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Posts posted by mystiquephreeq

  1. I don't think Insane Asylum is very scary lol.

    Read the histories of them, and you may change your mind. The "treatments" that were used in the past, the sanitary conditions, the abuse of patients, and experimentation done on them could change your mind.

    The patients were not the "frightening" element of asylums. The staff could be absolutely terrifying though.

    • Like 2
  2. I love all these things about the number 23 but if Hollywood gets there way again, 23 wont mean anything.. Like Last yr, the only thing with 22 on it was the hat.

    I'm going to ignore this.

    *fingers in ears* "LA LA LA LA. I can't here you."

    No bursting my bubbles. Bubbles doesn't like it when he gets burst.

    I've got at least 4 months before I have to consider leaving my fantasy world. The one where Orlando will definitely have a completely separate event from Hollywood. Not going to leave it until then.

    *stubbornly sits in her fantasy world*

    Yes, I can be entirely delusional and unrealistic about somethings. :P

    • Like 4
  3. Remember when everyone was doing this for the number 22 last year. We had twin theories, etc. Then nothing.

    But I dig that you guys get some serious brain exercise on here though! Helps me out too!

    That's why I do it. Brain exercise.

    No more, no less. Creativity is an outlet for me, and it is far easier to come up with the starting premise.

    The intricate details of connections, history, character looks, speaking patterns, movements, environments and so on, take far more time than my two children allow.

    I can create the simple starting idea, and it gives my brain some peace. When real clues and rumors come about, I can begin to connect those ideas. Look for the patterns.

    Although, the thoughts and specs on 21 did eventually pan out.

    Ah, how I long for a day where I can l sit down and create without an interruption.

  4. IDK I was just looking for connections based on the year... No matter how tenuous. After all its wild spec. But I wasn't implying 23 would be a main focus I was just doing some research into the number to see if there was any significance I could glean to a theme (i.e. 13, XX, 21, etc.).

    You made me think, and we all know how dangerous that can be! Warning: Complex Wishful Thinking ahead!

    Numerology is an interesting subject. Western Nummerology is also refered to as Pythagorean Numerology. Pythagoras was a Greek philospher and mathmatecian. Everyone who has taken geometry has been taught his theorem.

    23 is not a part of Pythagorean/Western Numerology, although it does have its own mystical, metaphysical and symbolic meanings.

    1 - 9, 11, 22, & 33 are the Western Numbers. 11. 22, & 33 are the Master Numbers.

    So, 23 or 2 + 3 = 5.

    Let's look at the symbolism for 5.


    Odds are considered masculine. Evens are considered feminine.

    I know last year many hoped for dual or dueling Icons. I liked the theory myself. It made sense, but it was sooooo predictable. I'm actually glad A&D didn't go for it. It would have been too easy.

    But, two Icons for this year.....

    A vindictive and jealous 2. A shallow and insecure 3. Sister and Brother? Lovers? The two coming together to make 5.

    Removing the gender specific prounouns to the description of 5.....we would have quite an interesting Icon pair.

    One can wish......

    EDIT: Names given to the numbers by the source I was quoting.

    2 - The All-Knowing

    3 - The Creative Child

    5 - A Dynamic Source

    My life path number is 22 - The Master Builder.

    My expression number is 5. Expression numbers are derived from the letters of your name. My expression number does not change when using either my maiden or married name.

    • Like 2
  5. Over analyzing of course... 23 is a mysterious number.

    Is shows up in religion, human anatomy, mathematics, history, and even pop culture often.

    The physical biorhythm cycle is 23 days.

    It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body.

    The male and female each contribute 23 chromosomes during conception.

    A full turn of the DNA helix occurs every 23 angstroms.

    The number of joints in the human arm is 23.

    There are 23 vertebrae in the human body.

    Tantrists believe the male sex cycle is 23 days.

    I guess that is why they made a movie about it. :P

    I'm not much into numerology but it is interesting.

    You forgot one!

    23 has always been my lucky number!!! It has shown up quite a bit in my life. From randomly being given 23 as my swim team number, my friends choosing 23 for my pager code because it was the day I received it (yes, I'm old and had a beeper in highschool), to my now husband proposing to me on November 23rd. There are more times as well. It has shown up in my life for years.

    So, my wishful thinking for this year:

    Best HHN ever for me!!!

  6. I don't think that would work for HHN. You would have to scare me like you mean it, before I even get scared! I'm not going into the event trying to be scared, that's the job of the scareactors.

    This unfortunately made me think of "Live Like You're Dying", which led to a whole Saw type premise for the event. Icon puts you in terrifying, horrific, and deadly situations so you appreciate life and if you survive, you totally become a part of the YOLO brigade.

    Can't think of a catch phrase to go with the "like you mean it", but yep, I could see marketing trying to throw that kind of monkey wrench into the works.

    Not really wishful thinking, more of a horrified thinking. And not in a good way.

    Please, please. pleeeaaase, Marketing, do not try to incorporate the "like you mean it" into HHN.

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  7. A dark and macabre burlesque show, That would be so perfect for HHN, As had been stated.

    Are you listening Universal? We have money.......

    As I mentioned previously, I think last page, I don't think this is possible.

    Burlesque tends to run into R territory. Tone it down to an acceptable PG 13, and you rob it of its original glory.

    HHN has become far too commercial for us to get a true burlesque show. We can't even get the Hollywood style go-go dancers.

    I would love it. But considering the uproar created by B&T last year, I'm just not seeing anything risqué making it into this year's event.

    Just the use of a pentacle or pentagram symbol in a show would probably cause a hissy fit from some people. Scantily clad females writhing on stage in sensual positions would probably cause heads to explode. Nevermind the innuendo that goes along with burlesque.

    I mean just think about the complaints about the billboards.....

    EDIT: Not trying to kill anyone's wishful thinking, just trying to throw an element of realism into things.

    Nothing's worse than wishing for something, then hearing we are getting that something and that something doesn't live up to what was envisioned.

  8. But, the thing is, were those shows worst or better than the magic shows we get now?

    That's the thing for me, I have not really experience any shows besides Bill and Ted and Rocky Horror, plus the dreadful magic shows. That's what I know from HHN.

    Magic shows are in the same ranking as circus acts for me. If I want to see one, I'll go see one. Usually with my child in tow. I have no interest in seeing one at HHN. They are crowd eaters. as long as others go see them, I could careless what they are.

    The acrobatic, "circus" shows were no better and no worse. They were average. Nothing I had never seen before, and definitely not something I would waste precious house time on.

    Growing up, those types of acts were a dime a dozen at BG. I saw them regularly. While impressive feats, by the age of 13 they became stale, predictable, and repetitive to me.

    Which is why I stated toning down the elements of a show like JW posted would truly kill it.

    I would predict after three years of "circus" style shows, we would be visiting this topic again and people would be wanting something new. Just as has be done with the magic shows.

    I can agree with Liz, the street performances that actually relate to the event are more enjoyable and I'm more likely to pause and watch.

  9. I'm feeling the vibe that people want back the types of shows from the 90's. Interesting.

    I saw Inferno in 98, because there were 5 houses, 2 scarezones, and the lines for the houses were impossibly long. I wasn't impressed. I watched Kiss Army perform. Again, I wasn't impressed. I'm not a show person when it comes to theme parks. Everything I saw in Inferno, I had seen performed during the day at BG.

    Personally the type of show that JW posted is extremely different than Inferno.

    JW showed us a dark and macabre burlesque show.

    Inferno was a circus act done in monster garb.

    I would love a show like JW posted.

    I can see circus acts elsewhere.

    The only good it would do for me is eat crowds.

    Death Drums had it's shtick of a moving platform. This was something new. The dancers were good. Would I go out of my way to see Death Drums every year? Nope.

    EDIT: Before Chris calls me out on it.

    If there was a promise of eye candy in leather pants, I would have to stop and watch Death Drums at least once to get my required dosage.

    • Like 1
  10. Found it!

    Circo de los horrores

    (heck they have a more interactive site than we've had for a while <_<)

    It'd be cool if Universal came up with there own Circus of horrors and kept it going as a tradition. Tell that wouldn't be better than B&T. Comedy and horror and circus acts.

    Love this, but I saw many things that would never allow it to become a part of HHN. Far too risqué.

    Would something like this, if it were toned down, still be as good? Because it would need to be toned down a lot, for something like it to ever appear at HHN.

    • Like 1
  11. In that same vein (As you are right no Stephen King)...

    Lets have a shinning inspired house. Kinda Hotel Hell, meets tower of terror, meets ghost town, meets bioshock...

    Would love to see a Art deco style hotel. You walk into the lobby in disrepair. As your go through it is restored (still looking for that silent hill effect we didn't get <_<) and becomes inhabited with masked guests. (of course the bunny masquerade masks could make an appearance) throw in some back story and bada bing.

    Only if the guests have croquet malets.

    Hmmm, now I'm picture a Whovian/King crossover.

    Minotaur in the hotel anyone? You would get a Dr. Who representation and two King novels in one house!!!

    Ok, that's pure wishful thinking and maybe a little insane.....

    • Like 1
  12. Before you think to comment on this, Wesker - let me say ahead of time, I already know the roadblocks associated with what I'm about to say, but I'm going to say it anyway because this is WISHFUL thinking.. I would love, love, LOVE to see Stephen King and Uni working together for something truly unique and awesome. Who better to scare us all shitless than the Master himself?

    I agree with this. I think of it every year and it's always on my wishful thinking list.

    Chris, :P

    I want King houses!

    • Like 3
  13. Now the thing is though, Mama comes out soon.. What happens if the movie bombs? Then what? By Sept and Oct nobody will remember it.. Just because its a Horror movie doesnt means A&D has to look into maybe turning it into a maze.

    Same thing that happened with Dead Silence and Doomsday?

    Although those both came out in March, the houses coincided with the release of the DVD.

    Besides, if it bombs in the theaters that doesn't mean it won't have a cult following.

    And Dead Silence and Doomsday both bombed in the theaters.

    Now, I would have one requirement of a Mama house:

    The scareactors portraying Mama would have to move like her.

    Having seen the trailers, the only thing that appears to separate Mama from other supernatural entities is the way she moves.

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  14. I never mentioned Samhain being a god.

    But, as far as everything else, my misconceptions then.

    It was more of a reference to the original premise behind The Hallow.

    You would probably like a house based around Faeryfolk. They are tricksters and pranksters.

    I've always wondered why A&D has never attempted a house with them. With the success of Scary Tales, I believe it would be a popular house.

    They would have to display something closer to the original myths, instead of the sugar coated versions most know. The Sidhe (kinda represented in Gothic last year with the winged cat or Cat Sidhe), Selkies, Kelpies, Redcaps, Will o' the Wisps and so on.

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  15. Samhain is not a god but the festival practiced by the Gaelic.

    I actually found the use of a goat like god called Samhain to be somewhat offensive. He was more Pan like than anything else. This would be why I did not include The Hallow imagery in my post regarding a Traditional Halloween.

    If we wish to have a traditional Samhain house, it would not be as similar to a Traditional Halloween house, and most likely not as frightening as many people perceive it to be. Although one could say the Unseelie Court trouncing around in a house could prove to be unnerving.

    While some of the imagery associated with Samhain has been brought into Halloween, the commercialization of Halloween as well as the removal of many of the original ideas behind Samhain separate the two.

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  16. I think a house that was "traditional" would be nice, but I don't think you need the Traditionals to make the house work.

    Creepy children are fine and good, but how often do we need them?

    I could see a montage of scenes that could fit the traditional idea without being overrun by creepy kids.

    Set it in a Carey neighborhood. Carey has a long history of large portions of the town going nutty.

    You can have the home Halloween Haunt gone wrong, a cornfield maze gone wrong, a Halloween party gone wrong, various houses where decorations are made from real people.

    Do a Home for the Holidays without the inmates.

    Decorate and costume with cheap 60s, 70s, & 80s materials. Make it gauche and gaudy and not at all professional, except for the blood and guts and gore.

    That's what I remember from my childhood. Plastic and paper skeletons and scarecrows. Paper mâché decorations. Garbage bags stuffed with leaves or newspapers to make a spider.

    Make it look like a neighborhood in Anywhere, USA.

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  17. I hope this is the right place to post this. I'm not sure if it would be considered discussion or wishful thinking. I feel it's more discussion, but as always, please move, or delete if I'm wrong. And I apologize if I am wrong.

    My feelings on the connections being made and that were made.

    To me, the combining all 3 ARGs (since the Terra Queen was included in the Legions) was a very smart move.

    With the new RFID technology added to the games, tying all the ARGs together makes sense.

    Horror Unearthed is a great name for a continually transforming game associated to a horror event. As long as people keep their cards, new cards would only have to be made for new members or those who may have lost or damaged their card. This saves money.

    Tying past characters to the game, gives a sense of history and background, but does not limit new additions.

    I would not be surprised if LT were to lose to the Legions. This could affectively end an ARG storyline that started out very strong but became extremely lackluster. It could also set up a permanent "enemy".

    HHN fans love horror, and we tend to identify with the "monsters" more than the people. We all have our favorites. Creating a organization that we would have to struggle against as a community to help protect the event we love is perfect.

    Of course, I have no idea if that is what they will do, but it seems to me to be the most likely way to tie things together.

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  18. I wasn't sure if this should be here (it's more wishful thinking than anything else), if it doesn't I apologize and please move it or delete it.

    With the possibility of LT vs. HU, and King K.'s information regarding a more fantasy related event for the use of IOA, I can't help but speculate about two parks.

    LT more reality based inside the Studios.

    HU Legions more fantasy inside IOA.

    Just a thought, and probably pure wishful thinking on my part.

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