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Posts posted by DocNiktMarr

  1. 27 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

    Now i know this might be out of place for the Spirits of Halloween scarezone idea you had there but i think Pennywise could fit in the scarezone.


    A bit out of place, yeah. But it would be kinda cool. If we were to expand the criteria to include nightmare-inducing monsters, we could include Pennywise and Freddy Krueger.


    (Fun fact: The original idea was that there would be a war between 3 factions, led by icons of Halloween: The Dark and Gritty slashers (led by Jack the Clown), the ghouls, ghosts, and spirits (Led by Sam), and the classic monsters (led by the mysterious Tall Skeleton). Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface would have fought for Jack, the Universal Monsters for the Skeleton, and Micheal Myers and Pennywise could fight for Sam.

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    The city is in crisis, as the flames climb higher into the night sky and the ground level is choked with smoke. The fire department tried to control the blaze, however, a mix of faulty heat protection and oxygen tanks, the sweltering heat, and chemicals have caused them to go insane and attack civilians. Enter the Blazing Inferno if you dare, but if you can't take the heat, stay out.


    BLAZING INFERNO is a scarezone set in a burning cityscape. Fog machines spread fog and the scent of smoke, and flame fans whip about (with giant flames on the top of the buildings). Projectors show the fire destroying the buildings in a manner similar to Acid Attack, with whatever flame effects on said building going out. There are a few burnt firetrucks in the area, with one spraying water on guests. The audio is fire crackling and frantic orchestral scores.



    • Firemen: Burnt men and women in Fireman costumes. They wield fire axes, sledgehammers, fire hooks, bolt cutters, shovels, extinguishers that spray water, and chainsaws.
    • Scorched: Civilians burned to a crisp. They run around in hysterics. If possible, one is made up to look like he's still on fire.
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    When the kids are done trick-or-treating and the parties are dwindling down, it is best to get off the streets. The monsters that many dress up as come to life, to claim souls or possibly just slaughter innocents, for a few hours on the one night. However, a burst of dark energy in what was supposed to be a standard run-of-the-mill All Hallow's Eve scarezone has summoned forth many of the most powerful of these souls, demons, and forces.


    Spirits of Halloween (not to be confused with the chain of pop-up Halloween stores with a similar name) is a scarezone that sorta acts like All-Nite Die In or Altars of Horror (Without the theme of a Drive-In for Die-In or the blatant photo-op feel of Horrors), combining many franchises into one with both licensing and a bit of underhanded bootlegging. Characters directly related to Halloween, and iconic monsters, roam the streets of this scarezone (best set in an urban-themed location). The windows are filled with cutouts of monsters, bats, and pumpkins, ghosts and ghouls are hanging from wherever they can, Simpson-esque tombstones line the area, and abandoned candy baskets can be spotted in various places. Setpieces include a hearse near one of the entrances, and a giant Jack-o' Lantern in the middle, with many smaller jack-o' Lanterns spread throughout. These Jack-o' Lanterns, and possibly masks that resemble Jack-O' Lanterns, will light up in time with the music.



    • Jack, Eddie, and The Caretaker: From HHN itself. Jack sorta acts like the leader, despite being perfectly content with letting the others do their own things. Eddie roams the area, chasing after guests with his iconic weapon of choice. Albert will stick to the shadows, remaining unseen by his victims until it's time to strike.
    • Micheal Myers: From Halloween. He stalks people. He carries a knife.
    • Ghostface: From Scream. Also billed as the icon of Halloween. Carries his hunting knife.
    • Sam: From Trick R Treat. As an avatar of Samhain, he'd wander about with his burlap pillowcase and a razor-sharp sucker, with part of his face exposed through the burlap mask.
    • Micheal Jackson: From Thriller. The zombified version in the iconic red jacket, shambling about until his song comes on. Is a slider character.
    • The Tall Skeleton and the Pumpkin Scarecrow: Bootlegged versions of Jack Skellington. Tall Skeleton is a realistic skeleton wearing a suit with a large tattered bow tie, Pumpkin Scarecrow is a man made out of sticks with a pumpkin head, orangish-brown shirt, and light tan pants. Both are stiltwalkers.
    • Birthday Boy: Based off of Jack Chick's Boo!, Birthday Boy wears a black vest and trousers, with a snake coiled around his arm, and a giant pumpkin on his head, with horns protruding from its eyes. He wields a chainsaw and acts like an obnoxious fratboy.
    • Dracula, The Wolf-Man, Frankenstein's Monster, and Kharis: From the classic Universal Horror movies. Presented in color, with appearances based off of their iconic appearances.
    • Samhain: From Ghostbusters. A giant spirit in a dark robe, with a giant pumpkin for a head, he seeks to plunge the world into eternal night. How to achieve that by randomly scaring people, I don't know.
    • (EDIT) Unlucky Kid: Based off of Charlie Brown. A kid wearing a hole-ridden bedsheet. He carries a paper bag full of rocks, and a bloodstained rock.
    • (EDIT) Chocolate Vampire, Strawberry Monster, and Blueberry Ghost: Based off of the monster cereals. Chocolate Vampire smells of Blood and Chocolate and resembles Orlok. Strawberry Monster is a giant flesh golem with steampunk parts jutting out at random, and reeks of strawberries and rotten flesh. Blueberry ghost is a pale, starving spirit in a suit and boater hat, and smells of dust and blueberries.

    The soundtrack is something similar to Nightmare alley, with music and soundbytes from various media.



    • This Is Halloween (Nightmare Alley used the Haunted Mansion soundtrack, I'm convinced anything can happen at this point.)
    • Thriller
    • Monster Mash
    • Spooky Scary Skeletons
    • Welcome to my Nightmare
    • theme from Halloween
    • Hello Zepp
    • The Mountain
    • Dragula
    • Toccata-Carpimus Noctem
    • Theme from the Munsters
    • Every Day is Halloween
    • Pet Semetary
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  4. The Butchering Grounds


    In a secluded part of Florida, where few roads run, lies a small farm run by one man and his many sons. Unlike most farms, this farm's pens don't hold cows or chickens. These pens are where the brother's games are held. They catch tourists and force them to try to escape the pen, where if the victim loses, they will be slaughtered and used as meat.


    The Butchering Grounds is a scarezone that thrusts you into an open-air butcher shop. Based off of TCM (obviously), this scarezone is obviously gore-based. The sides of the street are lined with hanging corpses, there is a burnt and rusted tractor in the open, and a large barn facade. The air is choked with the scent of blood and rotten flesh, and amidst the screams you can hear distorted country songs.



    • The Barker: The father, a man wearing the clothes of a country fair barker, faded and slightly bloodstained. He will give orders to his sons, demanding them to collect flesh.
    • The Butchers: The sons. A group of large men wearing bloody gingham, overalls, and aprons, and animal heads and skulls as masks. Some don't talk, instead hooting, hollering, and making animal sounds. Others will growl threats. They wield a variety weapons, including meat hooks, sickles, pitchforks, axes, shovels, and of course, the ever-present chainsaw.
    • The Victims: Normal people roped into the games. They wear casual clothes, but have hideous wounds and are acting hysterically. I mean, of course they would be, they're being hunted by a bunch of sociopaths.
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    A lot of bright, colorful things have a sinister secret. Insects, Clowns, bootleg toys, and the places taken over by The DJ. For the party atmosphere is simply a mask for a legion of killers. Behind the neon paint splatters and mind-altering drugs, are several black hearts commanded by the DJ to take lives.


    NEON NIGHTMARE is a blacklit Scarezone visually based on the bright colors of rave subculture (Which I know nothing about). The local scenery is covered with black tarps covered with splashes of blacklight-sensitive paint, and the area is filled with smoke scented to smell like Marijuana and LSD. Setpieces include a DJ Booth and sizable speakers, and the music is bass-heavy dubstep and techno. (I'd give examples, but I'm not sure my examples would work.)


    Scaracters wear black clothes with neon lights, and various masks, and wield weapons painted in bright neon colors. Some scaracter examples:

    • The DJ: A man wearing a digital mask that features a pixel skull. He sits in the booth, heckling guests that get too close and ordering other scaracters around, but is ultimately harmless.
    • The Sober: A man wearing a loose jumpsuit splattered bright green, and wearing a gas mask with glowing lenses and filters. He wields a chainsaw that features a blacklight to illuminate the blade. Unlike the others, he doesn't need drugs to feel the urge to kill. That just comes naturally.
    • The Businessman: A man wearing a black suit with a light-up tie, and an illuminated clown mask. Carries a briefcase and a stun baton. The nightlife is the one true time he gets to show his true colors.
    • The Princess: A woman wearing a party dress with blue highlights and an Anime Girl mask that was modified so that the features glow in the lighting, with a florescent yellow wig and tiara with flashing diamonds. She wields an ax. She holds herself in high regards, but no one else likes her.
    • The Witch: A woman wearing a trenchcoat with an undershirt patterned with green ribs, a matching skull mask, and a fedora. Wields a machete. She got her name because her mask gives her a green face, she's actually a nice girl aside from the whole murder thing.
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    It's D&D Night at Mitch Wooster's, so he and his friends are stocking up on Coca-Cola and Lays and getting ready to throw the dice. And boy, does Mitch have an awesome dungeon for them to go through. A dungeon that they'll have to use all their wits to escape. Pity the non-adventurer that gets stuck in The Dungeon Mordah-hir, for that surely is a death sentence.



    • Facade: A giant GM's blind. Some giant dice line the queue, for some reason I imagine them to be photo ops and I can't shake that concept out of my head.
    • Mitch's Dining Room: Mitch and his friends are portrayed by dummies. The team is discussing strategy, debating loot distribution, and the guy playing the Mage is suggesting they eat the Halfling. For some reason.
    • Corridor: Mitch's friends' characters are also portrayed by dummies. They discuss strategy, debate loot distribution, and the mage is still suggesting eating the Halfling.
    • The Cult: A group of men in dark robes surround a fire, chanting. Some will break out of the circle and attempt to attack guests.
    • Corridor: The rogue tries to "pick guest's pockets". When someone inevitably catches him reaching for a wallet, he'll pull a dagger and threaten them.
    • The Orcs: Orcish Brutes guard chests and attack guests.
    • Corridor: There are two chests. One is eating an adventurer, and the other will open up to reveal huge fangs and a glistening tongue.
    • The Necromancer: A man in fancy red robes will stand above a podium, announcing that he has mastered life and death.
    • Corridor: Bones line the floor. A few bricks will drop down, revealing a glowing green emerald skeleton that lunges for guests.
    • Skeleton Warriors: The room is given a strobe light, to try to mimic Ray Harryhausen's Jason and the Argonauts Skeletons. Skeletons will perform menial tasks, before attacking.
    • Corridor: Dart traps. That is all.
    • The Lich: A skeletal lich asserts his superiority to the living. An undead fighter will attack guests.
    • Corridor: Giant cracks in the wall reveal dragon scales. A damsel is chained up, begging guests to help her.
    • Dragons: You stand before a giant cliff. On the side with actual footing, a giant dragon breathes fire. On the side where people usually fall off, is a giant ice dragon blocking idiots from falling off and blasting guests with "ice breath".
    • Corridor: A displacer beast will appear from nowhere (Really a trick of the light. Like an actual Displacer Beast!) and pounce on guests.
    • The Mind Flayer: A giant mindflayer stands tall above guests, reaching for their brains.
    • The Final Corridor: As guests make their way down this extra-long corridor, Orcs rush guests.

    The music from this house consists of stuff that would be played during DnD sessions. Movie and Game scores, Midnight Syndicate, some variation of Metal, etc.

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    • Druids and Demons: As you enter the Dungeon of Mordah-hir, pray for Natural 20s and a merciful GM. The encounters can get rather... nasty.
    • Doom-It-Yourself (Final Edition): After the whole "Unleashed" debacle a few years back, the doctors at Shadybrook have decided to let the patients have a little Halloween fun and let them design and staff a haunted house. Wardens are supposed to keep the loonies in-line, but when have they ever been effective?
    • Rick and Morty: The Citadel: A flagrant cash-grab based on a popular TV series without the main characters actually making an appearance. Kinda. After rebuilding from Rick C-137's little meltdown, the Citadel is supposed to be a better society than before. Well, that goes out the toilet fast.
    • Fall of Atlantis: A city sunken by its hubris (And Poseidon, naturally), Atlantis survived by its citizens somehow morphing into creatures that can only be describes as is Molepeople and the Gill-man had babies. However, the city can't last forever, as even now the sins that caused the city to be punished exist within the underwater city.
    • Urban Fantastik: Many centuries ago, many races disappeared off of the face of the Earth, and people just assumed the magic had gone away. However, the forgotten species have returned. Sounds awesome, right - Fairies, Elves, Dwarves? Forgetting the Orcs, Pixies, Naga, Witches, Lizardfolk, Goblins, Trolls, etc, aren't we?


    I've never watched Peewee Herman, but... I guess it could work. Maybe have Paul Ruebens help design the house, have the scarier elements from all his Peewee Herman works, name it PAUL REUEBENS PRESENTS: PEEWEE'S NIGHTMARE! and make it a whimsical comedy house with plenty of scares.


    And I've never listened to GWAR, but a bunch of rioting Superpowered Alien Warlords sounds like a crazy, intense haunted house.

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    Is it possible to know too much? For the residents of Brightridge, yes, even if they don't know that. For a group of "Men" in Black are knocking off potential witnesses to a strange object. Enter if you dare, but keep in mind that you don't have to know what they're after. They only need to suspect you.



    • Facade: The queue starts at the Brightridge welcome sign, which a MiB hides behind. A Black Sedan and a Police car are parked on opposite sides of the queue. The actual Facade is a diner.
    • Diner: A waitress tends to the counter, actively chatting with guests about mysterious disappearances. (She blames young punks looking for notoriety.) When she isn't looking, a MiB with a cane will put down his newspaper, grab his blind man cane, and threaten to whack guests. No one else notices. (Probably because they're dummies.)
    • Transitions: Alleys, backyard fences, with missing posters all over.
    • Garage: An auto-garage where one mechanic is toying with a Micheal Myers Mask (I imagine that some MiB will wear them). Another mechanic will be working on a car. When the first mechanic leaves, another MiB will appear from the back room and cut the chain keeping the car up, splashing guests with blood. When Micheal returns, he'll duck behind the desk to vomit. Then the scene will reset.
    • House: A mother is cooking a pie in the kitchen, when a MiB with a kitchen knife stabs her and drags her out. In the Daughter's bedroom, the teenager is yakking on her cell. A MiB breaks through her bedroom window (Over the Bed's head), and garrotes her.
    • Conspiracy House: You pass by a guy running a YouTube Livestream about the Brightridge conspiracy, with the whole conspiracy theory setup behind him in his living room. Then the power and the feed cut out, and he and the guests are ambushed by MiB.
    • Laundry: A coin laundry. A kid is too caught up in his current session of Polybius to notice a MiB stabbing the woman cleaning up. The Polybius Cabinet can contain a trigger that sets something off.
    • The Thingy: What appears to be either a fire-and-brimstone rock formation or a UFO. Could be both.
    • Ending F: The MiB are contract killers hired by the FBI to keep the investigation of the thingy under wraps. A MiB will attack at the beginning, and the head of the investigation (Perhaps a reclothed Big Daddy prop) will gun down guests.
    • Ending A: The MiB are lizardmen. From this point on, guests are forced to go through a gauntlet of experiments while MiB with scales and claws visible attack.
    • Ending H: The MiB are demons, and you're in hell. The masks grow horns and movable faces.


    MiB attire would consist of:

    1. The Coat. A long coat, buttoned up completely. Black.
    2. Pants. Black.
    3. Undershirt. Black.
    4. Gloves. Black.
    5. Uncanny Valley Mask. White.
    6. Fedora. Black.
    7. Boots. Black.
    8. Optional Sunglasses. Black.
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    It ain't happening. It just isn't.


    After being thrown in detention for repeatedly doodling in class, Billy Mikkelson found a book of spells in the library. As he turned through the pages, he found a spell that can animate drawings. The perfect way to get revenge on the people who wronged him - disrupting class in the greatest way possible.




    • Facade: Billy's High school. When you enter, there's a hallway where the lighting surges on and off.
    • Detention: Billy is reading the cursed tome, with his veins and eyes glowing blue. Books are rapidly flipping, pages are flying, and the power is surging. His "Dragon", Lord Eldritch (Just a heavy metal rock god type guy) will attack.
    • Transitions: The hallways of the school, overtaken by Billy's doodles. The Hallways preface the next room.
    • Principal's Office. Billy sits, feet on desk, bragging about how school is cancelled. Lord Eldritch and some minions get ready to rock.
    • Cafeteria: Prison. Inmates sit at the tables, and the tension could be cut with a shiv. Which some inmates do.
    • Science Lab: Billy had no quarrel with the students and teachers. As such, they're embracing the chaos with the doodles.
    • History: Forgotten tombs. The Hallway is turned into an ancient temple with matching jungle, and the actual room is filled with skeletal natives.
    • Art: Blacklit, classic surreal pieces scare guests. The Art Teacher is grading Billy's drawings. He's not displeased.
    • Literature: 90's anti-hero styles of Beowolf, MacBeth, Odysseus, Odipieous, Hamlet, and Harrison Bergeron throw a heavy drinking party in a Literature classroom, getting into a brawl that threatens to include guests. The Literature teacher tries to stop the fight, but every time a brawling couple is broken up, another takes its place.
    • Detention Redux: For his little stunt, Billy Mikkelson, as well as Lord Eldritch and the others, were thrown in detention AGAIN. The Principal will occasionally burst in and reprimand everyone.

    Doodles will be made to look like they were sketched. Also, it was better in my head.

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  10. The Most Dangerous Game: Zaroff's Island


    After falling off the ship in a horrible fog, you've found yourself on a beautiful island, complete with a nice mansion. Heck, the owner is willing to let you stay the night. The catch is that, on the morning, he, his giant mute of a henchman, and his army of dogs are going to hunt you as soon as the sun rises. So you better get ready to run, for General Zaroff is on the hunt...

    The Facade is the mansion. Something period appropriate, seemingly nothing to betray the dark secrets within.


    Room one has you meet Zaroff in his dining room. Ivan watches, and the General will interact with guests. The next room is Zaroff's Trophy Room, featuring several heads, skulls, and miscellaneous gear and body parts. Then you pass the dogs, slamming against the bars to get to your flesh.


    Then you enter the jungle. Zaroff and Ivan will hide behind the foliage in many of the rooms, brandishing machetes or guns. One room will feature them in silhouette, with Zaroff firing his rifle in the conga line's direction. At one point, Rainsford will appear, fending off a giant dog (think the scaracters who dealt with facehuggers).


    A set of rooms will deal with his traps. The first will have Zaroff trigger the Malaccan Man-Catcher. A log will fall close to both him and the guests, before the hunter mocks his prey. The second would have one of the recurring dog animatronics lunge at the guests, only to fall into the tiger pit. Finally, guests pass the Ugandian Knife Trap, which stops a few feet away. In the transition, Ivan lunges out, the knife lodged firmly in his chest, before slumping over.


    Finally, after the dogs, traps and flying bullets, you wind up in Zaroff's Bedroom. Rainsford will lunge from behind the curtains, calling Zaroff a slew of phrases that may or may not be appropriate for Halloween Horror Nights. Finally, as guests exit, they pass the exterior of the bedroom. A gunshot will sound, glass will break, and a Zaroff dummy falls out the window, close to guests.

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    Victor Chantz doesn't hate Halloween. It's the time of year where he gets to let off some pent-up steam. By going on a murder spree. Fortunitely for the populace, he's been shot and cornered at the old church, and the Police are trying to draw him out. The murders will soon end!


    But you're going to see Victor. You're going to see how he got so twisted. And you're going to see his fate.


    The Facade is the church. It's a pretty church, and it's got some decorations from last night's Halloween Party still up, so that's something. The Police stand outside, demanding that he comes out or they shoot him out. As you enter, you see Victor talking to the spirit of a partner-in-crime he backstabbed, warning him of the upcoming visits with three ghosts.


    Ghost #1 is Halloween Past. He and his minions (Each ghost has minions dressed in classic Halloween costumes) are horribly burnt, with Past himself wearing the chard remains of a classic clown costume. He appears to Victor in the Priest's office, which is burning. He then shows everyone the first kill, his father, which takes us past a recreation of a standard home, where Victor's Dad is berating him. The lights then shift to the garage, where the father is getting torn up by a riding mower. Further crimes include a pastor drowned in a tub of apples (When Victor was a teenager), an adult Victor attacking a couple on Lover's Lane with a chainsaw, and a parent vomiting blood after sneaking some candy.


    Ghost #2, Halloween Present, is a zombie dressed like a king, aided by minions that have nothing wrong with them. He sits behind the altar, taunting Chantz, before showing him the night's crimes. Guests walk under a tree filled with hanging figures, only for one to actually be a corpse, who will kick and beg for help. A stoned guy watches the "Behind You" scene from Scream, unaware of Victor standing behind him with a knife. Victor hacks down a yuppie couple's front door with a fire axe. The final part of the present is Victor attacking a kindly old woman who's handing out candy on her front porch. Joke's on him, she's packing a 500 JIC, explaining his retreat to the church.


    The final spirit is Halloween Yet To Come. He's a skeleton, rotten like his minions, in a green cape. His encounter is in a meeting room, where he laughs at Victor while murky water erodes the building's infrastructure and the projector plays various movie scenes related to hell. And guess what? Instead of a future murder site, we see Victor's grave, pissed on by a dog, before seeing his personal Hell. Think Afterlife: Death's Vengeance, but in a fire-and-brimstone Hell as opposed to a Neon Nightmare.


    The finale is Victor trying to run out the back door of the church, only for the police to light him up. Hiding in the small woods are the three ghosts of Halloween.

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  12. On 2/3/2018 at 0:33 PM, YouDontKnowJack said:

    Not gonna lie, I would love to see a GWAR 3D house one year. Although the band has a niche fan base, it would make for a pretty sick dark comedy house.


    Well, this topic is mostly what I want, and I know nothing about GWAR.


    But there are other topics for ideas, I only made this one because I didn't know if it was better to make a topic to one person's ideas or to revive a dead thread.

  13. More Ideas:

    • Bibliophobia: Nothing ever happens in Burt's Used Books. That changes when they get a copy of the Necromnicon Ex-Mortis, which an employee foolishly reads aloud. The particular incantation he foolishly chose caused an explosion, and now various fictional characters, past and present, are running amok in the city!
    • The Most Dangerous Game: Zaroff's Island: After a nasty shipwreck, you find yourself before a mansion on a supposedly deserted island. Upon entering, you meet General Zaroff, who seems affable - until you witness his collection of heads, each and every one collected by himself. If you don't want to join the collection, you'll have to run from him, his dogs, and Ivan through the dense jungle.
    • Apocalypse in Wonderland: You're sick of zombies. You're sick of Lewis Carol corrupted into horror. WELL TOO BAD. Your acid trip gets even more nightmarish when a strange plague breaks out in wonderland. And when logic gets thrown out of the window, it's either a blessing when dealing with the undead or another layer on the nightmare. Probably the latter.
    • DEATHLY DRAW: Billy Mikkelson never liked school. Instead of paying attention, he doodled monsters, convicts, death metal album covers, etc in his notebooks. One day, while organizing books in detention, he found an old spellbook with instructions on how to bring drawings to life, and you know where this is going. His sinister sketches are running about, turning the school from a temple of learning to a highschooler's haunted house, with death metal and cheap scares.... Until the end, where the principal is seriously pissed and Billy and his creations are thrown in detention without the book. I... I feel like that's the only way to keep it from being too much in today's political climates, no one dies it's just havoc.
    • DR. IMPOSTOR STEEL: (Forgive me for any problems with the lore, I'm neither a toy soldier nor was I a follower when he was active) It's been years since Dr. Phineas Waldorf Steel disappeared, and the Toy Soldiers are undergoing a schism. A man claiming to be Steel is gaining traction among sections of the Toy Army, but many are skeptical. If the goal is to build a Utopian Playland, why does this Doctor treat his underlings like trash, yet they remain loyal to him? Making matters worse, this Rogue Steel has acquired one of Steel's long-abandoned toy factories.
    • Murder Gras: It's that time of year in New Orleans, where the streets are filled with Jazz, beads, and drunken tourists buying shoddy knockoff voodoo dolls. However, even if it's a night of revelry, it's not a night of peace, as a group of murderers are also taking to the streets, intent on slaughtering innocents and leaving their corpses as passed-out drunks. Will you survive Murder Gras?
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  14. Urban Legends: POLYBIUS


    The Eighties were a legendary time for arcade games. Every time a new arrival is installed, people line up to play it. This is true even for Polybius, which had little fanfare to its arrival, but people crowded the block just to get a taste of it. You were one of the lucky people to play it day one.

    However, things take a turn for the weird. As you go to bed for the night, your nightmares take a turn for the surreal. People become obsessive over Polybius, threatening themselves and others over it. Strange men appear in the arcade, always near the ever-popular Polybius cabinet. Reality, game, and dream seem to start leaking together.



    Some things about the house: UL: Polybius would take the Urban Legends font, and modify it to be a bit more "Eighties". Like, a labelmaker font, I guess. Furthermore, the house would involve looping through the Arcade, Game, and Dream, so I'm not going to describe every room, just what each room does during each loop. Finally, this "could" be a 3-D house, with the glasses given at the end of the Arcade, loop one, so that your descent into madness has to start with the game.



    • The Arcade: An eighties video arcade. Filled with games that could hide GATs, and a Polybius machine near the exit. First instance features a guy handing you 3D glasses to enhance the experience. As the house goes on, we have a fight for the machine, a man having a breakdown by the machine, and finally Polybius never having existed, much to a hostile customer's dismay. Men in Black stalk near the machine, taking notes and scaring guests. They leak into other rooms.
    • POLYBIUS: The game. Tron lines representing vector graphics. Scaractors are initially hidden within the neon lines. Hidden scaractors are the leak, hiding as nightmare props or arcade cabinets.
    • Bedroom: Only appears twice, to represent missing chunks of memory. Second time, a MiB will break through the window.
    • Nightmare: A full-on Alien Invasion Neon Hellscape. Rocky scenery, dying spacemen, and hideous aliens. The Aliens leak through the scenes.


    I know, not the in-depth description everyone wanted.

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  15. Hotel California


    After a long time on the road, you've stumbled upon a strange, lone hotel in the desert. It seems innocent enough from the outside, but as you go inside for the night, it comes to your attention that this hotel is hell.



    • Facade: A brick hotel, with a bell tower. The queue smells of marijuana (not actual bud, just the scent. Unless someone actually lights up, of course). The Entrance plays the sound of a church bell.
    • Front Desk and Hallway: The Front desk is bland, but the room contains pictures of the characters that will transform into demons. A hostess with a candle leads guests down the hallway. In the hall, various voices repeat the refrain of Hotel California. If someone can't scratch their jumpscare itch enough, you can throw in a lost soul in the hallway, hiding behind a door.
    • The Room: A standard guest room. You can still hear the voices calling, and the TV plays videos relating to bad hotels - The Shining, Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Hell, classic Looney Tunes involving hotels, AHS: Hotel, the like. A lost soul reaches out from under the bed.
    • The Courtyard: After a short hallway, you enter a moon-lit courtyard full of dying vines, where the hostess from before is in demon form, watching lost souls dance. Some lost souls will break from their partner to attack guests.
    • The "Wine" Cellar: The Captain awaits, greeting guests in a semi-demonic form. As they go through the twisted cellar, various bottles will launch air with a scream. The Captain reappears at the end of the cellar, fully demonic, attacking with a broken wine bottle.
    • Prisoners: The Hostess tells guests, "We are all just prisoners here of our own device", in a room with tiffany decor, mirrors on the ceiling, and pink champagne. A lost sould awaits at the other end.
    • The Master's Chamber: The Master ushers you in to the room, where you gather for the feast. Specifically, demons eating lost souls. The Lost Souls have knives, but they're more focused on the demon than you. A giant demon stands on the table.
    • Escape: A twisted set of rooms, mirroring suites, hallways, and front desks, getting more decrepit as you go further. In various rooms, the Nightman, starting youthful but aging to a skeleton, warns you of the futility. All the while, demons and lost souls chase you for a way out.
    • Finale: You finally get to checkout, where a Crypt-Keeper-esque nightman warns you of futility. The final scare is from the head demon from the Master's Chamber.
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  16. Heads up, if the name of the House starts with Ex-Heroes, there may be spoilers.




    Between the cops and the sudden rise of superheroes, Los Angeles seemed to be handling their gang problems Coins rather well. However, even more sudden than the rise of heroes was the rise of the undead. Dubbed Exes, these creatures came too fast for civilization to handle, causing a collapse of American Civilization as we know it. However, after Hollywood's fall, a group of Heroes have helped create and govern a new civilization in the mount, in the remains of an old movie studio. But even with a team of heroes to protect civilians, there's a threat hidden in the zombies that will make the battle between living and dead a bit more interesting...


    In the Ex-Heroes Series, pop culture officially died sometime in 2009. Thus, everything in the houses, from the clothes of civilians and zombies to the soundtrack, will have to have come before then.



    • Facade: The Mount's (The Walled-off City) Vehicle dock, forgot its name, slightly opened. Exes line the queue, clicking their teeth and attacking guests. Guards on top of the Mount will snipe the exes and shout for the guests to enter.
    • The "Hall of Heroes": An introduction to the Heroes. St. George appears in a windowed off area, breathing fire to fight exes, before bursting into the room, near the walkway, with an ex on his shoulder. Cerberus (a giant animatronic) bashes zombies while crushing one in her mech's grip. Zzzap appears via hologram (It'd be hard to do otherwise, he's basically electric light). Gorgon, played by an animatronic, stuns guests with his draining power (Really bright strobes hidden under his goggles). Regenerator is bitten but the wound heals. (His power was to fix others, but a zombie bite kinda did that power in). Finally, Stealth leaps down and dispatches two zombies in hand-to-hand combat.
    • Scavenging Run: Some derelict Los Angeles buildings, with plenty of exes and some scavengers to keep them back. After going through a few, you'll get to the Seventeen's ambush, where the Mount's rig is damaged from a spike trap, and the Seventeens threaten you. From the Seventeen's Truck's driver side, the first Peasy zombie will pop out, threatening guests and showing off his bullet wound.
    • The Talking Ex: Forgive the spoilers in the last scene. You pass the Ex holding cell, where one Ex will emerge and threaten guests. The next room has the Ex, fully feral, gnawing on Mark.
    • Seventeen's Fortress: A powerless city. Powerless as in without electricity, not without defense and offense. You pass a cage full of Exes that stare at guests without the teeth thing. Then, you enter a building's rafters, where you hear Peasy giving his speech, with a zombie's head mouthing along to it. There will be miniatures of Cyrax and Peasy, both big guys, to make it seem like you're up high.
    • Confrontation: The final bit. Starts with flashbacks: The the last transformation of Cyrax - explaining why the Seventeens have a giant undead demon, then the first infection - Regenerator's wife, after he tried to heal her after a preventable death. Then Regenerator is shot in the head, falling from a room in a hallway, as the heroes learn of his actions. Then you enter a room where the Exes try to break into the mount, lead by Peasy, this giant zombie that is also intelligent for a zombie. An Ex-Hero, Midknight, gets a room, as his powers continuing in undeath cause all the lights to go out, Peasy is weakened by Gorgon only for the next room to have Gorgon ripped in twain. Then you enter the mount, where Saint George fights Cyrax, complete with being bitten. The last room features Cerberus killing the giant, undead Seventeen. geez that was a mouthful.
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    You know what really makes sense? Getting a job as a security guard in a bedlam house that can't contain the most dangerous nutjobs in America. (This could easily be a political joke, but nah.) So now you're going to your first day at Arkham Asylum, home to a whole cast of colorful characters that are probably just as scared of you as you are of them, except not.

    You're probably gonna meet Batman. Or die before he makes it to the place, it's a full on riot.



    • Facade: The queue goes through the walled yard of Arkham, where the latest batch of loonies are having fun after getting off the bus. The bus that just plowed a hole through the walls, might I add. The actual facade is pretty standard Arkham, looming above, with searchlights surveying the ground and a Bat Signal in the sky.
    • Reception: The secretary up front is so happy to see you!.. oh wait, that's a Smilex victim. Joker hides in the shadows, coming out to welcome his guests to the night's entertainment. Blood! Gore! Balloon Animals and a chance to meet Gotham's finest!
    • Transitions: Transitions are halls that contain cells. Among the generic patients are recognizable villains, including Zsasz, Riddler, King Tut, Calendar Man (Who will count the days till Halloween, or if the day is another holiday, announce that), Temple Fugate strangling a guy with his pocket watch chain, and others.
    • Freeze's cell: A cold cell where Mr. Freeze is just chilli - no. Just hanging out. I mean, what would he gain in the riots? He needs his suit to exit the room! So he's just reading. But touch Nora's cryochamber and he'll blast you.
    • Arkham Gym: Some patients are messing around, threatening you with dumbbells or medicine balls. Bane is near the end, waiting to ambush the innocents.
    • Harley Quinn's Cell: a chamber coated with pictures of the Joker, dolls of the Joker, Joker's clothes, Joker's used chewing gum.... Harley comes out of the wall, her hiding spot marked by the Dancing Harley and Joker image, welding the iconic mallet.
    • Clayface: Part of a transition. There's a giant cell that takes up most of the hallway, with a GIANT CLAYFACE moaning in pain and threatening Jim Gordon. Except that, upon closer inspection, the Commissioner's just a lure constructed by Clayface. A giant clay hand will burst from a vent at the end of this hallway.
    • Garden: No points for guessing who's in the botanical garden. Poison Ivy sits upon a leafy throne, mocking guests while guards controlled by Ivy's parasitic plants attack them. Later, you encounter Mad Hatter and March Harriet, who have a poor, innocent blond tied up for a mad little tea party. Heck, it might not even be a girl.
    • Two-Face's Cell: One side is neat, with only a Harvey Dent poster on the wall and the bed. The other side is covered with scratches, torn maps, doodles, and letters, and a chair where Dent sits. If the coin lands neat-side up, he'll let you through. If it lands on the dirty scratched side, he'll attack you with a pipe.
    • Scarecrow's Cell: Crane stands outside his cell, gassing you as you walk through and insulting guests. The inside of the cell is dirtier than the rest of the Asylum, green with mold, with various parts of the Bat Family laying about, pinned to the walls, or turned into parts of scarecrows. The end of the room hides an Injustice-style Scarecrow. (Either an actor or a puppet.)
    • Treatment Room: Maxie Zeus is enjoying himself with that Electroshock machine again, and really, who can blame him? Also, Hugo Strange and Professor Pyg are cutting apart guards, while the poor men are still awake.
    • Batman: It had to happen eventually. One transition hallway is filled with black smoke. In it is a panicked patient trying his best to seem confident while holding a guard hostage. Why? None other than the Dark Knight! Batman won't attack guests, but he can rush in their direction should the hostage taker make him.
    • Joker: A room full of Paraphernalia dedicated to the Joker. A smashed mirror and some dentist tools, the Jason Todd memorial and a crowbar, gas tanks, a clothing rack with the costumes from the Dark Knight, some Cesar Romero Joker props. Joker will rush from pretty much any good spot.
    • Finale: A strobe-lit cellblock. Joker, Harley, and Scarecrow wait in the cells, while Batman will bungee down from the darkness.


    • Joker's Wild: Dark-Lightish colors and Graffiti without the dark lights. Many patients are replaced with various types of Joker's goons (Romero's Thugs, Nicholson's Mimes, Ledger's Bank Robbers, Injustice's Joker Clan), with various iterations of Mr. J appearing throughout. The Opening has Joker pop a balloon full of gas, which appears throughout. The finale involves a mirror room with various Joker dummies from different eras and stories, as well as some actors.
    • Crane's Revenge: The Asylum takes on a grungier look, much like Scarecrow's cell. It's generally more violent, with even Freeze attacking you and Nora thrashing about. Gas also appears throughout. Crane gasses guests at the opening, Batman is replaced with a nightmarish Bat Demon, and the Finale is a giant Scarecrow looming over Gotham.
    • Madder than the Hatter: Wonderland decorations cover the facade. Everyone becomes an Alice in Wonderland character. The Asylum itself becomes like those Mad Hatter missions in the Arkham games, so it's less a rework and more of a sequel maze.
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  18. 7 hours ago, Jediwhit82 said:

    I've always thought a great house would be a self aware 4th wall breaking house. Have the concept be that Mike Aiello(or some made up character) has gone insane with the rest of the creative staff all these years, and have started actually killing people inside a half finished house that still looks like the plywood pictures we see every year.  It probably wouldn't happen just because I don't think Universal would want to admit that the other 8 houses are not real like that.



    Yeah, me too! Well, mine was more... Haunted House based off of building a haunted house. Not the guys in charge snapping, but the house gradually getting more polish while the employees kill people for materials (Mainly corpses and red/brown paint).

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  19. more house ideas i have a problem please stop me

    • Christmas Creep: Slay Ride: What was supposed to be a happy trip through the woods to Santa's Village has gone horribly, horribly wrong. As it turns out, the horses didn't know the way, and now you're going on foot through a forest inhabited by loonies, dark elves, evil snowmen, and ghosts. And also, annoying Christmas music.
    • Wrath of the Glademother: Welcome to forest of the Glademother, a motherly elf maiden who wants you to stay... forever and ever... and at all costs. With her minions dead set on keeping you in her forest, chances are high that you will never get out alive. So why don't you sit back, and stay a while?
    • Killer Klowns from Outer Space: After a mysterious metal circus tent was found in the woods, strange and deformed klowns have taken to the streets, going about spreading mayhem with a touch of mischief. And if you can stomach the havoc going on in Crescent Cove, just wait until you enter the total mind flaying that is the Big Top.
    • Necromancer's Keep: Be wary, travelers, for the stories of Necromancer's Keep are no mere rumors. Lord Mortis has his eyes on the castle at all times, waiting for fools to wander in, so he can murder them and expand his army. I can't stop you from going in, but I can't save you if you become one of his undead servants...
    • The Undead Dome: The Zombie Apocalypse sent the world into panic and terror for... about five days. Now zombies are so lame that there are knockoff Wipeout and American Gladiator shows that have zombies as the main gimmick. And since human stupidity has no bounds, the show you're about to be on, The Undead Dome, is currently the site of the latest Zombie Rights Movement protest. Well, the execs say that the protesters will probably provide free publicity, and considering that the show is actually rather safe as long as the precautions are met, there's no reason to cancel tonight's show. Wait, who's the ZRM guy with bolt cutters?
    • The Hit: SOMEONE'S pissed. And when that guy's pissed, he hires a group of hitmen on the dark web to take out the guy that initially pissed him off. And guess who pissed him off? You. You didn't even do anything, really, he's just a piece of garbage. So as you go about your day, there's a group of men in black suits waiting for a moment to break your neck, throw you in the dumpster, and collect the blood money. (...Too much?)
    • Urban Legends: Polybius: An arcade in Portland has been graced with a sudden hit, Polybius. Gamers line up all day for a chance to play it. But then the illnesses start. Paranoia, nightmares, sometimes death. And add in the mysterious men that are often standing by the cabinet, observing, and you get the idea that something's not right. So you take a chance and see what all the fuss is about. A move that you'll come to regret.
    • Arkham Asylum: Probably one for Six Flags. The story is that you're a new employee at Arkham, and no attempt is made to hide the true natures of the inmates. And unfortunately, you're going to have an eventful first day, where one of the Supervillains stage a riot. Here's the beauty of the theme, though: it can be brought back, with a different villain taking front-and-center each year, and bringing a new layout. Year Two? Joker gets his revenge, gassing you a room in and turning the house into a dark-light nightmare. Year Three? Scarecrow runs the asylum, and his fear toxins really bring out the decrepit features of the place. Year Four? Mad Hatter turns the house into an absolute Mind-Flaying. And all three are backed by the Arkham inmates, including Riddler, Freeze, Pyg, and Man-Bat. Even some of your co-workers are joining in on the "fun"... Strange, Harleen... And Batman attacks in one scene, regardless of the theme.
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  20. More ideas:

    • Slaughter Penitentiary: Locked within the walls of this high-tech facility, various super-powered crooks are supposed to be rehabilitated over time. However, after the arrest of a criminal mastermind, tensions between prisoner and warden boiled over, eventually leading to several of the superbeings to break out of their cells and attack the guards. Blood will be spilled in the gauntlet of fire, ice, lightning, wind, and various other abilities turned against man.
    • The Hallows Best Forgotten: Those vintage photos are always good for a scare, right? Those creepy costumes, clearly crafted from whatever they could get their hands on, yet done so masterfully as to leave chills in those black-and-white memories. But even if most revelers in those pictures are simply having a good time, there are souls from those bygone days stuck in an eternal limbo, being forced to endure the pain that they inflicted, their essence locked in those costumes as they rot to nothing. And every Halloween, several unlucky people in the mortal realms will be trapped in the limbo, where they will be hunted and haunted by the souls.
    • A Halloween Carol: Fleeing from the cops, a serial killer that takes a life every Halloween takes refuge in a church. As he tries to patch his wounds, an old partner in crime appears, an apparition, warning of the afterlife that awaits him, and of the three ghosts of Halloween that will show him his start of darkness, the results of his murders, and what lies beyond...
    • The Great Halloween Scare-A-Thon: Grab some blinky cups and twisted tators and find a comfortable seat, we have a lot of movies to watch! Starring an escaped mental patient, an adorable - but deadly! - god of Halloween, a scarecrow possessed by a wrongly-killed man, Rob Zombie's messed-up family, ALSO Rob Zombie's messed-up little game, and a house full of demons, this marathon will have chills and thrills galore!
    • The Circus Invasion: Welcome to Burnham Bros Circus and Sideshow! The clowns may be a little... depressing when out of the big top, but they're stand-up guys. And Billy and Barney Burnham, while notorious cheapskates, try their best to make the sideshow interesting. Take, for example, this odd egg thing, glowing green in the moonlight. We don't know what it is, but it sure looks otherworldly. However, one night, the trailers outside the circus are visited by Martians, who know exactly what the egg is, and they're seriously pissed and want it back. For once, the clowns aren't your enemies... but will any human survive the night?
    • Containment: As you walk past the checkpoints, the guard dogs noticed something... off... about you. So instead of the sanctuary of the post-apocalyptic safe haven that is New Orlando, you're sent to the containment bay, where your fellow infected are experimented on, abandoned, and forced to watch as the men on either side succumb to the virus and become blood-thirsty zombies. You may try to escape, but at what cost?
    • A series of houses based off of Ex-Heroes. It's a good book series, and they'd have some pretty cool scenes. I imagine that each book gets a house. The basic premise is that Superheroes exist, and a small bunch of supers patrolled the streets of San Francisco, up until people started turning into zombies. And it's not just that. Each book has a different touch (The first has the villains be the remains of a gang called the Seventeens, the second is set around meeting the soldiers maintaining a military base, the next involves a demon getting vengeance, the fourth is an oddball about the characters not being sure if the series' normal zombie apocalypse setting is real or just a persistent hallucination in their mundane lives (Plot twist: There are exes), and the fifth is split between making contact with a group of survivors on an artificial island and getting a sizable area of farmland away from the main cities ready to become a new, dependable source of food - that last plot is more interesting than I just described), and almost every book has flashbacks to the early days of the apocalypse, where barely anyone would know what to do. Some problems would be that their would be several puppets for the "giant" characters, that would probably see little use, almost everyone on the forum is tired of zombies (But then again, sometimes, the zombies do surprise people), and the fact that the characters built The Mount (The first survivor city) in Paramount even though Universal was also open. Still, I think it'd be an awesome series of houses.
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  21. The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror!

    Halloween came early for the Simpsons. Not saying much, but as you walk into what remains of Everscream Terrors, you also enter the twisted tales of Halloween past, where everyone will die and evil is law. Enter... the Treehouse of Horror.



    • Facade: The Queue is lined up through a small replica of Springfield Cemetery, with some old gag gravestones and some new, and possibly some characters from Springfield reenacting scenes from the opening of V. The actual facade is a replica of the Simpson home, decorated as Everscream Terrors, except that Tragedy has struck, leaving Homer pinned by the treehouse. Songs from the episodes and quotes (Marge's content warnings, ominous messages, and lines uttered by fools tempting fate) play throughout the queue. Simpsons characters will have more... human proportions that the Simpson Mascot costumes.
    • The Raven: Part one is a bit like Murdy's transitions, a black hall. The exception is that there is a window, where Homer converses with the Raven. Part two is after Homer gets fed up with the raven's antics, and tears his room apart. The problem is that you're in the room, too.
    • Clown Without Pity: Homer tries escaping the doll on the couch, as it pulls itself up, brandishing a knife. In the transition, Homer bursts through a door, trying to get the Krusty Doll off.
    • The Devil and Homer Simpson: The Simpsons living room, turned into a courtroom by Devil Flanders. There's the Jury of the Damned, Homer in his fire cage, and instead of Death, Flanders stands in the  Judge's Podium, Taunting the guests. Lionel Hutz hides in the room.
    • The Shinning: The "No Beer and No TV" scene. Marge is hiding with a bat near the typewriter, while Homer tries to goad her into surrendering her weapon from the stairway. Every so often, a flash of lightning will reveal the scrawlings on the wall.
    • Nightmare Cafeteria: Teachers roam the hall, looking for students to capture and turn to lunch. Willie will tear down the hall, offering freedom, except... you know how it goes. The next room has Lisa, Bart, and Milhouse cowering on the catwalk over the blender. A group of faculty members will rush guests from the other side.
    • Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace: Bart and Lisa are struggling with Spider Willie, strangling them with his legs. A normal Evil Willie will pop out from a hole in the playground fence, threatening guests with a rake.
    • Hell Toupee: Snake/Homer tears Bart's room apart with a sledgehammer, chasing Bart. Bart will duck between guests, causing Snake to try to get through them to get to Bart.
    • Terror of Tiny Toon: A more garishly-colored room, Itchy and Scratchy fight back, after being forced to torture each other for amusement. A giant homer watches on the other side of the screen, demanding bloodshed and slaughter in any form.
    • I Know What You Diddily-Did: The Simpsons house is covered in bloody threats from the mysterious stalker, who hides in the room, revealing himself with a flash of lightning. In the transition, the Werewolf Ned rushes guests.
    • Don't Have a Cow, Mankind: The scene where Apu frees the Simpsons from the abandoned cars. Apu tries to free the truck, blasting zombies that get too close.
    • Wanted: Dead, Then Alive: Sideshow Bob's Reanimation chamber. Bob tortures Bart through means that can vary, depending on the cast.
    • Finale: The Simpsons family couch. Marge and the Kids are sitting down, Marge reassuring that everything that just happened was a nightmare. Homer tries to beat the tube to working state, claiming that the only things on are crappy Halloween specials and whatever movies and shows are represented that year. However, from various parts of the room, burst Bob, Flanders, Skinner, Willie, and Itchy.


    It'd need fine-tuning, and the concept could probably work better as a series of houses. Maybe one for classic monster parodies, one for slasher parodies, one for the more fantastic segments... and also, it's a long shot. I mean, I get the feeling that Batman's universal appeal is the reason Arkham hasn't appeared at Six Flags, and The Simpsons is up there with Batman in recognizability and marketability to children - You probably shouldn't, but you could do worse. And also, it'd be odd, a haunted house where everyone's cartoonish and yellow.

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  22. On 9/26/2017 at 11:22 PM, zombieman said:


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    Wendy has a bit of "the shining" herself, so this is her vision of Danny going where he shouldn't, Jack going crazy, and something attacking her through the door.


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    The Fallen - in the circular room with the main Fallen that has fog shooting upwards, there is Prince's name symbol carved on the pedestal

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    Allow me to ask forgiveness for this, but would that make it an Altar to a Prince of Darkness?


    I'm sorry, I'll show myself out.


    After I learn to delete those "hide comment" bars.



    There's spooky creatures in Japan. You're in Tokyo. I've never been to Tokyo. I have no idea how to describe this house, aside from the initial pitch.


    • FACADE: The whole house is set in a run-down part of Tokyo, and the facade reflects that. A Japanese Manga shop, dimly-lit except for neon and black lights, covered with graffiti, and advertising horror stories in the windows. In the queue, audio of somber warnings of the Yokai, in either English or Japanese, play.
    • The Vendor's Store: A basement-dweller type guy stands behind the counter, taunting guests. The scaracter can press a button that will cause tentacles to emerge from the shelves, which he will reveal to be a prank.
    • Kichusake Ona: Outside the rear of the shop is a pretty woman wearing a filter mask. (Pretty women will be a recurring theme, I guess. Sorry.) She asks, "Am I pretty?",  when someone gives a response, she'll rip her mask off and reveal a hideous Glasgow grin. "AM I PRETTY NOW?" She'll attack guests with scissors.
    • Futakuchi-Onna: A late-night diner, tended by a lone chef who is rightfully panicked. At a table is the monster of the room, a woman sitting down while her hair acts as tendrils, and a Mouth Of Sauron-esque maw on the back of her neck roars at guests. Another Futakuchi-Onna will rush guests. The costume will have the girl's head on the back of the scaracter, the neck will control the mouth, and the scaracter's arms are hair tendrils.
    • Kappa: A water fountain that has been overrun by Kappa. One stays in the fountain, spitting water at guests, while two others are more up close and personal with their antagonism.
    • Teke Teke: Another alleyway, this one having a window with a woman sitting in it. If you couldn't tell by the name, the woman is the ghost of someone who was split in half at the waist, and she will jump out of the window. Another Teke Teke will be waiting around the corner.
    • Jorogumo: A woman stands outside of a seemingly-abandoned warehouse, beckoning guests to come inside. Inside the warehouse is a maze of spider webs, with cocooned victims, hatchling spiders the size of chihuahuas, and drider-esque creatures with faces somewhat resembling women. There will be some non-drider transformed jorogumo, who instead have multiple eyes and spider fangs. (from here to the next house, a middle-aged woman's horrid cackling can be heard. My website source says that there's a ghost woman that haunts prostitution districts with this.)
    • Kitsune: A "bar", guarded by a bouncer that has fox's fangs and ears where human ears go (Think of fluffy elf ears). In the bar, women with similar features, plus tails and claws, tend to curtained rooms while a dancer does her thing upon a catwalk. The "waitresses" growl and claw at guests, with human screams coming from behind the curtains. The last curtained room contains a giant, rabid animatronic quadruped fox that is clearly looking for more meals after feasting upon an unfortunate, unfaithful victim.
    • The Toilets: From the bar, enter a set of bathrooms. Aka Monto will burst out of the fourth stall, with the blood-stained/suffocated victim in his grasp. Exit through the next stall, where a Kurote's hand reaches from the toilet, grasping. The wall behind the toilet is busted, where Kurote himself, missing his hand, attacks from a perch.
    • Nurikabe: A maze of walls and allies. Scaracters line the walls in costumes made up to look like the walls they are assigned to, and will rush to victims/block guests from off-limit paths. 
    • Rokorukobi: Enter a house, where two ladies are sleeping. One, a normal rokorukobi, has her head, and her extended neck, near a lamp, licking the oil from the lantern. The other seems to be a normal woman, until her head flies off, screaming, revealing red eyes and a horrid maw. (Again. Do I have a problem?)
    • Shrine: Another beautiful woman with bad teeth (Ohaguro Bettari) cackles at guests, but doesn't act too malicious. Passing the doorsteps of the shine, a Jikininki jumps down and growls and chases guests. A gagoze will attack after the Jikininki distracts guests.
    • Finale: A Gashadokuro sits atop a building, clawing on the walkway while making loud rattling and clacking noises. Kichusak Ona, a humanoid Jorogumo, and a nurikabe hide withing the scene.

    It's like Knott's Shadowlands, but modern and with a different set of Yokai. Of course, there could always be room for more monsters.


    Thanks to Yokai.com for information for a lot of these beasts. And pardon the lack of special characters, I don't know how to add them.

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  24. It's been long overdue...




    This is it, agent. Your first assignment. Infiltrate the massive lair of Quentin Terlock, AKA the evil overlord Terrorlock, look for weaknesses in anything - defenses, technology, the foot soldiers' armor - and report back. But your first mission won't be a cakewalk. We have many of our best men locked up somewhere in those dark halls, some of which have probably been killed, either in an interrogation or a weapons test. The fate of the world depends on you, agent. Do us, and your momma, proud. Fail us, and be glad you won't live to see the chaos he'll unleash.


    • FACADE: Terrorlock Mountain is a giant volcano, with the entrance to the maze being a skull carved out of a rock face. Every so often, the volcano "erupts", with smoke and fire. There are two queue videos, the first being a showcase of various tortures and superweapons from spy films, the second being a briefing from "The Chief".
    • Area 1: This area is mainly populated by soldiers and guards. The first room is a "reception office", where a receptionist alerts of intruders, "No Threats detected." Sometimes, a bunch of guards burst through an opposite hallway. Down a hallway, a janitor pushes a mop down the hallway, pausing only to grab a gun from his cart and attack the guests. Guests then walk down a shooting range, feeling the "bullets" from the soldiers. Another room, I don't know where to put it, is a break room that's, in contrast to everything else, bright and welcoming. A bunch of guards are hanging out, one dancing to amuse the others, only for the dancer to be shot by an elite, dragged off, and replaced. It's an optional scene.
    • Area 2: The Mechanics' workspace. There's a garage, a superweapon workshop, and a normal weapons shop. Mechanics hide about the area, under work benches, behind machinery, in tool closets, wherever. Lighting is fluorescent lights that tend to flicker.
    • Area 3: The Labs. Scientists work with chemicals, weapon prototypes, and electronics. They're ignoring the potentially toxic gas permeating through the labs, concerned with fixing their equipment or scaring away guests.
    • Area 4: The Prison and torture chambers, which tend to alternate. Wardens attack guests, assuming that they're escaped prisoners, while actual prisoners have breakdowns and lunge out behind bars. Torture rooms have devices like The Rack, Electroshock Therapy, Chinese Water Torture, The Brain Digger, and of course, The Bond Laser.
    • Area 5: The Mercenary and Assassin Barracks. A hallway full of doors, with the mercenary's name and codename on their door. Many have demonstrated their techniques, leaving their weapons lodged in the wall opposite their doors, and some come out to attack. Mercenaries will include a hatchet-thrower, a Deadshot-esque sniper, a card-thrower, an arsonist, and a Chainsaw-wielder. (Not all will appear in-person.)
    • Area 6: Deep Lair. Guards are replaced with elites. The only rooms I can think of are the Board Room, where a representative of Terrorlock commands a less-than-coorporative invester/hostage into a pit of magma, and Terrorlock's Throne Room, where Terrorlock swears that he will take over the world and make the guests suffer, while the floor opens up (Aside from the walkway), and reveals magma (Achieved by holograms and some glass panels under the walkway).

    The henchmen:

    • Soldiers, Guards, and Elites: Soldiers wear all-black armor, meant to be practical yet intimidating, with a helmet with a shiny black visor that exposes only the mouths. Guards have golden patches on their kevlar vests, and Elites have white fabric under their black armor, and a white X on their helmets. They are the most uniform, professional, and common henchmen. Wield firearms or combat knives.
    • Mechanics: Blue-jumpsuit clad greasemonkeys. Oil-covered, unhinged, and slightly redneck. They can have bandannas, goggles, safety glasses, and respirators as variations to their costumes. Wield wrenches, circular saws, anything you could find in a workshop.
    • Scientists: The meekest of the henchmen. Wearing lab coats and Pilot's gas masks, they're more scared of you than you are of them. Wield pencils, tasers, pens... whatever's laying about at the moment.
    • Wardens and Technicians: Wardens wear black jumpsuits, Sunglasses, and peaked caps, and guard the jail cells. Technicians swap the caps and glasses for goggles or gas masks, and work the torture devices. Wield batons, rolls of quarters, and tasers, when not playing with a torture weapon.
    • Mercenaries and Assassins: A varied group. Each and every one has an appearance related to their gimmick (The Hatchet Thrower would have a harness covered in hatchets, the card-thrower would be undercover as a street magician, etc), and don't have an agreed set of standards - they are independent contractors, after all.


    Feels good to get that out of the way.

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  25. Y2K: New Fear's Eve


    Let's go back to what may possibly be the internet's favorite decade. The Nineties. What everyone conveniently forgets is that the public feared that civilization would crumble when 2000 rolls around because computers identified years by the last two numbers. As Jack the Clown can attest, that did not happen. However, what if the Y2K bug wasn't just an integer overflow? What if the name was for something far more sinister - and literal?


    Enter John. He's a good man who loves his family and is always a little paranoid about the latest End-of-the-World theory. The survival bunker is stocked, he has some friends over, and they're watching the last ball drop of the 90's. Should the need rise, they can head to the bunker before the looters can get to them. However, in a nearby facility, a late-night test in interdimensional travel has brought forth a race of creatures that feed off of electricity. With these Electromagnetic Megalopteric Parasites (EMPs, the scientists may have been dying but they died with a sense of humor) on the loose, John may not make it long into the new year... care to join him?


    Some of the general areas:

    • Facade: John's house. Music related to an end of an era (Prince's 1999, Europe's The Final Countdown) can be heard in the queue, and there are some decorations still left up from Christmas. For some odd reason, the lights (Both porch and seasonal) keep flickering every so often...
    • House: Entering the facade, you arrive in John's living room. John and some friends sing Auld Lang Syne as the TV shows New York's ball drop. However, as the countdown nears midnight, the power goes out, save for some flickering. A few seconds later, an EMP Elite breaks through the wall behind the TV, roaring. Through the rest of the house, lights flicker, normal EMP attack guests, and John's group fight back.
    • Bunker: From the backyard to the Bunker, where lighting is a bit steadier. However, some of the new inhabitants are starting to turn. Crazed survivalists and guns in a closed environment? Never a good idea. Making it worse is that the EMPs break into the bunker, leading to the next part of the maze.
    • The Woods: A near-dark tangle of trees. EMPs are hiding throughout, scaring guests and leaving behind a few remains of victims. Some of John's party are fighting back, but there are also some looters who will attack guests. Or be eaten by an EMP.
    • Lab: Enter the laboratory, where various scientists and cleaning personnel have been mauled by the EMPs. It's a claustrophobic mess of flickering lights, giant bugs, and sparking electricity. Near the end is the nest. Made up of electrified fencing (Some EMP scaractors will create sparks - nothing that a guest will touch), hatching eggs, and a giant queen, the nest was built around the portal that summoned the buggers. Every so often, it goes off, blinding guests. Exiting the maze, you are attacked by a couple of EMPs.

    There are a few classes of EMP:

    1. Queen: There is only one. The most insectoid in appearance, it's giant and fleshy, with a few bits of chitin armor. It also has a wingspan covering the nest.
    2. Elites, about the size of a big dog. They are often used to bash through walls. A bit more humanoid than the queen, but still more insectoid than anything.
    3. Drone: The Scaractor class. Covered in metallic chitin, these monsters can hide in any hole or crevice - under beds, behind trees, in a cupboard - or just wait in the open to bait an idiot closer. They are rarely seen alone. The costumes will feature clacking claws and mandibles.
    4. Larvae: Small, blobbish creatures the size of a chihuahua that are coming out of eggs. They are transparent, and when they hatch, they'll hiss and light up with a crackle of electricity.

    I'm not sure I followed that, and I wrote it.

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