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Posts posted by Circ

  1. Hey, all.

    Do we know what the policy for taking pictures with scare-actors is gonna be this year? Since this is likely the last year Bloody Mary's gonna be at the park, I wanna take a picture with her before she heads back to her pocket dimension for a loooong while.

  2. no problem, and I understand what you mean. And it wasnt directed only at you... It has been a growing trend on here and FB and I figured it needed to be addressed. And as good intentioned as the post you made was, I can also see your post as possibly fanning those flames in the fans who are getting too involved.

    As ive said several times, Its getting to the point where I actually am starting to not want to participate this year.

    I doubt there'll be people thinking that this is the literal end of the world and they're the world's greatest hope for survival from an ancient Sumerian god. Then again... people have done stupider things... I've mostly been thinking that these're just in-character posts.

    The mental image of someone trying to go vigilante on what's supposed to be either a killer clown, a grandma, or a guy that looks like a mixture of Pinhead and Nightmare from Soul Calibur is pretty funny though.

  3. BTW, Thorncastle may or may not be a "total douchebag", we don't know what happened internally that resulted in him and Richards taking the Device. The event in the Wynadot home may have been accidental, as part of a investigation.

    I didn't say that was my belief. Personally my mind is open to anyone and everyone at the moment.

    That's just what LT's been saying, is all.

  4. the answers about the symbol and how they were burned were dodged and instead we were given the answer about the results of us putting them together.

    Actually almost every decent question was dodged or given multiple answers.

    Too true. Mostly every question involving the staff was answered with "Can we please focus on the investigation?"

    For a staff meeting they didn't seem to give out many answers that didn't pertain to how Thorncastle is a total douchebag.

  5. If it's a good thing why not some transparency? Let us know so we can help

    I brought this up a while back, but the symbolic mixing together of these five elements into this kind of pattern are only going to make one of two things:

    1. A summoning circle. I don't think I have to say bad news bears on this one, but still, bad news bears.

    2. It's possible Fell and Himmel are trying to put down a ward to keep this Sumerian asshole down where he belongs.

    Of course, the first possibility is more likely, but still. Just playing Devil's Advocate here. Though I suppose I should leave that to Himmel...

  6. Not necessarily literal demons per se, Zokoke. Prophecies have a habit of using misleading wordplay, it's a big thing in a lot of literary works.

    The infected MNA was probably Richards trying to break into the system, actually. It may come up again. I think it will, in fact!

    Edit: Wait, whoops. I saw blood and thought Mary, my bad.

  7. Director = Arts

    Bloody Mary = Science or Fear?

    Usher = ???

    Bloody Mary would possibly line up with Athena, if we're going through the Greek Pantheon. The goddess of innovation and inspiration, Mary created a new form of psychological treatment and inspired herself by way of it.

    Just a shot in the wind. What you got is good though! If they're any Greek gods who embody reverence, order, or duty, the Usher might fit them.

  8. Hmm... It's suggested that someone should update the OP with information on what's gone on so far. It's a helpful starting point, and a way to get new CFOs quickly up to date.

    Anyone got the old versions of the first pic set saved? It might be a good idea to do a side-by-side.

    Also, last two pictures in this set have to do with entombment. The first is a literal version, a being laid to rest. The second involves another version, being sealed in a glass box.

    ninja edit: Also holy shit Fell

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