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Posts posted by thewordwisper

  1.     I went two nights both nights the announcer wasn't there. but I don't think it would have made the difference if I like the house or not. It didn't feel like the purge but it felt like scream but with the wrong actors and graffiti. And BTW I'm the biggest scream fan boy u would ever meet I know the movies I'm and out so I picked and saw past all the purge graffiti . If u had to ask Mr is this my favorite this my favorite house no it's not. But is it my least favorite house no insidious was

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  2. This is my 2nd favorite house (justly under body colectors) each time I went though the house it got better and better. I am disappointed that the U.S room is candyland out of everything they could have been on. Hell they could have done sports America is know for a couple thing sports and military.

    I did see Eddie in the house last night 



    Who made the decision?  The smart people that saw that the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street reboots opened between $35-$40M and both finished up with about $65M.  (source:  boxofficemojo.com) A HORRIBLE drop that shows that other than the fanboys (aka: us) nobody cared about the movies and they disappeared from theatres and were on DVD within 2 months.  And last season of The Walking Dead averaged about 14M viewers per episode.  (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Walking_Dead_episodes#Season_5_.282014.E2.80.9315.29

    As far as attendance, at a decent $10 average price per ticket because I'm lazy and don't feel like looking it up (and live in NY where an IMAX ticket costs $25) that would mean about 6.5 million people in North America went to see each movie.  17 million people in the US tuned in to last year's TWD season finale.

    Yes, we all don't like it...but let's stop acting like they're doing it out of spite.  Apple charges $1500 for the same laptop you can get with windows for $400.  Do they do it out of spite?  No, they do it because it's a capitalistic word and supply and demand.  Our demand here on the forum isn't even a blip on their radar when they look at their metrics.  They aren't running a charity for horror fans...they're running a business.

    very well said.

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  4. Speaking of Scream, I was in NYC last week and saw a bunch of posters for the new show. As much as I didnt like the mask at first,seeing it in the posters made it look scarier than the original (although the original mask isnt scary). If the show ends up being okay it may not be that bad.

    This means unversel has the rights to scream mtv version.

  5. i would be cool with Scream not showing up. I just dont think that house would be as great as say Halloween or something. Doesnt have anything but an iconic mask. Doesnt have all the different rooms, etc (maybe the garage door scene but we've seen that already). Another Scream House would be cool though!!!! I saw 2006's but thats it....

    It's come and don't doubt there abilities.
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