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Posts posted by Atlas

  1. I feel like CitW would work in HoH. With some reworking, you can make the cave scenes in the beginning look like a forest leading to a cabin and have the Buckners in that section. Then the organ/phantom? room can become the elevator scene. And every room after that can be like a new monster wreaking havoc on the office building. It would take alot of work to get it right. Unfortunately I can see them leaving most everything as is and just adding some recognizable characters from CitW.

    Just a thought.

  2. I really don't mind TWD getting brought back even if for a 4th time next year as they've done some cool things with it. I just wish they wouldn't make it the main attraction or center of attention anymore. That's what's getting old for me. I mean, even the show has moved far, far away from that hospital in season 1. Do we still need the "Don't dead, open inside" sign at the front gate?

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  3. Some people get so mad that we complain, but I bet if it were a IP or maze u didn't like you would be complaining too.

    Come on now. Who's getting mad?

    Technically, FDTD is an IP that I don't necessarily like myself. I've never seen it. But from the looks of it, I'm sure it will do well at HHN. And like I said, I don't need my favorite movies and shows to become mazes in order to be happy with the event. To say that an idea sucks or that it will bring down the event is being childish. You haven't seen the show and you have no idea what either park has in mind for this maze's concept. Sure, FDTD might not make you immensely ecstatic like AHS or RE or whatever else you're begging for, but it's still a valid property and has huge potential. If you're only going to HHN just to see your favorite IPs, then you will most likely always be disappointed. Sorry bout it.

    Let's broaden our horizons a bit, shall we? ;)

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  4. I hope this maze proves to everyone that ANYTHING Murdy says that sounds like an HHN "rule" should be taken with a grain of salt. Let's stop acting as if everything he says is written in stone because obviously things change.

    Personally, I'm very much down for this maze. I know very little of the show but from the sneak peaks it looks pretty rad. Then again, I really don't need all my favorite movies and shows to be represented in the lineup to be happy with the event.

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  5. I actually had never seen AWiL until late last year after seeing Orlando's maze. I still had heard of the movie though. Anyway, the nazi scenes confused the hell out of me and I thought they were just being "creative" with the story, but the puppets were so intense that it more than made up for my confusion due to unfamiliarity. And in any case, with Hollywood's makeup and fabrication skills, I'm sure the nazis will look freaky enough that people won't care. Tl;dr: it's not the most popular IP but the maze can be so well made that it won't matter.

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