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Posts posted by CoreySalyer

  1. I have every expectation that Cabin in the Woods will, in some capacity, have a Body Collector, a Nightingale, a Creature, a Skulder (from Spawning, or a Plague Doctor.

    Failure to use classic HHN characters as Easter Eggs in Cabin is a waste of epic proportions.

    Ya know.....now I'm starting to wonder if this house will even be an adaptation of the movies or just an "inspired by" house kind of how The Forasaken was inspired by The Fog but had it's own twist on it. It will be cheaper because they won't have to worry about movie rights, etc. and it will give more creative liberties.

    If that's the case, then we're looking at 4 "Originals" and 4 Ips and in my book, I'm okay with that :)

  2. I wasn't going to say anything, but if we're really going to bitch about the price increase... or event popularity, don't blame the IP's because believe it or not, they've always been a part of HHN Orlando since Fright Nights in 1991. While IP's might not have been shoved down your throat until you choked on it like TWD was last year, they've still been present at the event in some form.

    With the price increase.. which is getting a bit out of control (UNI just raised their regular ticket price this past saturday)... with the amount of money it costs to go, the thing you should be bitching about is how very little everyone's "oh so beloved" event offers. For an event this popular & its price, we should have so much that it DOES take more than one night to see it all.

    Its pretty sad when you see an event like Knott's Scary Farm in Cali going on its 40th year last year and offer more for less. While they might repeat houses, scarezones or shows... at least they offer more to alleviate the crowds. Last year they had 12 houses, 2 haunted rides, 9 shows, & 4 scarezones for the price of roughly like $60

    The fact that HHN has 3 stadium seating theaters in the park, along with a smaller indoor theater (HMU), a larger indoor theater (T23D), a mini stage (kidzone), and the lagoon... we should seriously be seeing entertainment in all venues. Including something in the street like Death Drums for example.

    Then you've got the Rockit stage which of course doesnt get used because the viewing area is used for SS22 house queue. So that means one less stage that could be used.

    we have 8 houses (again), but we should seriously be seeing AT LEAST 5 shows (one of those being in the lagoon), then at least 5 themed scarezones, along with random roaming scareactors/characters. The last time we even had a shit ton of entertainment to go along with 8 houses was in 2007- we had 4 shows. 2008 decreased to 3 shows, 2009/2010/2011 down to 2 shows, 2012 gave us 3 shows when you count the unlisted lagoon show.

    This is pathetic for an event of HHN's size. The problem with them is that they like to make money, but refuse to spend it. Honestly, like i said, you should be bitching more about lack of content than "OMGZ THERE IZ SO MANY IPS!!!"... Universal can be a business all it wants, but its a bad business when they refuse to offer people more for their money to keep them happy.

    Although I do agree completely with you Chris, I think in a way you're comparing apples to oranges haha

    Yes, Knotts does more in terms of quantity, I promise you it's nowhere near the quality and detail that goes into HHN. Now am I saying everything that HHN does is perfect? Heck no! But I do have to say the level of detail is unmatched anywhere else. A house could completely suck but damn it'll probably look good!

    The only other park-wide event I've ever been to outside of HHN is Cedar Point and Chris can contest that it's not all that great (at least I remember you saying you had been to Halloweekends). Considering that Knott's is owned by the same company, I can only assume it's probably on the same level. Perhaps I'm wrong.

    But sure they have 14,000 houses but are they the same level of detail and such? I'm sure HHN could do everything you mentioned if they wanted to, but I don't think it would be up to par with what we expect from this event when it comes to quality.

    Now the shows....that's a whole different story haha The shows they pump out now aren't that great....so I'm sure a few others wouldn't hurt :P

  3. I think I may have missed something...why are we suddenly so fixated on everything doubling up? 2 prison houses (TWD & an original), 2 werewolf houses...I'm confused.
    I think it's more or less just a matter of it just seems like that's the direction everything looks like it's going. Whether its intentional or not, everything has WAYY too many similarities this year....I think we're more or less just trying to speculate why haha
    • Like 1
  4. Alice Cooper is Resident Evil? Based on the obsessive amount of time somebody spent in that house last year this means WESKER69 the House!!!!! Scareactors dressed as Bill S. Preston, Esquire will drink way too many blinky drinks and then pounce on certain guests and tell them exactly why everything they think they know about HHN is wrong! There will also be a fierce pit bull that just rolls over on its back so you can rub its stomach.

    ...and then the scareactors will only come up and scare you as long as you're someone who can provide them a ride to and from everywhere and then treat you like complete crap after all you've done for them and eventually push you over the edge to the point where you can't stand them anymore! IT'LL BE A FRIGGEN HOOT!

    ...said no one ever....

  5. You know all the plans? Last I heard there were a few "To be determined"s and things awaiting approval. Even when I get info this early on (even from extremely trusted sources) I have to take everything with a grain of salt until permits are pulled and construction begins. Take AWIL and The Chupacabrra house. They were a go. They even started construction... and the building got bulldozed. I still don't know what happened to AWIL last year. I mean I'm glad Dead end and Gothic happened. Silent Hill... Not so much. I know a few certainties but overall still 60/40 on the rest.
    I think you probably know just about as much as me, pretty sure our sources are similar haha of course I don't know what is EXACTLY 1000% going to 'for sure' happen because just as you've said, things DO change. I guess I'm really just referring to what is on the table as of now and what our head honchos in charge have planned. What the final product is...we won't know until September. But at this point, I'm only speaking on what I know :) Now if only I COULD predict the future :P
  6. You can assure that huh? Interesting. Especially when you said:

    I assure nothing. Its early. Plans are being submitted but that doesn't mean they always are approved. Deals fall through, corporate changes their mind, and (as we saw last year) houses can be abandoned after they start building. Its part of the reason things don't get divulged too early. Another is... well people's jobs can be at stake.

    I'm not saying yay or nay but we had an Evil Dead room already once... who's to say we wont have a house? I don't really care though I never liked the franchise and gore doesn't interest me but apparently its hot. We all know Universal Corporate is all about bringing in the masses. I wouldn't throw it off the table just yet.

    When I said I wasn't 100% sold on what was on the table this year I just meant I'm not 100% happy about what was being presented, that's all haha but from what I have heard, what's currently in the works is all a 'for sure' up to this point. I mean I did say that there still is the chance that we could have a change in plans just as we did last year but we'll see. Never know with these guys :)

  7. I can assure you that Evil Dead isn't happening this year......unless we possibly have a change in plans like we did last year. But I honestly don't see that happening either so you all need to rule Evil Dead out. Like I mentioned. Construction could be starting as early as the end of this month, which means they're dead set on what they have right now. The chances of them conceptualizing, designing, and properly building a house with a movie that JUST came out is extremely unlikely. It could happen, but don't get your hopes up. Now, next year, that's a whole different story....

  8. ^ This. (I keep doing that haha)

    For those of you who are super anti-IP, you might be in a rude awakening this year. But let's remember that the reason why last year's IPs weren't so hot was because of limitations and designs getting changed last minute. Rumor has it that construction for this years' event is starting in a few weeks. That only leads me to believe that they're pretty set on what they have right now. This only means that a lot of thought has gone into these and a lot care is going to go into the building process as well.

    Although I'm not 100% sold on what I do know, I have no doubt that they will find a way to make it all amazing. I could see them taking these potential ideas and making them some really cool houses.

    • Like 2
  9. I'm always interested by the requests for a "scarier" event.

    All the requests ask for visual stimuli or more aggressive scareactors.

    The one thing that isn't ask for, or at least I haven't seen it, is better sound.

    Sound? One might ask.

    The most terrifying house I've been in was Dead Exposure. I became more and more apprehensive of it as I approached the house. The facade didn't cause my apprehension and fear to start. It was the sound. Not the music being played in the queue, but the sounds of the house. A low level hum. Barely audible. Almost like wind or white noise , but it vibrated in your bones. And with each step, it sent waves of discord. It felt off. Out of sync.

    Sound plays a large role in human perception. Major chord = happy. Minor chord = sad. Augmented can place us on edge.

    For everyone who went through Catacombs, close your eyes and think about that house.

    What do you hear?

    How excited were you the first time you heard the siren from SH last year?

    I think sound plays a key role in our experience. I've also sensed a lack in the sounds the past couple of years. They seemed less refined for me. There is either too much or too little or they seem very cliche.

    A perfect house would be a well balanced assault on all our senses.

    Well except for taste. No tasting the houses. :P

    As an aspiring audio engineer, I appreciate this more than you realize. I've always said that if my dreams of becoming an Imagineer don't come true, I would love to work for HHN as their lead audio engineer :)

    Who knows, maybe one day I'll be the one to appease your audio wants and needs....but let's hope someone figures out how to make it happen before then :P

    • Like 2
  10. ^ But a lot of them were original or had their own original take on something. That's what made it amazing. I think AMC having a hand in everything is what ultimately ruined it. As for Silent Hill and P&T...I don't know why they were such lackluster houses but they were. Hopefully this year, if we do have a heavy IP year, hopefully they can do with the houses what they did with Poe and The Thing in 2011....I think it would be a far jump over the IP houses we got last year....

  11. I haven't posted much up to this point...but here's my wishful thinking (in a sense) and the direction I think the event might be going this year.

    Do you all think it's possible that we may see another Scary Tales house this year? With all of the recreations of fairy tales lately (Hansel & Gretel, all the various Snow White movies, Oz The Great and Powerful, Once Upon A Time, etc. ) I feel like it would be once again relevant and would provide some mass appeal.

    I also feel like we will see the return of a franchise house one way or another. Nightengales or Body Collectors could seem likely again especially considering the production of a lot of period based movies lately. I mean, lets face it, it was mentioned very clearly that Nightengales was meant to become a franchise. It was a pretty neat house and I think a lot of people would love to see it return. Or how about something that ties in with zombies/ something apocalypse based in which the Nightengales feed on these corpses. It's certainly worth a thought.

    Lastly I feel like it's very likely we could see the return of American Werewolf in London and/or the urban legend house. The first seeming more likely. Last year saw the fruition of something that was merely an old projected concept actually brought to life (Gothic). Perhaps we could see the things that got scrapped last minute due to unforeseen circumstance actually make an appearance this year.

    In my opinion, this all seems like it could really happen and I have a feeling we're going to see at least 1 of the 3 here happen. Then again, this is merely just wishful thinking :)

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