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Dr. Raymond Holmes

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Posts posted by Dr. Raymond Holmes

  1. There was a fire in the movie... Once again guys give A&D some credit; do you really think well have another Sweet 16 yr type again when it was only four yrs ago? I dont think so, so please stop thinking this yr will be full of rehashes.

    I was a scareactor in PUTS and there was no burnt wood in the house.\

    Also for future refences all the houses are built out of wood.

  2. If they do what I think there going to do makes me giggle inside like the fanboy I'am.

    I've been saying for the last few weeks we mostly like get some original houses this yr, and it looks like we will. They wont forget about their icons, but maybe there time has come to help usher in a new era of HHN.

    I could say more, but as you know my grammar sucks and its hard to express how I feel in words.

    Also here is something I want to see on the HHN site...

    Google wallpaper :)

  3. or maybe a whole new house? we keep saying...ya must be this house, or that house, even possibly that house too. common people, lets be more creative than whats been done...sure some ideas may come from scenes or things from successful houses of the past. but A&D is making an effort to recreate HHN, and not dwell on past success. lets open our minds a little bit and not take everything we hear, and turn it into what we know.

    Wow I cant believe Im saying this but I agree... Me and you rarely see eye to eye on stuff.

  4. Does anyone else see this as more than just a coincidence?

    It was a song Midnight Syndicate creative just for UO back in 07 event, there was suppose to be another song by sadly it was never released.

    It's always been that song on the front page. Well I think.

    Since the summer of 08 its been there. (I think)

  5. Do you guys really think Universal will do an event based on a rumor thats been floating around since 2007? I dont think so nor will it every happen. So please dont get your hopes up and try to think of something a little more original please.

    Well find out sooner or later what UO has plan for this yr.

  6. There has been for a couple of years now a rumor about a certain event to be celebrated at an upcoming HHN.

    This was largely dismissed out of hand by most, who actually have gone so far as to equate it with the old rumor about a large tent to be erected over the park.

    This is a most grave injustice. People have simply forgotten the source of the rumors. The idiotic story about the tent was proposed by Damnskippy a most obnoxious and evil little troll who knew Jack about anything at all.

    BUT, I remember that the other rumor, the one about that event was proposed by someone who is the exact opposite of Damskippy, someone who is one of the most well-respected and valued contributors to these forums.

    I remember a post in another forum a couple of years ago which contained this image:


    And so, I for one am absolutely delighted that there may be a very good Chance indeed that this wonderful event will come to pass at last.

    If a Harley Quinn rip off and a over use clown tie the knot then A&D has ruin the event for me.

  7. It wasn't open last year because of the Frankenstein queue running through the SS33 courtyard which was a target for flying objects (I said this 752983452 times last year and nobody believed me, despite me WORKING AT ROCKIT). They've since put nets up to prevent objects from flying into said courtyard, but I'm not sure as to how effective they are. We'll just have to wait and see when the time comes.

    Plus your also walking in a lock out tag out place, as well if the ride every needed to be evecate they need to clear that whole area of guest.

  8. There apparently has been some discussion of parts of IOA being opened up (specifically WWOHP) during peak nights (or even every night) for crowd dispersal, no final decision has been made yet. And such areas would most likely NOT include any HHN attractions. If they did it would be a limited scarezone in an area between WWOHP and Seuss Landing, but that is pure speculation only.

    I kinda dont see that happening due to HP is in the back of IOA, that is a long ass walk from the studios.

  9. So i've watch the HHN website from 05 to present day and one thing I've learn is that they always change the update schedule every year. So will the site get updated at some point today? I'm not holding my breath, maybe around the time of reunion auditions makes more since.

  10. My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

    Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

    As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

    And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

    Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

    And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

    I agree! Its good to see you on here.. I've been saying that for a while but you said it perfectly.

  11. Is everyone remembering to check the LT site as well? It was still redirecting last night.  

    Since it was renewed, it may get the update we are all waiting on. 

    The teaser site with all of it's clues is for us the fans, but now that Potter is open a simple page would be a far better advertisement for the GP.   Could the LT site become our clue site?

    I think the main site will be updated first and maybe in Sept LT will go live.

  12. Part of me wouldnt mind having HHN back at IOA for one more yr but its never going to happen. There is to much legal paperwork in that park now that it wouldnt work. I also dont miss it being at both parks, even though it wasnt all of the studios (NY and SF) my legs where killing me by the end of the night.

    Plus it would be an operations nightmare to run both parks again.

  13. Seeing it there you can see it'd be pretty hard to back that van out, so I'd have to say it's a prop but I think its a strange choice of vehicle, it doesn't look old or have any wear and tear.

    Thats because scenic hasnt got its hands on it just yet, plus it doesnt need to look old nor have any wear and tear depending what the scene is suppose to be.

    real quick, this is my first post here, *waves hello* now the picture with the van inside gave me a complete deadtropolis feel. because as i recall, wasn't there a section in that house where we walked through a garage and into a house? I dunno just thought i'd share that. :)

    Yes but I really dont see them doing that again, sorry. But in the mean time let me welcome you to the boards.

    Yes its a van but the house is so early in the costruction phase we dont know what its purpose is just yet. In a few weeks we should have an idea.

  14. Uh oh stand back everybody the good doctor is about to let out a giant (maybe) rant!

    So I've the speculation thread and I'm notcing people want remakes or rehashes of past stuff. Why dont you guys really want something original? The fear of the unknown is a very good scare tactic cause you really dont know whats coming. Yes we all love certain Houses/SZ cause where comfortable with them, but if they do something new you dont know what to except. Now if we have returning houses your almost guaranteed to know what its going to be, even if its a new story. Hell for example lets look at Body Collectors, for starters we know well have the gentleman, and two well have a spinal cord room. So already you know what most of the house is. Same thing with Screamhouse, we know in almost every room will feature Albert in some form of fashion.

    So maybe having an original storyline could do wonders, hell TJ made the Skoolhouse the central part of the 08 story. Did anybody see that coming? Nope!

    Plus Roddy loved horror movies, who doeesnt, but these days you need to get approve for them in some shape or fashion (back in the 90s thru 03 that wasnt the case). It takes a lot of time to get the rights, plus a lot of money. So maybe this yr we wont have a movie base house nor any movie characters. They could use the money they need to buy those characters and put it right back into the event. They can fix up houses, give us better merch, or even add stuff to the site. Remember they do have a certain amount of budget and cant go over it.

    I also think this thread is one giant wish list and will get only worse.

  15. Yes Roddy help with the development of HHN XX but he left before they got approved from the higher ups.

    As I said we may never know why he left and what his original plans are unless he says it. I'm not about ask him anytime soon, Im going to respect his privacy and enjoy his life.

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