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Guybrush T

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Posts posted by Guybrush T

  1. This is undetermined... and I've been squarely in the middle of the fence that this is a rogue A&D member or a crazy fan with with, knowllegde, skill, and too much time.

    But I have to look at it as it was fun and even if it doesn't actually tie it gave us something to do with and actual payoff of info.

    I really like the story and would love to see it be a thing. But at the same time I temper that with it may not be true. So I would just take it for what it is. A fun way to divulge info much like the Doc, The IFRIT, Emeric, the Mutual friend, etc. That way you can be surprised if it is real and not disapointed if it is not.

    Oh I certainly take every clue given with a grain of salt, and I've seen a lot of clue givers over the years on here be...less than reliable.

    I also must say that this year has me more excited for the event, than I have been for a number of years. We are finally getting scare zones again, they have quarantined TWD to only a single house, these is a nice mixture of orginal and IP's, and overall it just...feels better than the last few years, if that makes any sense.

  2. Having lurked on here quite a bit, watching how all these clues have played out, I'm left with one question. Cassilda's clues seem to lead to a story that looks to include Jack's/Oddfellow's mythology. My question is will this actually be central to the overall theme of the event, or something done on the website for hardcore fans to latch onto, or worse of all, suffer a fate similar to "Evil Takes Root" and be seemingly worthless?

  3. Looking at Legacy's parade post above reminds me of an earlier rumor. I'm sure everyone remembers the Old Hard Rock building rumor, which was quite bogus. However, noticing Legacy's potential queue's, Parade 2 could go across the grounds of the Hard Rock. Would this be the grain of truth to this rumor, that Universal was looking at the feasibility of using that area as a queue?

    As far as the 9th house potential, I believe at best there is a 20 percent chance of it, however the evidence is intriguing.

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