic severed head not 8 inches from my face.

    I promptly screamed "Holy Jesus shit!" and ducked, running like a linebacker under the rest of the heads to the end of the corridor.

  4. While I do not have a problem with viewing restricted area pictures themselves, I have a problem with what is necessary to take them. People who go backstage run the risk of either injury (hint: walking through active construction sites with a bare head and flip-flops is hardly a smart idea, even in Florida) or being arrested and trespassed from the park.

    Allowing people to post photos taken illegally and possibly dangerously only encourages such behavior, and it can be guaranteed that some of the fingers will be pointing in our direction when someone is inevitably caught or trips and busts his head open on the equipment.

  5. I imagine that they will be even more obscure and difficult to decipher this year than they were last time! Wouldn't it be amusing if Charles has guessed correctly and they all are types of trees? Imagine the wild guesses "Elm", "Oak" or God help us, "Ash" would spark?

    Where does "Oak" come in?

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