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Averixx De Avalon

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Everything posted by Averixx De Avalon

  1. I was thinking about that earlier, so it is easier to see what you've missed.
  2. No update yet on Twitter; the hour was about 15 minutes ago.
  3. I totally agree, I keep trying to anger them/get emotions from them. It's hilarious I still can't get over the "You're a joke" response.
  4. I really wish they would do something like Universal tries to take back the channels Jacks maniacs get angry And we get the full reveal earlier than expected.
  5. I was actually thinking about that when I was reading about fear.I love it I
  6. A lot of people I know go for the IPs but still end up enjoying the originals more; it's just big names draw them in, originals keep them coming.
  7. Good point, but still most people will come more because of a "TWD/BIG NAME IP" than an amazing original.
  8. People are still excited because it's "HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS" They don't really care about what year or theme, unless they are a big fan. I know people who just go because hey, it's a big name event lets do it.
  9. LooK wHAT oNe of #JaCKsMaNiaCs dug UP... kNow ouR SeCrEts: http://bit.ly/SCAINAM #JacksManiacs #HHN25
  10. (Snapchat was posted) Universal Orlando ‏@UniversalORL 6m6 minutes agoWill #JacksManiacs ever stop? #SaveBirdie
  11. Not angry, just surprised. It could have and should have been way better than the last two weeks have a twitter overtaken and whatever. It's the 25th for goodness sakes.
  12. I was called a fool, and I am so loving it. LOL. Honestly, it's supposed to get to you. It's not "Universal" it's "JacksManiacs".
  13. That's the first step to being evil; call people fools!
  14. HHN - Orlando ‏@HorrorNightsORL 1m1 minute agowe’Ve uNcoVEred SomEthING elSe… fOr You! kNow ouR Secrets: http://bit.ly/SCAINAM #JacksManiacs #HHN25 It looks like this is all it will be until the full reveal. I wonder if they will keep up with the every hour thing, or if they will give up at night.
  15. Has anyone seen the little white bus over on the construction pics? What do you think it will be used for?
  16. I got tweeted back lol. uH, ohHh... lOoks like soMeone got cauGHt. SnApChat HHNOrlando is sEnding the WRong wArning. I watched the snapchat, and it was pretty ridiculous. I'm not quite sure how to share it though.
  17. HHN - Orlando ‏@HorrorNightsORL 11m11 minutes agono mAtter wHere yoU’ll walK, horRor liEs aRound the cOrNers. bE prepared: http://bit.ly/SCAINAM #JacksManiacs #HHN25
  18. Oh my god, this has got to be the worst tweet. Universal Orlando ‏@UniversalORL 18m18 minutes agoUniversal Orlando retweeted HHN - Orlando Oh no! Not them...the Maniacs have taken over! Universal Orlando added, HHN - Orlando @HorrorNightsORLYOu tRY to StEAl oUr PLaNs? WE cApTUre YoUR ChaNNelS & SpREaD hIS HorROr! #JacksManiacs #HHN25 http://bit.ly/DeclareHHN25
  19. So in 1 1/2 days we get the full reveal? Are you serious.
  20. http://blog.universalorlando.com/extras/maniacs-takeover/ HHN - Orlando ‏@HorrorNightsORL 1m1 minute agoPieCes oF thaT wHicH yoU sOughT to Take frOm hiM... uNtiL wE ReVeal ALL. #JacksManiacs http://bit.ly/SCAINAM HHN - Orlando ‏@HorrorNightsORL 30m30 minutes agoYOu tRY to StEAl oUr PLaNs? WE cApTUre YoUR ChaNNelS & SpREaD hIS HorROr! #JacksManiacs #HHN25 http://bit.ly/DeclareHHN25
  21. Um...I don't even know what to say. (This is my first year following the teasing/announcements) It was really bad, I was excited at first because of the potential but man... huge letdown with nothing to show for it. The twibbon(or whatever it's called) is not that great either.
  22. I heard that it was taken down due to racial controversy, so yeah I think thats what it was. The employee news thing about HHN comes out on the 7th.
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