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Everything posted by Alice

  1. Was it a bus driver? They know EVERYTHING
  2. If I wasn't a 3-minute walk away with free access I'd probably be questioning whether or not I was going, too. Like, today's hype is intriguing, but it doesn't tell me shit about whether or not I'll actually like hanging out there. :/
  3. Bottom left looks like one of the skulls from the original promo art, Catacombs maybe? And then bottom right seems like it fits for Bayou.
  4. Top left almost looks like something from CATS, lol.
  5. 6 boxes, 33 days, maybe they are announcing one every 5 days? That would be nice after this dry spell.
  6. 33 days puts us just over into august, isn't that when they usually do the full reveal?
  7. Okay, so there's a place to sign up w/email and physical address to get 'Soul collector' crap? Gave me a free wallpaper for signing up, looks like more 'rewards' are available as time goes on. ETA, just a thought, are WE the Elite Soul Collectors? There are links to invite friends and it seems like a competitive thing. I'll be damned if they're using more interactive elements in order to market. Smart, but annoying
  8. I really don't know how I feel about this. Seems....millennial. Ugh. :/
  9. AWIL 2.0 was my first HHN house EVER. Sadly, I saw next to nothing. Was too busy being a noob and staring at the floor while someone dragged me through. They need to do it again so I can go through alone, lol. My only beef with the leaked lineup is what convoluted way all the IPs will be tied together, if at all. I know last year's excuse was WEAK, but would be super disappointed if icons and overall theming were dropped. That would 100% represent Marketing/corporate overstepping their bounds. Yeah, I go to HHN to be scared sometimes. But the lore and the backstory was what got me frantically Googling once I got home.
  10. ^^Give a noob some context, what's Air Force bio-research plus snow?
  11. I've got nothing on all fronts....if they were trolling that's real disappointing...
  12. Have we been hinted at any announcements today? Or just more 'soooooooon' BS?
  13. The latest audition email is public knowledge--specifically requesting "Female 5’ 1” and under, petite build, with youthful childlike appearance". Cindy?
  14. Congrats! A word of advice--anything that happens backstage is confidential for the most part. Nobody is outright looking for people to slip, but you never know what might be frowned upon. Hence why I do not peep about anything work-related anywhere
  15. Not to be that guy, but you've been talking to a multiply disabled and mentally ill person this whole time, and they REALLY need to drop the 'asylum' crap. 'Psychopaths' as you call them don't represent us because they are from the violent past, when you didn't see us in public because our families shut us away in places like that. Still happens today, just not so much anymore. So....yeah. If you aren't mentally ill, I would understand why you aren't offended, but don't go around saying it ISN'T a shitty trope that needs to die.
  16. Oh man, is this what they re-worked to have in Evil's Roots in 25? Because I know someone who would flip if their character got to be an icon.
  17. I did that one, actually! And my boyfriend swore up and down it wasn't scary...yeah, that didn't work out too well. But I don't blame y'all for it. Not to spoil it for everyone, but be aware if you do go, HHN lovers will like it
  18. You're involved with that? Dang, had no idea. Yes, if you like scary things, try their rooms. I'm a fan of the family-friendly one myself, not so much the other ones, but that's just because I'm a wuss who only openly likes being scared at HHN, lol.
  19. You know, the funny part is I KNEW it was a standard-issue plate. My plate's from October. It's 'HNR'. So whoever's plate that was just happened to register it a touch earlier than I did to get 'HHN', because they are in alpha-numeric order. Case closed.
  20. Oh, ffs. I may be a millennial myself but I am getting damn tired of these kids in Marketing being cute on HHN social. This is just silly. Stop dodging questions and announce more than an IP a month. >.<
  21. I just want clarification on the theme...that is a major determining factor for me in how much time I'll be out in the parks. If I can enjoy the SZs and theming along with the shows it won't matter to me if I can't handle half the houses.
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