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Posts posted by Onca

  1. Ohh 2011... how you've been both helpful in getting me to draw, while you've kept the Orlando event out of my grasp at the same time.

    I ended up drawing Lady Luck at least 5 times this season, as well as La Llorona as how she appeared in the Hollywood side. So for Lady Luck, I'm going from earliest to the one I did tonight.











    And finally La Llorona.


  2. But he'd complain about that, too, zombieman. He'd complain and we'd see an approximately 10+ page rant about the event, RIP, the Vampire Lounge, the free food, everything...it's better for it to go to a cause for someone who'd thoroughly enjoy an RIP, like me. Heehee.. :D

    I at least have a legitimate excuse to be negative about one aspect of HHN, I haven't gotten my print@home ticket in my email yet. It's been 2 hours already, what the hell! I'd understand high traffic for ticket sales and processing but really? Buying my ticket at 1am should be a fast time! What is going on?!

  3. Even some props up on the sidewalk and to the side would be nice if the wide, open space of the Lower Lot's central plaza was just not very accommodating for a fully themed scarezone.

    Sarcasm aside. There's enough space down there for decoration and scareactors, maybe if the area wasn't so clogged with fog most of the time, there wouldn't be a terrible collision risk due to street obstruction and people traffic, eh?

  4. YouTube has a serious lack of video too, with the exception of this guy I guess that Universal's social media policy is the same on either coast. I was reading the Orlando side, and apparently those that went to preview night cannot post pics or video of the event until the real opening night. I guess that also applies to reviews and general opinion about the event as a whole.

    I can relate though, my work's social media policy prohibits us from venting our negativity or any other sort of slander toward the company on any social media like FaceBook, Twitter, and possibly even YouTube. We even had to sign a paper saying that we will not say anything.

  5. It makes it seem like a cute tribute to a big kid's hero in a horror setting.

    I'm in no way saying the maze is gonna blow or lose my immersion in it because everything looks like Alice, I understand that it's his brand, his characters, his music. I'm still staying quite positive about it as a whole, as is my personal policy until I can actually see it for myself with proper lighting and with the scareactors working their best. I can see it as.. a music video that we're in for it that's a medley of a good number of his songs, in that angle, that makes sense. I was listening to the tracks indicated in the article in the order of the scenes, and I see a nice flow to everything, and it all makes sense in that particular order.

    Although, the tweet from last night on that one guy's Twitter saying that there was a technical difficulty just makes me a little nervous if some scenes can still stand. I know it's practically the dress rehearsal for the mazes on preview night, so everything wouldn't work 100% perfect the first time.. but I'm just hoping that there's not a lot of downtime for this maze later in the event or even on opening night because of 'technical difficulties'.

    I know what I said last night, and I'm not trying to go back and said I never said that, different moods and different things to say for a different time of day. Plus it's fun to poke at DTH to see what things he'll say next. :D

  6. Then it tells a lot more about Alice Cooper than we'd ever know, either he's totally in love with his stage persona or he's just completely full of himself, or he's 'afraid' of himself. But I kinda expected it, with every scareactor design looking like Alice (except for the Nurse, Human Stew, and Sick Things) chances were that it was gonna spread to the props too.

    Are you that surprised about that revelation, DTH?

  7. I kinda get where he's coming from with the HoH issue, we know the layout we'll know what the majority of the scenes are like... save for the few additions they've given to a few scenes for the overlay, but on the other hand, we don't know how all of the scareactors will be like. We could be surprised and be given Gwen, Aberline, Maleva... maybe even Singh... as passive/reactive/distressed characters aside from the ones we should expect like Lawrence and his father as humans, and of course their werewolf forms.

    But yes, it's a little bit of a stretch to call Wolfman a repeat though, DTH.

    Even if it is the same old HoH building we're used to walking into, we just haven't had the franchise in Hollywood yet. We can't even put the two next to each other because they are entirely different beasts, if you will, in that respect it's not a repeat. HotC, NOES, F13, TCM, Saw... those are blatant repeats, calling the HOH: Wolfman: Curse of Talbot Hall is like saying a neighborhood yard haunt is a repeat because it's at the same house while the decorations are in different places each year. I know I'm pretty critical of the usage of HoH, but at least now they're trying to make it not the same old HoH we all know, despite the obvious limitations. There will be some things that will bug me about the normal theme versus what the overlay is trying to represent and make it seem more like the Wolfman has just taken over the attraction, but it's something.

    ...Just gotta take it for what it is, then after seeing it, we can all complain about it and with the constructive criticism, Murdy can try to do even more next year! :D

  8. ^Really, Freak?

    now that i think of it im kind of confused of why a picture from klownz was posted in the reapers thread 0.o

    Allow me to clarify your confusion...

    I Think They Should Put The Flame Towers Down There, The Lower Lot has Not Had Any Props Since 07. Or Are The Towers Back In Klownz ? Im Late Sorry ^_^

    i think there using the flame towers to support the hostel facade this year although your idea would of been pretty cool and a good add to the lower lot.

    ^^ thanks for the picture onca ! well seems as if i was wrong but i thought i remembered murdy saying he would be using the towers for hostel. glad to see there back and we wont be losing the major prop in Klownz. from the looks of it i cans see them installing the flame throwers sometime next week.

    That's why, HorrorNights93. Still confused...?

  9. ^ I knew that the front of house was designed too closely to a human face! That article just confirms that thought now!

    Wow, two maze facades that look like faces of their title person, and it's both on the original mazes. That's a little funny. And after reading the article, at least I know the playlist to put together to get myself ready now.

    I'm liking this, sounds pretty cool. Can't wait.

  10. What cracks me up is then the "I'm considering deleting my Facebook" status update is followed by people begging the individual to stay.

    To me it seems more like someone needing positive reinforcement than anything else.

    It's not only Facebook, but also on art sites like deviantART (possibly YouTube), too. I admit that I've done that once, but that's because at the time I felt like I was just "over" sharing stuff online to little response to anything I posted. It's definitely the need for positive reinforcement, to feel like somewhere out in the cold sea of the internet, someone actually cares about or likes what you have to share.

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