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Posts posted by Circ

  1. The theme song for the 50's version:

    This has nothing to do with speculation about haunted houses... but I just want to let you know that I've listened to this song about four times in a row. Thank you for posting it.

    Also, throwing my guess behind the 99 Red Balloons guess. It just seems like it has weight. That was a horrible pun, oh my christ.

  2. I've done most of that this year except warn about the flash, although that last one's mostly because someone else in my party takes the pictures for me and I end up forgetting to mention it.

    Thanks for the advice! I just don't want to feel like a heel for fucking up someone's routine.

  3. I'm trying to go into this with an open mind. In my opinion, no icon is better than a poorly conceived last minute icon that barely has any presence in the event. While P & T concerns me, hey... I don't know. One scarezone only kind of sounds like it would suck, but... Well, we'll see. Open mind, like I said. If anything, this is going to be amazingly different, and that has some merit to it all its own. I've never been disappointed with the event overall. It's always been one of the highlights of my year.

  4. People might not be fans of Penn and Teller just due to their political preferences... though that's getting beside the point.

    People worried about Alice Cooper need to question whether they wouldn't be adverse to The Shining showing up. The man is rather important, just like Stephen King, when it comes to overall horror influence in mainstream culture. He's responsible for rock taking on horror imagery across the entire genre, and Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, and many others would not be the same without him. I personally am extremely excited for his house, and my opinion of how this event's going to turn out has improved dramatically.

    While the management may still be a total shitshow, the announcement of a Silent Hill house (which I honestly could not believe the first time I saw it), and the promise of some original houses, especially the DE-esque house, has me extremely excited. :3

  5. I was at Horror Nights tonight (left early because of the nearly unbearable constant rain and mixed in wind), and can confirm that they have restocked all of their HHN cards. I saw a bunch of them in the KidZone giftshop, Aftermath, and the Universal Store up at the front. If you were worried about possibly not being able to get any then don't let it bother you anymore cause from what I can tell they have plenty. They also have plenty of hats, and are actually carrying two different designs now. Both hats are similar, but the newer one I've seen is black instead of charcoal, and the logo on the new hat is stitched on the hat as opposed to the first one where the logo was a spade patch sewed on to the hat. Other than that they are nearly identical to one another. As far as the hoodies go, I'm sad to say I didn't see a single one tonight, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's about it for them. I could be wrong, but knowing how they were pulling for a limited release on these things I doubt we'll be seeing them again. Everything else merchandise related is still in plenty of stock also, including the shirts, shotglasses, and pins.

    Talked to a couple people in the stores across the park last night. Apparently, hoodies are completely sold out for this year. No more until next year.

    Sorry, guys.

  6. This years hhn was the worst one yet, all the houses stink and bill and Ted was lame again...is it just me or were all the houses way shorter to? I feel like we are reaching the point where we need to add more houses and zones or get that extreme house idea going. So tired of that stupid holiday crap...that house made me wish I didn't have eyes, give us something good universal

    Sorry that your post doesn't really say anything really conclusive. Don't worry, you can try and make a good, critical post again later! :3

    Anyways, last night was incredibly rainy. But... holy shit. It was SO worth holding out for it. Great houses this year, was really really surprised by Bloodngutz and The Thing. Nightingales was freaking amazing, and I really, really hope that they show up in another house, it's an awesome concept.

    All in all, a great year, and I can't wait to see the scarezones in action! As is Acid Assault looks awesome!

  7. Right, so, let me get this straight...

    This is how I currently see Into the Machine. If I'm wrong and there's no connection, this works well for a fan theory, right?

    So we start out with Saws and Steam, right? Mass anarchy in New Yorkshire's streets, something like a riot or something. Man against man, brother against brother. Nobody's going to be able to stop it. The police have pretty much said "Screw this" and they're not bringing their mechanotrolleys or whatever in to calm down the rioters.

    Give or take, maybe twenty years for this. The ocean is pretty much still screwed. Maybe the population's dropped a bit from all the unchecked killings.

    New Yorkshire has cooled down, but it still needs power. This is where The Horizon comes in. I'm imagining something like a Soylent Green scenario here where people are just scraping by, living in ruined tenements with little to no power. The Horizon keeps this all running. Maybe across the entirety of America they've got these running, or maybe it's just New Yorkshire. The fact of the matter though is that every day of every year people are getting processed into water. The killing never stopped. It just got more orderly, more managed. The system no longer perpetuates the people, it's the people who expend themselves to take care of a system that serves nothing but itself. Gears running that do nothing but suck up more water, and by extension more lives.


  8. Holy shit this is going to be a fucking amazing year. Every house intrigues me, every scare zone intrigues me (Acid rain doesn't mean blisters, guys! We may be looking at something more like Fright Yard than anything!), I am excited.

    Also, good on this forum for actually managing to figure out a lot of this stuff (especially the houses) before the reveal happened! You guys all rock. :3

  9. Psst! Avast there! It be too late to alter course, mateys. And there be plundering pirates lurkin' in ev'ry cove, waitin' to board. Sit closer together and keep your ruddy hands in board. That be the best way to repel boarders. And mark well me words, mateys: Dead men tell no tales! Ye come seekin' adventure with salty old pirates, eh? Sure you've come to the proper place. But keep a weather eye open mates, and hold on tight. With both hands, if you please. Thar be squalls ahead, and Davy Jones waiting for them what don't obey.

    We wants the redhead, we wants the redhead!

    Honestly the tone I got off the picture is more of a ghostly feel than demonic. They're already doing demons in another house from the look of it, they're not going to overlap with the pirate (Maybe not even a pirate ship? Just more of a ship full of ghosts jealous of the living?) ship house.

    I think it's Saws n' Steam, actually. ignoring the ropes, the background looks like it could be pipes... and the card for the Saws n' Steam game is also red. Also, excluding the glowing eyes, the corpse looks more dehydrated than anything.

    Unless, of course, the card is actually orange... it's hard to tell. It's probably either the pirate house or Saws n Steam.

    I think ignoring the ropes would be a bad thing to do. Those ropes look a whole lot like rigging. And there's tattered sheets up top, which could serve for sails.

  10. Universal tends to hew towards false locations as well in order to keep themselves unchained by history. The Universal Palace Theater, all the permutations of Carey, Ohio, the fact that Paulo Ravinski comes from a "non-descript Eastern European country"... it all pertains to the fact that otherwise they would have to fit their creations into the history of a specific area to keep the illusion up.

  11. This is probably really, really wrong, but if the three people represent the living, dying, and dead.

    And this statement is stated by someone who would like to meet them...

    Maybe it's coming from someone inbetween? Neither living, dying, or dead?

  12. I've spent a few hours looking at the website and it screams to me Atlantic City, early 1910s-1930s. I just don't see Vegas with this. A few things led me to believe this: 1. AD like to try to throw people a little bit. I think the minute everyone saw cards, 21, "The House", Wager, we immediately jump to a Vegas theme, but we forget that Atlantic City was the orginal official gambling spot in America. 2. Atlantic City could be much creepier than Vegas. I also think that there will be Casino house/Boardwalk house. I would be interested if someone went back and looked at the permits and it might give you clues by checking out the structural specs. But with all that being said, I feel like this could be one of the best years in the past few years. Has lots of potential. Just my thoughts.

    Gambling in Atlantic City wasn't legalized until the 70s so I'm not exactly sure that's all that plausible...

  13. Hell yeah, casino theme.

    What the hell's wrong with a casino theme for this year? There's a very strong running theme through Halloween stories of Faustian bargains that the antagonists (and sometimes protagonists) take part in. This running theme can be played with a lot of ways and make for a lot of houses. And casinos represent the most basic version of the Faustian bargain, soooo...

  14. I'm going to call around 2. The only time they have actually done a "Midnight Launch" of anything was 2008 with Bloody Mary, and there was a massive buildup leading to it where the time was announced in advance.

    To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if an update doesn't occur until tomorrow afternoon.

    EDIT - In other words, don't get too excited about the prospect of waiting up past your bedtime for a midnight launch. It most likely will be much later than you expect.

    I was gonna do it anyways so welp

    It is pretty much impossible to accurately drop anything when you're doing it on the internet anyhow. A delay of a few hours should be expected out of common sense.

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