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Posts posted by homelessjogger

  1. Did anyone ever notice on the website's Legancy / Iconic era that HHN 16's note says - Halloween's Sweet Sixteen Party had four "special guests". Notice the quotes around special guests...plays directly into what many of us have speculated this past week about the 5 parts of the emblem, etc.

  2. Reminds me of a couple of websites I built about 5 or 6 years back for horror films and another one maybe 4 years ago for a horror comic book I got published by Devil's Due Publishing. I won't post the links because I think that'd be spam :)

    But I love interactive Flash sites like this. Not enough companies do this sort of marketing.

  3. Looks like Charon and the last gasp image.

    Agreed. I am right along side you in the Charon theory. If we were all looking for a robed figure before seeing the flames in that image it would be one thing. But we weren't. And when many of us noticed it looked like a hooded / robed figure it shouldn't be something to shrug at.

  4. Posted 24 June 2010 - 03:08 PM

    Has anyone speculated that the red light from the final days of HHN19 signified these characters being in hell? Maybe this year someone will conjure the spirits to walk again one final time in search of something...

    Posted 29 July 2010 - 05:33 PM

    A new icon would be my guess. Someone that is taking the souls to an unknown entity (future icon) but something happens and the souls from the lantern break lose into the current event. This allows us to have a completely new event yet still utilize past icons in some way. And also setup the story arc for a much larger, more important, icon the following year.

    Posted 29 July 2010 - 05:43 PM

    If this happened I would imagine the past icons being captured successfully at the end. This would allow for this year's icon's boss to hold them captive. Which, in turn, would allow HHN to use any of them again down the road. But, with this year's icon being in 'the dog house' after this huge screw up, his/her boss would manifest for HHN21 and showcase a level of fear we haven't seen before.

    Posted 31 July 2010 - 02:32 PM

    Random thought. What if the Polaroid photos hint at Legendary Truth, interactive for us or not, having found more things to investigate? These were photos they took while investigating scenes of past terror to figure out what is going on now?

    Sounds like I was pretty damn close. Called the lantern with souls before we saw the update with icon faces in the flames. Called Legendary Truth coming back before it happened. The only thing I really missed was the person that opened the gate wasn't this year's icon. It was Legendary Truth / The Collective and the major icon comes this year to "showcase a level of fear we haven't seen before."

    Do I get a cookie? :D

  5. According to Jewish mysticism, she was. However, she refused to become subservient to Adam and because of this, she was either cast out or refused to return to of the Garden of Eden, depending on what source you use. Most modern stories claim that she is the consort of Satan and is the mother of many demons, some from Satan and some from Cain (fun fact, Jadis the White Witch from Chronicles of Narnia is said to be one of her descendants). What is interesting is that there is a Sumerian version of her mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh. She is also said to be related to, or the mother of, the Succubi.

    Cain is the last name of The Caretaker. And he clearly had a child. Interesting...

  6. From what is known at this time we can say the float would not fit with the theme of the Disaster house, that coupled with LT stating that Universal is not telling the "Whole Truth" leads me to think that I may have touched on something back on August 7th. In that episode of Horror Night News we stated that it is possible that Universal is giving the wrong locations to scareactors, to throw off speculation, you throw in the out of place float and it tends to lead one to think they are in fact giving us red herrings, some truth, just giving the wrong locations.

    Ah, good point. Maybe the float would be by Mel's Diner or over by Twister, etc? Or...possibly...at the front gate?

  7. one of the new drawings up on the site is of a hearse. Last year I was up by pat O'briens gettin a hurricane and there was a hearse near it. I'm pretty sure it had a memorial to mary shaw in the window? But i cant quite remember did anyone see this?

    Yeah. I saw that last year when venturing up in that area of City Walk. Stood out and looked odd there. I don't remember the sign or what it said though.

  8. Earlier I stated I was wondering why these photos in specific were chosen.

    Now we find out that they are deteriorating on their own despite efforts to preserve them.

    I get the feeling that what is happening to these photos are warnings of some kind and specific to who is being warned...

    Burning images of Caine. Blood splattered on the Director and Chainsaw Drill Team....HHN's past.

    If the latern is capable of capturing the past, or if the fire is no longer able to be contained by the latern, then what's happening to these images of the past might be a sign in and of itself.

    I was thinking the same. It's showing us the past as it burns what we knew to make way for a new era, etc etc.

  9. Wow, a lot of stuff to comment on...

    The state of the printouts:

    As Dave Moseley pointed out a couple pages back, I believe that what LT is now saying implies that the original digital photos do not have the burn marks. This is similar to a thought I had last weekend (and, as I mentioned, asked IH about) though my theory was that they were burned somehow after the Cell Director printed them out. Instead, however, it seems that the marks are appearing on their own. I wonder if other things (like the blood) are appearing as part of the deterioration, too? I guess we just have to wait and see.

    The differences between the original and burned photos:

    The blood stains are, of course, very obvious. No issues there. The Lion, however, I believe to be another case of Photoshopping in the original image. I think someone in Marketing just decided to tilt his arm a little to give the picture a bit more balance. Not saying it's not a difference, just that I doubt it's due to supernatural causes.

    The latest LT advisory:

    This excites me a little: "Investigations into former Cell Director's activities and communications." Are we going to get to see his diary soon? I hope so (...mostly because then I can start filling in more of my timeline).

    Read my last post. It's almost like something was capturing the past events (think video camera) and each photograph is simply a progression of a single frame. Which explains why angles change slightly, why arms move, etc.

    The change in burns, blood, etc can be what LT was warning us about. We are beginning to see what the AD was really up to. We are seeing the true images.

  10. Someone, possibly Horus or Jimmy, posted New York leading into something much larger toward Mel's this year. A wedding or funeral. If the hearse is indeed at Mel's, and that speculation turns out to be somewhat valid, may we find a funeral procession of a beloved icon? It would fit all other themes and tie it into one. And what happens at funerals? The entire family is there.

  11. I know I've mentioned this befoe, but I don't have the technical capability to experiement with this idea: I noticed that, aside from the markings hinting that the pictures are pieces of a puzzle, the Midway of the Bizzare picture seems to have another picture superimposed onto it. Not the markings. Some kind of paint-cracked wall with what appears to be a blackboard.

    After messaging IH about it, the response I got seemed to be encouragement to keep going.

    Has anyone been able to check this out? Has anyone seen this too?

    I think it was discussed a couple pages back. We aren't sure where it came from at this point. First reaction would be blackboard = orphanage if it ties into the current year.

  12. I get more of a Dia de los Muertos feel from that costume more than anything else. The black part of the costume has a Spanish look to it, similar to a bullfighting costume.

    Agreed. And if we go crazy with speculation we can determine that he has fangs, so he must be a predator of some kind. Either we can assume it's a literal translation into being a cannibal or we can go a more mystic route and speculate that he eats souls, etc.

  13. I dunno if it is technically a scare zone, but I have head people cast at the front gate...which would make 8 sz

    Nope, not a scare zone. Just scare actors that play the main character / icon and their assistants usually. Would be too busy in that area to have a true scare zone. Although the Bloody Mary movie that looped was pretty intense.

    Speaking of movies, it would be cool to have them do a legit drive in theatre where people can watch a full movie once a night (11-1, etc) at Mel's.

  14. So here is my two cents:

    I believe that the designs on the pictures are part of a family tree. Most family trees also have the family crest shown with the tree. Previously when I asked Ignatia Himmel about the origin of her name she replied with this; "I am partially of Latin-American descent and was named to honor ancestry on that side of the family tree." IH. On a side note if this is a family tree, then maybe the new icon will be the root of the family.

    The ROOT of all evil. Dun dun dunnnn.

  15. To fuel the flame of the idea that it's a puzzle, here are some files to look over. I took each image bumped up the dark burns, and turned it black and white so that the burn marks become more prominent. Here is what I've been able to piece together:


    Here is what it looks like with what seems to be the lines connected:


    And for all those photoshop owners out there wanting to take a crack at it, here is the psd file:


    I dropped the rez on it, because it was taking forever to upload. If anyone really needs the 15x15 in file let me know and I'll put it up.

    That's pretty much exactly what I came to find today as well. There are a lot more spindly lantern-esque lines though. Thought it would create a variation of the LT logo to be honest.

  16. Actually, it appears to me that the pattern or crest or whatever it is has been burned into or onto the pictures. Question: was this done after the fact or is this image simply mysteriously appearing on old pictures? The latter is spookier, IMO.

    This happened in a movie awhile back (probably quite a few). What was it called? There was a defect in all the photos they took with their camera. So they printed them all out. And they realized it was a large design that was burned onto all of them. Like a giant poster.

    I get that feeling here as well. First thought was, ok, this isn't the lantern. Second thought, is this a version of the LT crest? Jury is out thus far.

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