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Posts posted by YokedSlayer

  1. 1 hour ago, Kurseddragon said:


    I've ended up in pool more than I have a permanent role. In some ways, I prefer it. Some days, not so much. Luckily for you, Alien Vs. Predator is gone because they had some short people filling the Alien role and apparently that was the worst costume of all time. You'll probably get placed in interesting roles every night and eventually get placed permanently when a spot opens up. 

    And they put people in pool automatically for the specific reason of knowing others will drop out or call out every day so you're the back up. Doesn't necessarily mean you're bad, either.

    Ok sweet im just super excited now, thanks for the feedback 

    1 hour ago, XNaut said:

    Scare actors dropout fast and not many tall people audition. When the tall scare actors dropout, the tall scare actors from pool will take their role and then more scare actors will get hired in pool. 

    Thanks here's hoping i get some interesting roles 

  2. 2 hours ago, JonaMar said:

    I was able to go to the event with a comp ticket that all Leads got but even with that, I had already gotten to go to every maze. Granted I was an area lead so things were different for me, but all my scareactor friends got to see all the mazes that they didn't work at. They even gave the Krampus team a bus ride up to the upper lot for TCM.

    Oh thats sweet, i was only wondering because its a tradition my girlfriend and I go every year this would be our 5th year going, i just wanted to see if i could spend some time with her at the event. Very useful info thank you very much 

    5 hours ago, Kurseddragon said:

    You'll have a chance to visit other mazes at some point. They just got way more strict on the days they let you in, even if it's just you and you're not trying to let any guests in with you. Which makes it slightly less enjoyable being a scareactor. But you'll have a chance to see them all, guaranteed. If you're lucky, you'll even get sick of it (I didn't, but it's possible) because you've seen all the mazes so many times. And if you're cast in a specific maze, you can just go in that as often as you want; even if it requires not going through the main entrance. (; I wouldn't worry about not being able to enjoy the event as your reason not to work there. Two different things, but you can have both.

    Sweet Im super excited to work here and cant wait for it to get started thanks for the feedback, helps alot 

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