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Posts posted by Atlas

  1. I like the guy who has been in the video...the guy who filmed in the from the front angle this year, and the girl from last year they did a good job of showing reactions if they didn't get scared there was not a lame joke.

    Also who complain about the weirdest things now, we have official become......

    I'm sorry... I don't think I understood anything you typed here. But I will take the Statler and Waldorf comparison as the highest compliment. They are everything I want to be in 50 years.

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  2. I tried watching a couple of the videos but those two are just... No... It was fine seeing them for a brief two seconds in last year's videos because it was still mostly the maze but this year... just WHY?!?!...

    They may have gotten the idea from celebrity walk through videos or the ones that Ellen does for her tv show. The difference is that the woman who does the Ellen videos is hilarious and people are actually interested to see what celebrities would do in mazes.

  3. just a heads up for those who like to watch hhn videos, dont watch sharps...unless you like hearing an annoying couple over the actual maze

    I can't sit through an entire video of theirs this year. Between the guy's horrible jokes and the girl's inability to navigate a room competently I just lose it. When he saw the axe girlfriend in HoH he said "You look cute. Have you seen warm bodies?" Hur hur hur. How long were ya cookin that one up? Not to mention he screams like my mother. Which I kind of like as it helps me picture how she would react at HHN.

  4. Sorry to hear about your ordeal.

    However, you ought to know that it didn't help your case at all when you cussed at them and flipped them off. From what you described, it sounds like the employees were in the wrong and the crowd behaved poorly, but that still doesn't justify your reaction. That would make you just as distasteful as anyone else in this situation.

    We're there to have fun. Try to avoid confrontation and focus only on what you're going to want to remember the next day. The minute it becomes a competition or a yelling match, the event loses some or all of it's worth. I know, people suck. But you can still rise above.

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  5. ...with the music of legendary guitarist Slash – who even makes a special appearance in the experience as his own crazy clown, by his own request.

    *eye roll*

    I mean, props to him. I'd request that too. But at the same time, we must ask ourselves... If I were to leave this party, would anyone really miss me?

    Let's hope that soundtrack is as good as gold. And that his clown only makes one appearance.

    Anyway, these environments actually fit better into this maze than they have in past 3D mazes. It's too bad Clowns wasn't made first.

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