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Posts posted by Tobias

  1. Since I'm not attending the event, I watched themeparkhd's videos to get a initial look at the mazes. (Naturally it's nothing like experiencing them in person but it's better then not seeing it at all.) So my initial impressions, going in reverse order of what was my most anticipated.

    Halloween - This was at the very bottom of my anticipation list due to a variety of things (Location, 2009's maze was godly etc.), though I will say this looks a lot better then what I was anticipating so that's great. The finale looks pretty intense and I appreciate some of the scares coming from unexpected places. Is it going to touch 2009's maze? Nope...but then again 2009's is hands down one of Hollywood's greatest of all time, so that's a really tough bar to reach.

    AVP - I'll admit when it comes to this maze I never thought it was as great as people were praising it as. Yes, it's a wonderfully detailed maze and yes the Alien Queen is bad-ass...however there are gripes and nitpicks which bug me. An' example being the Alien Puppets underwhelm me in terms of movement, I want Aliens which lunge their heads forward like what Orlando's did, not try to reach out for a hug. As for footage from this year, it's probably opening weekend jitters/getting things in order but the scares seemed very restrained or downright non-existant. (Also, I totally see what they did there with putting barrels at the door for the full-sized Alien costume. Might make it easier for the poor scaractor that wears that suit but on the flipslide it does make that scare weaker.)

    This is the End - Hoo boy, earlier I said this was the wild card of the lineup. It could be decent, it could be terrible, we all had to wait and see. To be brutally honest I wouldn't disagree if anyone feels it's the worst 3D maze Hollywood has done. I really feel for the scaractors in this maze since they got bupkiss to work with. I see some scare potential for one of the demons in the house and those in the finale, but that's it. (Even with that said, it seemed like the finale was too brightly lit for the scare they were going with.) As for humor, just like most of the scare potential it's lacking. An' that's a huge dilemma...it's a horror comedy house that's lacking in both the scares AND the comedy.

    TWD - It's the IP that just wont die, and as for this mega TWD maze it's middle of the road for me. It's not amazing, but then again it's not terrible. It's decent looking.

    Crimson Peak - This was tied for my most anticipated maze, and at the moment it's one of those "The jury's still out on this" kind of things. On one hand the set's are goregous, though on the other hand it has a good amount of blank/black walls. (Oh god, Hollywood AWIL flashbacks.) It seemed to be somewhat light on scares, but then again I can see this is more like a Hammer Horror/Victorian Gothic kind of horror film which isn't fast paced scares a minute. So while there are gripes, overall I did like what I saw.

    Insidious - This was the other most anticipated maze and from the videos it looks downright fantastic, like with Halloween I definitely appreciate the scares coming from different places and not being easily telegraphed. This is definitely a contender for not only maze of the year, but one of Hollywood's overall best. 2013's maze looked really solid, but this year's maze elevates it to a whole nother' level.

  2. Like I said a couple of days ago, AHS probably won't be attempted for a long time after the whole Scream debacle. 

    Part of me thinks they haven't even attempted AHS after the last time they attempted it. Either way for anyone who's thinking about AHS, remember this...a couple years ago HHN tried to get a AHS house. However they ran into some serious creative differences with that IP, which lead to it getting scrapped and replaced with Evil Dead.

    Several things would have to budge in order for AHS to happen, and considering the egos of some behind AHS I don't see them budging. As mentioned way earlier one of the only possible ways AHS could happen would be in the form of a extreme house, and even then that's a bit of a stretch. (Yes, this year the event had a extreme house in mind before it got cut via budget...but they had Hellgate Prison in mind, not AHS.)

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  3. Mazes

    1. & 2. It's between Crimson Peak and Insidious - This is a tricky choice since the previous Insidious maze was really good and the IP is really made to be a maze. An' as for Crimson Peak I really enjoy Del Toro's work and this could be a killer paranormal/ghost house.

    3. TWD - I'm very intruiged to see how this turns out with it being Hollywood's take on the "Mega TWD" maze.

    4. This is the End - This is definitely the Wildcard of the lineup. It could be decent, it could be a new level of terrible, we honestly don't know until the event opens.

    5. AVP - Last year this maze was decent (Not a fan of how the puppets worked), I'm intruiged by the changes to the soundtrack.

    6. Halloween - You might be wondering why this is dead last in anticipation. No, I don't have a disintrest in Halloween. After all 2009's The Life and Crimes of Michael Myers is one of the best mazes Hollywood has ever made. Period.

    But on that note, that is one of the reasons why my anticipation for this maze is so low. 09 was one of the absolute best, giving this year's version giant shoes to fill. An' even with the paranormal angle, it really sounds the same as 09's so if it's not as good it's a letdown. Add in the maze being in not the best of locations, there's a lot unfortunately going against this one.

    (Reguarding the Terror Tram, I don't consider it a maze but I'm intruiged to see how it turns out. They already have me with the backstory so it's got potential.)

    Scare Zones

    1. & 2. It's between Exerminatorz and The Purge: Urban Nightmare. - Exterminatorz sounds pretty exciting with it's B-movie-ish theme which is quite different then previous scare zones. An' with the Purge being in the Metro Sets, it could be a really good scare zone.

    3. Dark Christmas - It's nice seeing this one return since it was done very well.

    4. Corpz - Could be nice, but then again I wasn't really clamoring for this one when we were able to vote for it last year.

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  4. I think the most important question here is are we getting cupcakes or not?


    Just kidding (Would be nice though...)

    Anyways, we've all been saying the Purge would be a good fit for the Terror Tram. I will say I love the backstory they're running with, the Purge Party is a clever idea. Though personally I do hope they change up the layout since that still is a factor on the Terror Tram getting stale here and there.

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  5. Well one thing's for certain, this just got exciting. Sure the event has had to shuffle/shelve houses before for one reason or another, but a kerfluffle with a IP this late in the game? This is quite a curveball, though as a particular candymaker said "The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last!"

  6. Thinking about it, I'm fine that they wanna' branch out and do a horror comedy maze. Orlando has done some pretty fun ones so there's nothing wrong with that.

    The issue I have is this is the same park which cancelled Bill and Ted over a joke. An' considering TitE get's pretty racey/edgy, what's gonna' happen if/when someone throws another hissy fit over a obscene joke/gag/prop etc? Are they gonna' straight up neuter the maze or shut it down like B&T? Truth be told, if the B&T incident never happened, I'd actually be pretty fine with this. But what happened, happened. An' that's causing some serious doubts for something like this.

    An' for a more minor issue, I could do without the 3D. I really don't see how that could add to it, not to mention Orlando has shown you can do a nice horror comedy maze without 3D. (Leave it to Cleaver, H.R. Bloodngutz, Giggles & Gore Inc. etc.)

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  7. Can someone describe the Welcome to Hell scarezone? I went to the event for the first time in 2012 so I had never heard of it but you guys make it sound like its the god of all scarezones. 

    Welcome to Hell brought in the fire towers, for the barker/heckler they had a preacher with a megaphone on top of a bunch of skeletons/corpses, if I recall the fire towers also had all the various sins graffitti'd on them. Also, the go-go dancers were in this zone. On the bloody side but without a doubt the skimpiest outfits out of all the go-go's. As for scareactors, demon stiltwalkers with large horns, demonic chainsaw wielding monks etc. On top of all that you had a bunch of rock and heavy metal blasting throughout the zone.


  8. Hmmm, while I do like the Jabbawockeez...yeah they're not exactly a dance group that's known for doing horror themed performances. (They probably could though.) Though a couple things to consider.

    1. A show is better then no show. 2. Hey, the group has Murdy's favorite letter at the very end of the name! 3. Remember the last time they tried having a horror themed show in the Castle Theater that wasn't Bill & Ted? Fear Factor Live: Dead Celebrity Edition. OUCH.

    Admittedly if they were to have a dance troupe I'd put in Academy of Villains since they've done plenty of horror themed performances. But then again, they might've already been booked by Knott's who'ved used them in the Elvira show.

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  9. ^ Yeah, this is actually pretty strange as Hollywood is clearly teasing a maze announcement...yet over on Orlando's side there's no indication that a house announcement is happening today. Even though all the rumors are pointing to them sharing Insidious this year.

  10. When it comes to Anniversary houses, for me they always fall under "Great idea in thought, not so great in execution." They usually run into several conundrums. You want big rooms/halls to try and relive whatever you're nodding to, but if you do that you might not have enough varity of houses/scare zones etc. You want a nice variety of houses/scare zones represented, but include too many and you're going to have some small rooms/halls which won't really pull things off.

    When it came to Hallow'd Past, that was more of a "Wasn't 08' great?" house rather then a anniversary house. An' unless this years anniversary house takes last years TWD big freakin' house approach I can see it running into the same problems as Hallow'd Past. For me the best approach would be focusing more on the icons since there's not as many. Who knows you could also include a iconic house from a year the icon hosted in the mix.

  11. 2004 was a pretty spectacular year, a really solid line up of houses and scare zones. Sure it had Disorientorium in the bunch, but houses like Castle Vampyr, Hellgate Prison and Ghost Town made up for it in spades.

    2005 did set a standard for storytelling and having a very cohesive event, however that was the strongest aspect of the event since to be brutally honest...house-wise it unfortunately paled compared to 2004. Body Collectors was a "no-duh" standout, but besides that? The only house that comes to mind for me is Demon Cantina. As for the rest...Terror Mines get's points for trying something new and using special effects from Posideons Fury, but it really was a hit or miss depending if you got the helmet or not. Where Evil Hides had potential, but was mediocre. Then you got Blood Ruins, The Skool and Cold Blind Terror which usually ended up in most bottom lists.

  12. ^ The possibility of a AHS maze is a bit of a longshot to be honest. Orlando tried getting a AHS house a couple years ago but shelved it due to creative issues between them and the showrunners. I can imagine if Hollywood wanted AHS they would run into the same issues with the showrunners and unless one side budges, I just don't see AHS happening as a regular maze. (I could see AHS happening as a "extreme" maze where they could go wilder with the content, but Murdy is open on not doing a extreme/upcharge maze so that idea is pretty much boned.)

  13. How strange. Conflicting reports. Well Maybe both were looked at. Guess time will tell. But either way, Both MIB and Shrek have ample room.

    It's going to be interesting seeing what the actual location for the 9th house will be, both Shrek and MIB have their pro's and cons. Personally I'd want it to be in the MIB extended queue to have a bit more on that side of the park, yes there's no doubt it's going to get hammered every time B&T let out, but it was the same case when they had the Jaws queue location. That and I think a Shrek venue would be consistantly more hammered since it's right in the front of the park.

  14. Man, I was not ready for the infobomb getting up today. Though I like what I'm reading!

    So for the originals...

    RUN 3 - I'm intruiged to see what direction they take this, deep down I hope there's a maze element somewhere...but just about anything can happen at this moment.

    3D Alice in Wonderland (Or Asylum in Wonderland) - Totally excited for this one, nuff said.

    Blizzard Body Collectors having a grand old time in Shadybrook - Well then, totally had a feeling Body Collectors would return...though I didn't expect to see Psychoscarapy being in the picture. I do recall saying if PS came back it needed some sort of twist/shot in the arm, so bringing the Collectors in could do the trick.

    Icons House - Had a feeling this was coming, though with the icons being involved I think it's safe to say it's NOT a Hallow'd Past. Remember, Hallow'd Past was a "Wasn't 2008 great? Oh yeah, we did a Ship house and here's a Treak" house. I think a more accurate comparison is Horror Nights Nightmares from 14/2004. Considering that house had the most effective use of Eddie, could be a nice house.

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  15. While it's nice getting clues and such pointing to RUN, I hope to hell this is a upcharge. Think about it, what we all want is something like the original with it's ever changing maze. However for it to work the line needs to be pulsed, and with crowds today and a operations focus on getting as many people through a house as possible per hour...what made the original RUN infamous goes compleately against that. If it's a upcharge, they'll be able to pulse the line and pull off what we're hoping for.

  16. Can we trust Jimmy to only put one house in each clue?

    In all previous years, every house and scarezone has been given one clue. He has yet to put multiple houses and/or scarezones in one clue.

    Now with that said, there still is a important thing to consider. Last year Dr. Jimmy changed things up and gave the clues for the scarezones first, then he gave the clues for the houses. So for this year, the current clues could be for houses, could be for scarezones, or he could be doing some houses here, some scarezones there.

    Though of course with Cassi being a step behind (or more likely blantantly waiting for Jimmy to give a clue for her to figure out what clue is safe to rush out...)...it does kinda' make it easy to figure out what's what.

  17. ^ Not all the videos have been uploaded yet, but here's what's been said so far.

    The original idea for the event was Jack as the icon.

    - Jack would have his own house, a clown factory a la' Giggles & Gore. (Which apparently is a trilogy)

    - The Caretaker, Director, Storyteller and Usher would have cameos in various places. Fear was mentioned, but dismissed as appearing. As for Bloody Mary, planned but Bloody Mary herself wouldn't appear due to a woman having copyright on her and using her in another attraction. However Mary Agana might appear. As of note, Lady Luck was not mentioned whatsoever.

    - Freddy, Jason and Leatherface would return.

    - Insidious, American Horror Story and Ghostbusters would be other IP's

    - There would be a retrospective house a la' Hallowed Past. Possibly with the icons.

    Higher ups stepped in and the event will be British this year due to plenty of Brits attending the event.

    - Icon is "Union Jack", a British Jack the clown created through a very convoluted backstory.

    - A least 8 houses (Though Jimmy flashed 10 fingers.)

    Houses are...

    The Woman in Black

    A Dracula house, this version based on Hammer's films with Christopher Lee. Also this house would take that version of Dracula and put him in the 21st Century/Modern Day.

    A Doctor Who house

    Clive Barker's Hellworld (Based off Hellraiser)

    There's still more videos to come, but that's what's revealed so far.

  18. Well I think if we want to view this realistically, we first have to debate what past original franchises can be continued. (Unless they do something along the lines of a reboot, which I don't see.) So let's debate, shall we?

    Here are some past house franchises that I personally believe can be carried on.

    Scary Tales

    Nightengales (almost a guarantee actually)


    Psychoscareapy (yes, I believe it's possible, if they go into a deep storyline.)

    Scary Tales is definitely one that can be continued since there's always a variety in terms of what stories/morality tales they use...as well as the directions they take each one in.

    Nightengales can support a sequel house, be it by itself or the whole Civil War with Body Collectors idea that others have mentioned.

    I would downright love a sequel to Catacombs, unlike Havoc that one actually has more going for it then just the agressiveness of the actors.

    As for Psychoscareapy, hmmm...can you be more specific about a "deep storyline"? The last version of this (Echos of Shadybrook) made the whole franchise on the tired side. When it comes to sequels, Maximum Madness spiced things up with adding Jack and the downright killer "Blackout" which set things over the top. Home for the Holidays changed things up with the entire location, instead of being in the asylum it was in a entire neighborhood. If PS returns, it has to be more then just another trip to Shadybrook. (Personally, I'd love to have Asylum in Wonderland thrown into the mix and have a very stylized/abstract asylum. That alone could give it a twisted spin to rejuvinate it.)

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