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Posts posted by MoonKnight

  1. 9 hours ago, wow said:

    I'm excited to see how Bayou of Blood comes through because as of right now all we know is that it will have a steamboat facade

    I'm excited about the bayou of blood house because I think it has a chance for a variety of scares and characters. Shining and AHS we know what to expect or at least some ideas. Only so much can be done with the saw, vampires, and evil dead houses. But Bayou of blood will have some voodoo, maybe ghosts, maybe sacrifices, possibly swamp monsters (at least hoping), going through a cemetery, swamp, has lots of potential in my opinion. Being from New Orleans I'm familiar with a lot of the local folklore and history and there's so much that can be used even just locations like the riverboat, to old plantations, to swamp shacks, to above ground cemeteries, old civil war forts, riverfront docks, and don't think universal would go there but there's still places that never came back after flooding during hurricane Katrina walking through an old house that was under 15 feet of water stagnant water for 3 weeks is terrifying. 

  2. 6 hours ago, N i c k said:


    I feel like this speculation thread has taken a weird turn in the last week or so. Some people who have an idea of how past HHN rumors work have been throwing out sarcastic or satirical comments and some have taken them as fact or real speculation. Hopefully when the next announcement arrives, it will ground the "speculation" that is going on.

    Agreed. Some people are taking this stuff as gospel, things could be changing right now or the information being passed could've been wrong from jump. Only things for sure are AHS and Shining in my opinion everything else is speculation until it comes from UO

    • Like 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, wow said:

    I would love a Stephen King mashup but to put it blankly it will never happen so long as Mr. King is alive

    I've never read any King novels but seen several adaptations only one I could see working would be It, Carrie, and Cujo.  This is just my personal taste but pet cemetery, 1408, thinner, the mist, secret window, dead zone, lawnmower man I've seen and don't think they'd work. I think not having King properties is not that much of loss is what I'm saying, I think his adaptations have been more misses than hits maybe the source material is great but most people are more familiar with the movies than novels or short stories 

    16 minutes ago, wow said:

    Tbh I'm really surprised Gothic/Catacombs got a sequel before Nightengales or The In-Between. Not complaining though because I never got to do Catacombs and the Plague seems so cool to see in a maze.

    I agree just a house during a plague with plague doctors, plague infected, paranoid villagers could be a great house without gargoyles. I'm probably most excited about the setting than it being a sequel

  4. 3 hours ago, Lar6767 said:

    I just signed up after following this thread for a few weeks and wanted to ask how did we get to the point where we believe the replacement house is vampire clowns? Is it because of the Vamp '74 rumor? After reading here about Universals' tendency to create houses based upon intellectual property that has a current tie in such as a new movie or show has anyone thought that maybe it's not going to be vampire clowns but 'It'? The movie opens in September, it's confirmed that they've gotten approval to use at least some of King's IP, It's a clown obviously, an abandoned house which seems to agree with the rumors about the facade and the last line of that recent teaser tweet posted actually ends with '...it will show.' 

    I was thinking the same thing that's why I had to ask. But that's what happens when there's no news seems like people cling on to anything. Maybe i imagined it but I thought one of the early rumors was an "it" house, with the movie it seemed to make sense to me but the rights are always a problem. 


    I'm not sure why they picked vampires as the replacement personally I think there are so many other ways to go even if they already had a '70s aesthetic picked out. I was thinking they could've done a sequel to Dead End which was a house I really enjoyed from 2012, but isn't on anyone all time top ten. With the Gothic/catacombs sequel combo house they probably wouldn't want to do more sequel houses though. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Midnight Detective said:


    Vampire clowns aren't anything official- I speculated off a a hint I believe Legacy stated that "you have to invite them (vampires) in." Between fitting the theme and the photos posted (that looks kinda clownish) its taken off here and on the other board as a potential idea.


    It's kind of spiralling out of control, it was just a guess on my part but who knows 


    Just making sure. Because then my next question would've been were these clowns that became vampires or vampires that went to clown college to entertain other vampires at birthdays and such :D

  6. 9 hours ago, TheLadyGator said:

    I love hearing about everyone's HHN traditions! Since news is scarce now, I'll ask another question to prompt discussion: Who here splurges on Express passes? I know my fiance and I do, but I have friends who avidly love HHN yet still don't buy it. I think for something I go to at least 20 times, it just makes sense. Thoughts? 

    The first year I went to HHN was 2012 the first Sunday in October me and some friends were doing a bachelor party weekend and went to a Bucs game in Tampa and on the way back decided to go. We didn't get express, didn't even know it was a thing until I saw 2 lines for all the houses. The lines were pretty bad and one of my friends was dogging the event all night because of the waits. I Promised myself if I ever got to go back had get an express pass. Ive been lucky to go twice since and will never go again without an express pass. I only go for a weekend from New Orleans, so if I want to see everything and still enjoy everything I have to. I'm going this year and will definitely be getting express again.


    ive never been on the UTH tour and was thinking of doing that also. Can someone give me an idea of how long is the tour? Any word if pics will be allowed? 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, criticalanalysis said:

    Speculation is so sparse because marketing sucks so bad we're now talking about other parks and traveling in general lmao.

    And drinking!!!


    speaking of which my only drunk person experience was in 2013 my first year with express and there was a huge guy probably in his 40s or 50s waiting in the regular line and as he saw me and my wife walking up he yelled to the people around him "the next person who passes by in the fastlane I'm knocking out!!!" He then stared me down and said  "I guess that's you!! I need another drink" and then lunged at me, I never stopped walking so he wasn't even close. I'm surprised there isn't more incidents because more people are drinking there than not

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, wow said:

    (1) Blumhouse was heavily speculated to be a Hollywood exclusive, but up until like a month ago it was basically confirmed to be shared with Orlando


    (2) The properties confirmed by the Ifrit for Orlando's Blumhouse are Insidious, Get Out, and Sinister; but there could be more

    So Hollywood is getting an Insidious house and a Blumhouse mashup house? And Orlando is only getting the Blumhouse mashup house correct?


    One side effect of the lack of announcements is it seems like the forums have been more active than last year and the year before. I've been a lurker here for years but only recently began posting with all the speculation and rumors going around. So if there is any silver lining to the news drought there's that. 

    • Like 2
  9. I'll have to go to the buffet and take some of what you guys have already posted because there are some great ideas. 


    I'd want the Usher as the icon


    -silver screams sequel

    -leave it to cleaver sequel

    -classic monsters house 

    -a bioshock house

    -dementors and death eaters scare zone

    -return of the insult emporium

    -Arkham asylum during a prison riot house 

    -no 3d houses

    -capping attendance for each night (Fridays and Saturdays having higher)

    -no chainsaw scarezones (kind of a one trick pony to me)

    -another HR Bloodengutz house

    -I'd love for the blob involved but don't think it could support a house and not sure how a scare zone would work, but always liked its campy roots remember the remake from the '80s as well. Hopefully it will be in the '50s scare zone if that rumor is true


    Thats all I got right now



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  10. I like the idea of the forgotten or lost icons getting houses they could all be brought together by a main icon. Maybe use the old line they get stronger when people fear or know them like the Greek gods, the main icon is using the forgotten to make him or herself more powerful. At this point though it almost seems like the people in creative aren't sure what they doing, is that possible? It's June 23rd and it seems there's more confirmation on houses and even zones and no one knows about the icon. Every few days there's a new rumor.


    unrelated note I was thinking how cool it would be to bring back the tornado effect from the twister attraction for the scarecrow/dust bowl maze. Not sure how difficult or what would be involved but if the entrance to the maze was stalks or corn and a small dust devil whirlwind in the background that would be an amazing scene setter. 

  11. 43 minutes ago, wow said:

    What do you guys think is gonna be in the Bayou of Blood maze? I mean besides a human sacrifice and the Voodoo Queen what else is their to expect?

    There's a local haunt nearby that has an attraction where the story is a voodoo priestess is calling up the dead in a typical above ground New Orleans cemetery and you happen to wander in the middle of the ritual. People start popping out of mausoleums, out of the ground, and worshippers of the priestess chasing you. That could be some of it

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  12. 2 hours ago, mystiquephreeq said:

    Was I one of the few to get the Victim in front of me in the Saw house?


    It's an interesting little add to the immersion factor. Immediately knew the person was the Victim, but it added to the distracts. I was watching and waiting for her to be grabbed and attacked instead of truly paying attention to the house. Got a few good scares out of it. 


    They may try it again for this new house since Purge had a Victim, too. 

    I had the victim right in front of me in the purge house and it was the first time I had seen something like that in a haunt and that probably made me pretty biased towards that house compared to most other people especially people here. I thought it was someone cutting in line and then she got attacked I didn't see it coming at all. I talked about that for at least month after. I hope they do more if you catch it it's a great moment

    • Like 3
  13. 5 hours ago, timbo8 said:

    so since we dry with news right now any guesses on who could this icon could be until the  offical reveal? i still going with my guess of lady death

    I don't think it will be lady death (which means you can bet on her being the icon) I think it will either be the grim reaper or the caretaker. I only starting attending the event a few years ago but I can remember the old HHN sites and the obvious care and love put into the event. The one website I remember most vividly was the year the Usher was the icon with the hub being the movie theatre and each theatre was for a different house and there was a cohesiveness to the entire event. Lots of people have said HHN 25 was close, but I suspect the grim reaper or caretaker because they are easy and safe choices. But I'd love for it to be an icon no one has even thought of yet it's June 17th and we know very little for sure which makes me very happy. 


    I was watching Hot Fuzz a couple of months back and thought if the idea behind the town elders was taken more seriously and darker and boiled down to one person (the mayor of Carey perhaps) who was a character who should be trusted and respected but was secretly behind sinister events to "protect" the town and people he was elected by could work as an icon. But I'm pretty burned out on anything political as I'm sure most people are. I envisioned the mayor having a sash like mayor quimby and almost a Hannibal lector type where if someone defaced public property or other minor offenses he would take it so personal the punishment would be death. 

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Jediwhit82 said:

    (1) didn't do the in-between, no idea if it would work.


    (2) I want to see all of those separate then together. I don't see a plot reason for why Aliens are fighting Things. I think Predator vs Thing would work a bit better. As for my idea, Alien and Thing get their own houses. And Predator needs to be a scarezone it would be the best scarezone ever to have it deep in the jungle with panicked soldiers and flayed corpses(especialy if it was back in islands so that Jurassic park could be used and the theming of the jungle would be super easy)


    (3) might work, but don't give up seeing these as their own houses.


    (4) I think it would work


    (5) Would be awesome, but I don't even see a need for crossover, either franchise in the Black Plague would be awesome.

    A new predator movie is coming next year. So there is a pretty good chance of getting a house or at least a scare zone next year. I like your scare zone idea, I think it would be cool if they kept it quiet and you would hear the predator's gurgle sound they make followed by the red crosshairs being projected on different people as they walk through. Maybe even have scareactors that walk through as plants that get blasted and have limbs blown off and huge chest wounds to give the effect that the predators are camoflouged in the trees.

  15. I think universal wants to keep the "magic" (pun intended) of the hogwarts express and having tents be under it people would realize it's pretty much a monorail with tv screens for windows. Isn't that area for a lot of employee uses, parking, cast services, etc.


    seems like the smart move would be to go back to islands of adventure. With the hulk refurb done, and kong open, I'm not sure what else they have going on at the park. I did see a rumor that they were removing or changing  dueling dragons. But if Nintendo world is going to take as much as room as appears and then they move the tents to take up space that is used for other purposes, then seems like a lot of moving around of mutliple things when they could just use islands. It would be  like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 


    My history isn't the best but the first year I went was 2012 which was the year with no scare zones just roaming hordes. Wasn't that due at least in part to the construction of diagon alley? Would this mean that HHN would suffer during the Nintendo world construction if it wasn't moved to islands?

    • Like 1

    22 minutes ago, HHN Monster said:


    I was told on the phone 2 weeks ago that it will be coming back this year. I'm not sure why or how Guest Services knows this, or if it's even true. But that is what I was told. 


    Seems like we would've heard something by now that's why I asked. If its coming back does that count as one of the 9 houses or will it be a bonus house?

  17. I'll be going Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. But if anyone can spare another upc I might just go a la carte, instead of doing a vacation package I was looking at also possibly doing ffp, depends on how much of a discount I could get with a upc. Website says "up to $50 off" but that would make the Oct 1st ticket about $10

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