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Posts posted by trickrtreat20

  1. Regarding the Halloween House...what house is it? The abandoned Myers house? The Strode house? The babysitting house? I kinda remember 3 distinct houses, but I haven't watched any of them recently. Myers goes back to his childhood home, then goes where Jamie Lee Curtis is babysitting, then chases her back to her families house which has the balcony. At least that's how I remember it.

    The Myers house. My guess is it will look like how it does in the beginning with young Michael.
  2. Can we speculate the girlie men Hollywood is going to throw into a Predator reboot. Fuck of all the movies to remake they want to remake perfection?????

    Starring those guys from Twilight Im sure....

    Sorry off topic.

    Should be interesting to see where Shane Black goes with it since he was in the first Predator after all as Hawkins lol.

  3. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/fox-rebooting-predator-shane-black-714598

    Tangentially related to the HHN discussion....4 years after the reboot of Predator, they're rebooting it yet again.

    I quite enjoyed the Predators reboot (and I think that's why I erroneously mentioned a jungle earlier) and would have liked to see a follow up to that. Has me counting down the days until they remake Alien with Angelina Jolie as Ripley...or reboot it with Aliens on earth as not extraterrestrials, but rather genetic experiments gone awry...or something crazy like that.

    Oh well, possible 2018 HHN House.

    Idk if id call Predators a reboot since technically its a sequel to Predator 2.
  4. The only movie related IP I ever really loathed in all the years I have been attending HHN, since 2002 other than missing 2010, was Doomsday in 2008. TWD in 2011 was not good, but it did not earn the utter hatred I have for Doomsday.

    I remember parts of that house with disdain to this very day, some guy in a mohawk dancing right near the end of the house was such a letdown. If it was funny it might have made the house less of a piece of trash, but nope... it was just that. Of course that is just my opinion.

    I agree lol Doomsday was absolutely terrible.
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