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Posts posted by Sweetdevotchka09

  1. Here is a thought.

    We've heard the facade to Disaster! is a line of house/apartments (which kind of look a little hillbillyish). Trying to rack my brain how all those different rooms come together and fit with the production equipment and the outside facade...

    Perhaps it is something like the movie "Stay Tuned" where John Ritter and family are sucked into a hellish TV and have to survive a gauntlet of twisted versions of TV shows they find themselves in... In this case B horror films.

    that would account for all the randomness of the rooms, production equipment, and the facade (as you are sucked into the TV)... also the game on the site Channel Surfing (with the TVs)... Anyway just a thought.

    That sounds really interesting...I know that in that same film there was a commercial for a movie called "Leave It To Cleaver"; which is just random :lol:

  2. I'm not necessarily getting a Vegas vibe from the site; to me it seems more like a "Boardwalk Empire" feel with the music speaking to another decade. Vegas wasn't an official gambling hot spot until the 1950s.

    In addition, I think the notion of a female icon would be terrific...I am intrigued by the theme this year and can't wait to see how it plays out...

  3. Jeff Goldblum used the "Rumors of my death," line last year when it was trending that he had died in New Zealand. It's a fairly common expression when there is a misconception that someone is missing, in trouble, or dead. Shoot, I've paraphrased it in conversation before, not even realizing it was Twain. Again, there was suspicion that Emeric had gotten locked down and couldn't speak out (or figuratively "died"). He was (most-likely) simply informing us that the rumors (speculation) of his death (lock-down) have been greatly exaggerated (not true).

    His hints last year weren't that convoluted where the focus was on the source but were rather focused on the content. Fearman posted all the clues from last year (again) if you need a point of reference. You can even look at Emeric's quote last year regarding a return to Shadybrook as a perfect example:

    It's directly referencing a book ("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest") but the hint has nothing to do with the fact that it's a book. It's all about the content of that book (which takes place in a mental hospital).

    If the "Rumors" statement is a hint of anything, I would say, "Look, there's 'death' again."

    While reading through the thread, I just happened to notice that Twain was cited twice and it sparked my curiosity. I am aware (as I have followed the speculation thread previous to this year's event) and will agree with you that Emeric's clues in the past have emphasized on the context of a quote; whether it be obtained from a book, portion of a speech, poem (i.e. Don Marquis' "The Haunted" in reference to a post by Emeric this year) or any other work cited. Hence, I am in agreement that is not necessarily the source material which is of importance.

    Indeed, both of the quotes reference Death and I did elaborate on this recurring theme in my reply to a fellow member of the site.

    As I had stated beforehand it just happened to catch my eye. Furthermore, my posts never stated that Twain's works would concretely and literally influence or be present at this year's event due to Emeric quoting Twain a second time. It was purely an observation on my behalf.

  4. The whole literary reference of Mark Twain got me thinking. So I began to search other of his novels and short stories to see if there was a reference to a specific real life situation in which we could gather information from.

    I found the "Ghost Story" by Mark Twain which is an "encounter" he penned. His experience for all to read and enjoy. This is just how I interpreted it, as I'm sure, many others will have a vast amount of knowledge to prove me wrong or to say that this does not correlate to the postings of Emeric. I also could be overanalyzing. Either way, I found it interesting and left it here to share with anyone else who might be interested.

    "A ghost story" by Mark Twain

    I found these quotes to me most intriguing:

    "In the ashes on the hearth, side by side with my own bare footprint, was another, so vast that in comparison mine was but an infant's'!" (Reference to the rebirth?)

    "I sat there, thinking of bygone times; recalling old scenes, and summoning half-forgotten faces out of the mists of the past; listening, in fancy, to voices that long ago grew silent for all time" --I know this is a beginning to the New era of Darkness, interesting how we keep recalling the past characters/icons of the past and wishing for them to return, including incredible Plague Doctors and Dogs of War.

    Could another ghost house be possible? And not one of those based on people conducting studies and experiments to see if paranormal activity exists but rather yet, instead of a team of paranormal seekers (The LT) they could have a prequel house to what happened BEFORE the LT was involved?

    I am aware that the first quote referenced "Pity is for the living, envy is for the dead" was included in the autobiographical account "Following The Equator" which he wrote shortly after the death of his daughter and this particular quote was in reference to her death; Twain was in bad mental and emotional place at the point in which this work was written.

    The second quote "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated" was sparked from an obituary that was falsely circulated about Twain's death when in fact he was still among the earthly plane.

    What peaked my interest was that the author was used twice and in both references the origin of the quote correlates with death; when in the other quotations there is variety of authors; but as I had stated in my previous post this was probably just a stretch of the imagination... ;)

  5. From Chad a few hours ago...

    (12:21:26 PM) emericbelasco@live.com: Good day.

    (12:26:14 PM) emericbelasco@live.com: The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

    (12:26:37 PM) emericbelasco@live.com: Auf wiedersehen.

    I'm not sure if anybody realized that the second comment made by Emeric is actually a famous quote by Mark Twain. With that being said, this could just be pure coincidence; however this is the second Mark Twain quote that Emeric has referenced if I am not mistaken. I guess the question here would be why Mark Twain in specific? Perhaps, I am just allowing my anticipation to get the better of me...

  6. this might be off topic, but, Isn't the Devil related with Gambling and Such? the rolling of the dice? I don't know Why I think of this relation between the devil and gambling, (and cheating as well)

    like, maybe I saw something online, don't know but, I just have this image in my head


    Yes, you're absolutely right that the Devil is connected to gambling; in Puritan society as well as many other societies it was believed that God pre-determined one's destiny or fate and anyone that partook in activities that involved instances of free will (i.e. games of chance) was inciting the Devil.

  7. As fun as it is to invision a all-encompassing scare zone... It wont happen.

    You have to allow people to get away. Just because YOU don't want to doesn't mean everyone can handle it as well as you. I know that doesn't sit well with the people who have become so desensitized that someone whould have to actually cut off their arm for them to feel anything.

    However, I've seen people terrified of coming out of the bathroom because of the relentless chainsaws outside. It's supposed to be fun AND scary... and to achieve that people have to be able to get away when the reach their limit.

    Bottom line is we DO have a HUGE safezone... the entire back half of the park. which is a bit much I think but it is what it is.

    I know this has nothing to do with your post...however everytime I see your sig it makes me think of Poveglia Island in Italy...which in turn makes me think that perhaps CBDR is loosely based off of the horrors that went on at this island during the Plague...I'll go back to my observation post now...

  8. For my first post on this forum and normally I'd just keep to myself... I have to say I agree with Sinister...in that when I saw the lantern on the site I automatically thought of the ferryman which takes you across the River Styx...I'm pretty anxious to see what else may be in store for us... :wub:

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