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Posts posted by 88orbust

  1. In regards to this photo it's Larry Bones. Some people in our group called out to him as he was stepping out of the SS and he was kind enough to wave back. His company is contracted through the Theme Park as well (aside from HHN). What threw me off was the industrial dumpster next to the entrance (which is usually attributed to maze construction). There was another near JP's extended queue and another closer to the former Stage 28 plot. Sorry for any confusion, could have very well been for the normal Theme Park. 

    I would think those dumpsters would be for CSI's set strike but if they are by all the Maze venues then I'm not sure. 

  2. Sooo tent went up at ss28

    So that confirms HoH replacement but there are two things that can make or break the "leak" the FDTD location and what Larry Bones was doing at the CSI soundstage 


    Side note: Murdy tweeted "more maze announcements to come... Maybe sooner then you thought hahaha #Carny" 


    also, I did what I'm surprised no one else has done.... I asked Murdy if we are still getting 7 mazes.

    Can we be sure it was Bones at CSI Soundstage? Realistically speaking it was some Union Carpenters cleaning the stage out after CSI recently finished shooting. I'm not able come up with a viable reason as to why a makeup vendor would be looking at a soundstage, seeing as its massive and almost any creature within HHN's budget could fit in there. 

  3. I was very skeptical on AVP coming to the West Coast after that tweet from Murdy saying Alien would be too expensive. But at this point even I can't deny it's looking very likely.

    From Boneyard Effects Facebook: We added 6 more Creature Crew artists to the studio tomorrow on what looks to be our first week of toasty & moist temperatures! Just like old times...

    The Creature Crew is what Larry Bones calls the whole team that makes everything but a creature suit and costuming tech is quite possibly related to either AVP or Alien.
  4. This was our third maze of the night after doing Walking Dead and Black Sabbath. I was honestly slightly disappointed by this house. I didn't get the fog in the further and a lot of the scares were the same old thing. Pictures, hidden doors and trigger scares. I'd rate it a 7/10.

  5. The color blast lighting technique is what they used in HOTC. Makes it so you don't have to paint the entire maze with black light paint. But this year they are doing a combination of black light and color blasts. Black light is what they use in Uncle Bobo's at Knotts. Doesn't lend itself well for doing realistic scenes.

  6. The thing that always made House of Horrors bad was that it would start off really good , theme wise and then slowly degrades in flow and just ends up being a compilation of rooms from different horror movies. For example, in Wolfman, you started off in the catacombs. It made some sense. But then you went into the Chucky room and were confused. Hopefully they take out the Chucky room with all the a-b-c blocks.

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