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Posts posted by ldh5086

  1. Yeah, it's probably double the amount of previous years, plus it's usually filled with new people that joined late, or others who end up dropping their role for whatever reason. This time, it's starting with rehires and I think new people, but rehires specifically so that when spots have to be filled, it's not filled by someone who barely knows what they're doing every time.

    Thanks for explaining that to me! So if there are already 100 people in the pool, would that mean my chances of getting to be in the pool are pretty slim since I haven't heard anything?

  2. It would be super cool to be planted in the audience and be pulled out and taken to the auction. I'm hoping for either that, or to be one of the rich 1% people at the auction.

    I got to be an auction victim last year and it was one of the best nights of my life. No joke.

    They said they have over 100 people in the pool this year, so I'm sure they're going to have a lot of people on reserve and bring them in later. That probably all depends on whether people drop or what happens during the event.

    Is 100 people in the pool a lot? And does that mean all 100 of those people already know they're in the pool? Waiting sucks :( I'm a returning scareactor from USF and I was feeling so confident about it but this has really been a bummer. 

  3. I'm really hoping that the scare zone is a re-creation of the Purge scarezone in Orlando last year, with the van capturing victims and auctioning them off on top of the school bus. It was fully immersive and an incredible thing to watch, especially when the van and the motorcycles would come down the streets when the alarms went off :) I'm hoping they stick with that concept in the scarezone, and maybe make the terror tram more of the hunting party feel. Murdy tweeted that there'd be patriotic music playing and it'd be really creepy, so I have high hopes that the two sections will be different enough from each other. Let's keep our fingers crossed

    • Like 2
  4. Emails are still going out. I think the end of this week is the end of the initial casting period though, so anyone who isn't emailed before then is going to have to wait until the event starts before more start going out, unfortunately.

    And no, you don't have to go to orientation or Scare Acadeny if you're cast late. You just do your onboarding paperwork and start working.

    Thank you for that info! I don't think I could make it work with my day job if it were a super last minute thing (unless it were pool) so I'll keep my hopes up through Friday.

  5. John just posted some new info about the main entry scarezone: 

    -Voice over sessions done for a special element that will factor into the opening Scare-A-Mony 

    -Element includes a vehicle they have to prop out to fit the theme 

    -He wants it to sound like someone is talking from inside the vehicle 

    -The voice isn't exactly human (Processing will be done to get it sounding right) 

    -The vehicle belongs to a company, a new business start up that hates humans 


    Oh gosh... why does my mind go right to the Terminator franchise :huh:

    or maybe Resident Evil?

    • Like 1
  6. There is some administrative backups right now which are keeping a decent amount of casting emails to not even be sent out yet. That is also bringing everything else email wise to a standstill for those who have already received their casting emails

    This makes me feel a lot better! When I called to check and make sure they got my online application last week, they told me they did the first round wednesday, and were doing another round friday. They anticipated doing 2 rounds early this week as well, but I haven't heard of anyone getting an email this week so I wasn't sure if that held up. Thanks for sharing that info :)

  7. On another note...

    I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for Purge terror tram! I worked the purge in Orlando last year and it was amazing... such a fantastic scarezone and really immersive. Murdy tweeted that they have to film something before they announce the terror tram, and I know people have been discussing its time relevance, but I think there's a lot you could do with even just the concept. I hear the 3rd movie is supposed to be about the very first purge and how it came to be, so maybe it could be like a precursor to the movie coming out next year. Or it'd be neat if it was like a 'hunting party' like in Anarchy.

    I didn't like the film franchise until I worked the event last year, so I might be in the minority pulling for this, but I think the concept has so much opportunity.

    • Like 2
  8. I did both streets and houses last year in Orlando and I preferred streets 100%, but I think it's because I felt like I had to work harder to scare people. In the houses I worked in, I just pretty much stepped on my trigger every 13 seconds and popped out, where as streets I got to be crafty. I know people who prefer houses over streets too, though, so I agree I think it depends on a lot of factors.

  9. Understandable. Reading through it seems Hollywood really does do it differently. Your auditions seem like so much fun in comparison to just stating your favorite horror movie!..


    Good luck everyone! 

    I was a scareactor in Orlando last year and decided to audition in Hollywood this year since I recently moved to LA. I can definitely tell you it was a much more immersive audition, and I felt like I actually did something to get that golden ticket :) Last year in FL we simply just said our favorite scary movies and I found out the next day I was going to be a reserve. The anticipation is definitely killer here though! Keeping my fingers crossed for a scarezone :D

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