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Posts posted by Bourgeoised

  1. Hey everyone I'm back if you remember me. Just saw the code on Twitter, thought I'd throw in my two cents so here goes:

    Maybe this is a little more obvious but still hidden, if you catch my drift. The Beatles are unarguably one of the most popular bands in the world, and America (as the clue specified). They were from England. So that fits. They're in the hall of fame, and their seminal album was release in 1967 Sgt. Pepper. Now it would seem this would point to a 3D or psychedelic style maze, but here's my guess... Look closely at the celebrities on the album cover... Anyone interesting? Perhaps, Edgar Allan Poe. Maybe it's our turn to take on the original Prince of Darkness. Just a crackpot theory but you never know. Thanks for listening.

    If we got an Edgar Allan Poe maze I could die happy. I can see how this may be "out of the box".

  2. IDK if you notice but a lot of our ideas end up being used even in a lesser extent last year around this time we brought up Wendigo and we got skullz we brought up Alien we got AVP ect ect if you even go further back you kind find further evidence. You also gotta think on what we want how the GP will react to, how much it would cost, how hard it is to get the rights, ect. If Murdy did even 50% of what we say on here The Terror Tram would be burned downed with a giant statue of Freak replacing it, they would not allow anyone but us and let us in for free, the whole park would be flooded for JAWZ: Bloody Waters and to event will last from October to August.

    That would be awesome! Haha

    On a serious note, I am positive Murdy has visited the forums a lot more than we think.

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  3. I am so tired of TWD TT. Uuuuuugh. And Universal is releasing that 'Ouija' movie... anyone think they may try to make that into a maze? After the movie is released and I watch it I'll have a better idea regarding that.

    Alas, here is my wishful thinking:

    AN ICON.

    1: Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Halloween.

    2: Trick R' Treat (doubtful)

    3: The Exorcist

    4: The Evil Within or Resident Evil

    5: Cabin in the Woods

    6: AHS (I could see them using Freak Show to their advantage out of all of the seasons)

    7: Dark Christmas

    8: Original concept for said icon

    Realistically speaking, though, I'm sure they'll do the Conjuring/Annabelle or Insidious.

    I just want them to put TWD to rest for a year, or if they decide to use it again, put it in a show. I would also like to see Bill and Ted return.

  4. When we were in Dracula the group in front of us was constantly stopping to take 'selfies' within the maze (with and without SA's). I was a bit disappointed because most of the SA's wouldn't attempt a scare when that happened (I don't blame them, we would do that too at SFMM). So since we were in the back of the group we held out a few seconds before continuing to walk that way we were able to experience some scares. I'll second that - please don't take selfies in the maze, it makes things unpleasant for those behind you.

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  5. Welcome to the forums!

    Saturdays are normally packed as all holy hell, honestly I highly recommend early access a lot had changed since the last time you went there are only two mazes on the upper lot and the lower lot has two and the back lot has three as opposed to 2 years ago when it was four on the upper lot and two on the lower lot. The back lot maze WILL reach two hour waits quick. Do early entry especially with the walk it will save your ass. if you hit the mazes in the back lot first then do the two on the lower lot even with the 3 rides down there you'll be done by 9:30 the latest and you can do whatever you want on the upper lot in any order and can even repeat if you got the time for lines. Honestly I would skip the opening it's awesome and everything but it puts you on the same step as majority of the on time crowd plus it's on youtube. hope this helps.


    I have tickets for tomorrow as well and don't mind missing the opening, I think this has been asked previously, but what time would you recommend getting there for early access? I usually go middle/end of October, but I wanted to attend opening weekend for once and seeing as FOL and VIP already sold out it seems like it's going to be a mad house.

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  6. Most seem to have the same idea - start with TT and work their way from there.

    Last year I had VIP for the first time, so we hung out in the lounge before our designated tram boarding time. Usually, we'll do tram, then lower lot, back lot, and upper lot last. I agree, though, exiting the park after a maze seems so strange to me because I'm still pumped to do more. Last year we went through HOH last and went straight back to the lounge to grab some dessert, check out the Purge while we were on our way out, and then headed home.

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