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Posts posted by MsBonL

  1. Unfortunately, it looks like there is a very good chance we won't be attending this year. We'll have to live vicariously through everyone else's adventures, so make sure to have a lot of fun! ;)

    We'll miss you guys!!! :(

    On the site update there is a new FFP plus express. Also a new FFP that includes Fridays (also available with express). No prices for those yet though.

    I'm wondering what the FFP+ and FFP+ with Express will cost with the AP holder discount.

    I thinking we'll need to get a loan to cover the cost :lol:

  2. Just as a quick update, more than likely at least the basic two hour UTH Tour should be back. As for any additional UTH Tour offerings, well the jury is still out on that but the attempt is being made to try and get the powers that be to expand the offerings so hopefully one of these day's I'll have some more news.

    The RIP Tours will of course be back again as usual as well.

    7.gifI'm so glad to hear that the UTH tours will be back this year!!

  3. My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

    Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

    As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

    And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

    Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

    And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

    2.gif... Yay the voice of reason!!!

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