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Everything posted by ThNdIzNiR

  1. Are we talking about 1 being assigned to all 3 parts of "who am I?" or 3 different beings?
  2. The maze will be an original. Whatever context the codename is derived from probably isn't. There is this movie coming out next year... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3317874/?ref_=nv_sr_1 I've gotta be honest, I kinda want to see it.
  3. The first two Charlie's that pop into my mind are... Charley Brewster from the movie Fright Night and the Vietnam War. I'm pretty certain neither of those are correct, so I better get to searching.
  4. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure at least 1 or 2 of the houses we get this year will also have a scare zone associated with it. For instance, a Purge house, and then an area/zone outside where they have a scene with people wearing masks from the movie. Last year they just got a little too carried away by having the whole scare zone theme basically being The Walking Dead.
  5. Could CC #1 possibly not be Halloween? Parts 2, 3, and 4 of that clue point to Halloween. How does part 1? If there has been a connection discussed I don't remember. Would you agree that Dr. Jimmy clue #1 ties to the Cassi clue we are currently discussing? It also could be a scare zone set up similar like how they did skits from The Walking Dead last year??? It very well could be Bioshock or an original though. Are you pulling for Bioshock because you are a fan of the series? Personally, I think part 1 was the best and the series went downhill with each one after that. Not to say they were bad though, part 1 in my opinion was just really good.
  6. The words in the clue "but don't fret" would definitely tie to Bioshock also. They imply that as long as you go see the clown, you'll be ok since he hooks you up with items needed to beat the game. But I'm sure the decision to have Michael Myers wear a clown mask in the beginning was obviously intentional. A clown (in theory) should make people happy, not kill them.
  7. I suppose that while you aren't wearing a clown mask, you are using the gear from it's machine. If it is steampunk, then I'm guessing that it would most likely have to be an original house/scarezone. Other than the fact that gears are steampunkish, how would the other clues tie into the theme of the clue? We have a clown and most likely 3 references to literature/theatre all of which have a masquerade party with death occurring/appearing. The machine/gears are broken and the being is trapped in it. Whatever the answer is, it almost certainly has people getting dressed up in costumes and death making an appearance.
  8. Either Halloween or Bioshock would fit basically for the same reasons only slightly different variations of analysis. The difference being what the machine/gears represent (time vs. the grind of slavery). Death made an appearance at all 5 events. Halloween and Bioshock are both video games. If we could figure out how a clown fits into Bioshock then it would help prove your guess.
  9. So I take it no one is buying into the Hop-Frog, Mask of the Red Death, The King in Yellow connection to the designs of the clown's face? Or that the broken machine (watch gears in the background) is a reference to time? Death wears many masks... in this case he is wearing a mask of a clown like little Michael did. We even have a quote from Dr. Loomis in Halloween (1978) to match it... "Death has come to your little town, Sheriff". Seems like a close enough match for me to be sold. At this point, I'd be almost be willing to put money on whether or not Halloween will be at HHN 24.
  10. Another variation of the Mask of the Red Death and the King in Yellow is another short story by Poe called Hop-Frog. If you look at the last Cassi clue, one of the person's eyes kinda looks like that of a frog, another like a red demon (possible Red Death reference?) and a bright yellow/gold nose possibly in tribute to the King in Yellow. I know I might be reaching, but seems to be quite a coincidence. He is made to look like a clown using mainly the 3 designs. You obviously know who else was originally a clown when a child... Michael Myers Also... The gears in the background look like gears from a watch. Flesh caught in a broken machine (or time). Death just straps on another mask and calls it a day. A quote from Dr. Loomis, "Death has come to your little town".
  11. When I first heard Dr. Jimmy clue #1 Masquerade, the initial vision I had in my mind was of the short story from Edgar Allen Poe called Mask of the Red Death. Apparently, The King in Yellow is also similiar to this (never read it). So the question is... is this an original house/scare zone, or does it possibly have a connection to the movie Halloween. Michael Myers does show up when people get dressed up for the holiday and he does kill pretty much everyone in his path.
  12. Since the theme of clowns and carnivals keep appearing, mine as well toss in a couple different trailers for season 4 of American Horror Story... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Czi8Tgr2Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Khbhv33ab0&feature=kp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGOdKxnENVs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEbIoznovFs I think all 4 are different.
  13. Not that this has to do with horror, but when I first saw the picture it kinda reminded me of this guy... http://cultspark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Road-Warrior-Wez.jpg Have we figured out all 10 of Dr. Jimmy's performances yet. There are 5 missing from the Dr. Jimmy's Cryptic Performance topic link. 1. Masquerade (Phantom of the Opera) 2. You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile (Annie) 3. New Orleans (Simpsons) 4. Three Little Maids from School (The Mikado) 5. I Want to be Rainbow High (Evita) 6. Stars (Les Miserables) 7. Home (The Wiz) 8. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (Monty Python - Life of Bryan) 9. Kiddy-Widdy-Winkies (The Child Catcher - Chiddy Chiddy Bang Bang) 10. Heart (Damn Yankees)
  14. In my mind, the mask/costume this guy has on is nothing like the ones used in Bioshock. He probably would have been thrown out of their masquerade party for something that weak. He isn't really deformed like a splicer would be. If you take away the eye implant, his flesh isn't really deformed at all.
  15. The movie Angel Heart (Cassi clue #9 possible voodoo/magic maze) and Damn Yankees (which was connected to the Dr. Jimmy #10 clue) were both based off of Faust. Both stories contain someone making a deal with the devil by attempting to exchange their soul in order to get knowledge, fame, a winning baseball team, etc. Cassi clue #3 was already tied to the Walking Dead, so why would #9 also?
  16. Chance would make the most sense right? The way it is written, she seems to be instructing someone else to get the materials for Jack. Saying "The boss" kinda like something Harley Quinn would say in regards to the Joker. Which leads me to the a question that I think Dr. John Overwatch may have been leading us to... if Cassi clue #4 almost certainly is referring to Jack, why is there another 2 separate who am I clues? Are we talking about 2 totally different houses, 1 house with everyone in it, or a house and a scare zone?
  17. Well... If we knew for sure, this wouldn't be speculation.
  18. As mentioned before by timbo8, episode 4 of Sleepy Hollow was called the Lesser Key of Solomon. Here is a summary of it here via imdb: Crane realizes that another series of crimes is committed by descendants of the Shadowhunters, an occult order among the British crown's German mercenary regiments, which is after the Lesser Key of Solomon, a book with spells to release 72 demons. Abbie's sister has escaped from psych ward and joins them to find it and the Hessian devil worshipers, just when they attempt to unleash Moloch, the demonic director of the Apocalypse, and mother Mills's killer. The symbol in the background of Cassi clue #7 is thought to be a symbol from the Key of Solomon. We also know from the post via boogeyman13 on May 15th that the 2 foxes may be the 2 Fox Sisters who tapped on objects to fool people into believing there were spirits. What wasn't mentioned was that when one of the sisters (Margaret) came forward and told the truth that their rappings were a hoax in 1888 that it ruined their reputations.... much like when Jenny Mills told the truth about seeing a demon in the woods and she ended up being institutionalized. 2 sisters (Fox Sisters) on fox (network) hunting for the lesser key of solomon being tracked by old man splitfoot (a goat-like demon named Moloch) Sleepy Hollow?
  19. Another detail that I noticed in hint number 4 that no one has commented on (that I saw) was the pair of black gloves sitting there. The ingredients may be used to make Jack's face paint, but I'm pretty sure he didn't wear black gloves. What's up with that?
  20. I thought the other picture was the Dust Witch from Something Wicked This Way Comes? See an example pic here... https://cdn.d23.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/042913_DatelineDisney_SomethingWickedThisWayComes_1.jpg I never read the novel, but from what I gather, it has something to do with a traveling carnival.
  21. Dr. Jimmy's cryptic performance #10 was performed in the Broadway musical Damn Yankees (1958). See here... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry8CpIg2fvU&feature=kp From what I read, it is a modern retelling of the Faust legend. For those who want to read up on Faust see this... http://www.faust.com/ I guess this ties in with Cassi clue #9.
  22. I discovered something kinda funny while trying to tie Sleepy Hollow to Cassi clue #7. I was at the sleepy hollow wiki page and it mentioned the 2 Mills sisters 1st stumbled upon the demon when they were younger while skipping school and drinking beer. For half a sec, I thought maybe they were two foxes sneaking out of school to tap back a few before meeting the devil (Moloch). Unfortunately, I'm 98% sure the wiki info is bogus. There was no beer in the actual show that I remember.
  23. I'm pretty sure most of AVP (the 1st movie) took place deep inside a pyramid that was found somewhere frozen like Antarctica. So it could work architecturally. (unless it is in a scare zone) I think they are still producing a AVP comic books, or at the least, separate books (Alien + Predator). Predator is considered action mainly because of Arnold I'd say. An alien running around slaughtering people isn't horror?
  24. What is the link for the original hhn 24 orlando teaser? I'm not sure I've seen it. As far as the Face Off stuff goes, I'm unsure. I'm pretty sure the beginning of the episode starts at Universal Studios House of Horrors. I've never been inside the place, so I'm not sure if there is anything AVP related inside. But the challenge was to recreate a classic monster (thier version of Frankenstein). Predators and Aliens are obviously classic. When you are directed to the face off website, you see the winner of season six in front of his creations. The final challenge was called Heavenly Bodies and the contestants had to create warring alien races. And... as stated above, the name of the show is Face Off and in AVP the Aliens and Predators are doing just that.... facing off.
  25. My Cassi clue #6 for AVP analysis. Two brothers tore from the same cloth diametrically opposed = 2 beings both alien opposing each other. The Lokians Followed not the high-hearted son, but shot thick and fast and broke the trojans = a lokian is an insect-like creature in this realm see here... http://authaarondennis.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/what-is-a-lokian/, the predators shoot with weapons versus the trojans (aka aliens who implant themselves within you and then burst out of your chest) It's all fun and games til someone dies the stage is set and the loser cries = The predators basically made a game out of hunting the aliens. Both creatures can be rather vocal when crying out. Also... Dr. Jimmy cryptic clue number 2 "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" could be a reference to the Alien's smile. The way I see it, he is also sorta referencing people who are dressed up (predator in his gear) vs a person who is smiling and not all dressed up (alien with no gear).
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