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Posts posted by gatorzedge

  1. I remember the Schoolhouse SZ but dont think they will bring it back... AC's song Schools out for summer has a specific line in it which is "out till Summer out till Fall"... so my guess is that this is prob a AC type SZ

    For the sake of semantics, the line is "Out for summer, out till fall", but that's just me being an a**.

    ok so lets look at the facts... 1. Walking dead house... Walking Dead SZ.... 2. AC house... Direct quote from his song? or old School SZ from 2008? Ill just agree to disagree with everyone... my vote "speculation" is for the SZ School may be out for the summer... to be a AC SZ... For them them to Bring back an Old SZ from 2008 just doesnt sound like something the would do this year... I thought XX was a new age of Fear... not repeats

    So there are multiple things I want to get across to you. The first, I agree that you're entitled to your opinion and I truly want you to give it if it will help with speculation. That last part to me though is key. I've been trying to avoid all of the bickering going on, as I find it completely unnecessary on a thread about SPECULATION. That being said, there are people on here who are trying to help everyone on this forum by using the information they know to add to the speculation. Without them, this thread would be mostly wishful thinking. If they tell you you're wrong, they're doing it to HELP you. There's no point in going on for pages and pages about an opinion which lacks any plausibility. Keep that to the wishful thinking. It's also unnecessary to be offended by anything that's said to you. We're all here for the same reason, and that's love of HHN. I've held my tongue prior as the best way to avoid bickering is to ignore it. But I do have a reason for saying all of this.

    Sorry Im just not going to jump on the School House SZ Bandwagon... Like I said before.. Agree to Disagree... My thought is that it will be a AC related SZ and not a "Repeat"

    Yeah but if you take out the bus, school, playground and leave a Traditional Halloween SZ "which sounds cool btw" how does the clue fit into it? See what I am saying... Take out everything that made the 2008 SZ the School house and you get... what? Wouldn't make sense to me... but that is just my opinion

    And Im sorry Sarah but to me Zombies anywhere near walking dead are considered "Walkers" in my eyes... and Im sure Universal will make the Zombie SZ directly next to the house.....Walking Dead= Zombies... also Best Show Ever

    I will agree to disagree if the time calls for it, but all you've done is give your opinion with no backing of an argument. The problem this causes is that when multiple people give reasoning as to why you are taking something in the wrong light, and you still form no solid argument for your own idea, it comes across as stubbornness. This is not an attack against you, I'm simply showing you that your argument is poor, and I would like to understand why you believe you're correct. Below are a few reasons why I believe your idea is incorrect. I shouldn't have to, but I ask that you please take this as constructive criticism.

    First, how do you define a "repeat"? In the form of a scare zone, it would be in the way of a repetition. With this in mind, the idea of an Alice Cooper scare zone would not only be a repetition of the house in Hollywood last year, but would also be a repetition of the house in Hollywood this year, AND the house in Orlando this year. Regardless of the title of the house, Alice Cooper is the IP featured in all three. In this way, an Alice Cooper scare zone is repeating three haunted houses. However, the "traditional Halloween scare zone" in the way you described it sounds unique to the Skoolhouse. If there's no longer a bus, a school, or a playground, then that sounds like less of a repeat to me than an Alice Cooper scare zone. What you're left with are kids in costume, celebrating Halloween. There is no story line, and the characters are as pedestrian as vampires, so it sounds as though nothing about it is a "repeat". The zone fits into the clue because we are a collective of HHN fans. For most of us, our first answer to the clue would have been the Skoolhouse. Due to the inability to have sets for scare zones, which may honestly be a plus to the event, the clue was referring to a group of children celebrating Halloween. Like many have said before, having an Alice Cooper zone for this clue would have been way too obvious, as well as it not being a direct quote. As stated earlier, there are people who have helped with speculation by giving away clues to information or steering people away from being incorrect. They have been correct so far, even with the difficulties occurring over the summer with the event. Doubting them is one thing, but doing it without giving a reason is just odd.

    In the end, all I ask is that you do two things for me:

    1. Explain WHY you think Alice Cooper will have a scare zone.

    2. I'm curious as to what you think an Alice Cooper scare zone would resemble, because to me it would just be the same as the house. Please describe.

    P.S.: Zombies are zombies. Although I agree that the GP will see zombies in the park and think "walkers", that doesn't mean that the roaming zone is a direct tie-in. Also, TV is bad for you, read the graphic novel :P

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  2. Mostly wishful thinking. As much as i'd love to see werewolves, I haven't heard anything implying we'd get any. Strictly vampires. As for the combo, the Skoolhouse is the one you're looking for. That was loosely based on a specific movie (Trick R Treat).

    I was about to ask, but you beat me to it. I loved the movie, especially the creepily dressed, mentally disturbed children. My excitement has reached a new peak.

  3. And while I will not directly confirm, I can say that I would go with except for when it's both.

    Thanks for the indirect confirmation, and as for the exception, I would be tempted to say a combination of werewolves with the vampires. Not entirely sure why, or even where this fits into the clue, but the combination of the two seems to make sense. Perhaps even an internal battle with the guests continually caught in the middle, but that may fall into the realm of wishful thinking.

    So with that said I believe there may be a list to stand behind (for myself at least), with groups including:

    - Vampires and Werewolves

    - Ghosts or the equivalent

    - Zombies

    - Dragons (I hold to the possibility of mythical beasts or even cryptids as I would still love to see the Chupacabra in feature)

    - Escaped Prisoners

    - Skoolhouse sequel (creepy kids with noise makers, best scare I've ever received)

    - Clowns

    - Female CDT (either solely female or a combo group)

    As for the general layout, I agree that lots of fog with lighting will make for an amazing year of streets, even with lack of sets. Honestly, this is the most excited I've been for a year since 2008.

    the Prisoners could be like the zombie chain gang from '08 (or perhaps specific to the are it is in?) a Zombie horde is... a zombie horde. I honestly don't need to see more than one zombie horde. Bu tthe prisoners being a zombie chain gang was something I didn't get to see enough of at '08 and wouldn't mind it at all.

    I spent quite a bit of time that year around the MIB area watching the group because I thought they were hilarious. Scary? Not really. But watching a zombie prisoner swinging around a severed arm was very enjoyable. However, I hope they don't try to revamp this idea, and stick with either asylum patients or a group of escaped mass murderers. The former would make for a lot of zombies, too many in my opinion.

  4. Getting something in NY & Hollywood. - yes

    overturned cars, military vehicles, zombies everywhere. - no. we already had this exact SZ in 2006 "Deadtropolis: Zombie Siege". Besides, this type of set detail isn't going to happen in NY (or Hollywood) due to the (daytime) parade.

    I may be reading way too far into this, but the way you parenthesized daytime gave me an idea, as I thought it was odd for you to specify it in that way. My reason for saying this is that if you were to say simply "parade", most of us would have assumed the daytime one without hesitation. Also, if you had left it out of the parentheses, it would have left the same impression. I get the feeling that you meant to emphasize this word for a reason. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but this gave me an idea for one of two things.

    1. Either we will see a return of the Festival of the Dead parade.


    2. The "zones" we have been given clues to will in fact be completely roaming, but in a way which could be considered "out of the box". What I mean to say is that each of the "zones" will follow a path around the park, much in the way a parade makes a trip around a park. Perhaps they could be combined with floats, although I find this unlikely, or simply scare actors. Either way, it would be set up so that you could sit in one area in the park and see all eight "zones" pass you by. This will allow for each of the "zones" to truly roam around the park without worrying about them colliding, although I would love to see clowns fighting vampires. :P

    Any ideas on this? Or am I chasing something that isn't there?

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  5. The new eight clues are not for houses. None of the eight clues are for houses. None of the clues are for icons/themes.

    All the answers have actually been deciphered. Y'all just have to figure out who's right.

    Since no one has done this already, I decided to make a compilation of the posts for the eight clues from the time of Dr. Jimmy's video until the above post. The first listed are what I believe are correct along with a quick reason. Here's what I found:


    1. Vampires - Clue clearly given in the singing of song, Vampires referenced in song.
    2. Werewolves

    I've seen shit that'll turn you white:

    1. Ghostbusters - Could be anything paranormal, but apparently an obvious quote

    There's no more room in hell:

    1. Zombie horde - Obvious clue is obvious

    Lampy swore he saw one:

    1. Dragons (mythical beasts) - From what others have said, gargoyles won't be used in a "zone" and a house concurrently, so this fits
    2. London (Gargoyles) - I combined two posts for this one
    3. The Brave Little Toaster ( :P )

    I'll be seeing you:

    1. The Prisoner - Quote with symbol. Could possibly be escaped prisoners.
    2. WW2, maybe country/rednecks
    3. The Director

    School's out for summer, but comes back in the fall:

    1. Skoolhouse (Please let this be true) - Amazing scare zone and unique to houses
    2. Halloween related or Alice

    When I'm serious, sometimes I'm joking:

    1. (K) Clowns - Only given option


    1. Lollipop Chainsaw (my personal favorite) - Body Collectors turns to Nightingales, female CDT seems plausible and amazing
    2. Something related to the '50s
    3. Drive-in theatre
    • Like 2
  6. There has been a lot of rumored reports about the theme of hhn 22 being an apocalypse theme? To be more specific the walking dead as the theme!!! This was said in a survey for hhn!! And one of the questions stated!! What do you think of the theme for hhn being (Amc's the walking dead)!!! What does this mean?

    I would love to see an apocalypse theme for hhn 22!! It's so obvious 3 of the 4 house have an apocalypse theme to them!! It would be stupid not to have an apocalypse theme for hhn 22!! I would personally love to see the walking dead as a theme I love the walking dead and I would love to see walkers all over the park!! It would be nuts to see that!!

    I think it means that you truly love exclamation marks and have made my night by giving me the opportunity to address a Jack Russell terrier via this forum! :P

    Referencing a theme of The Walking Dead versus "apocalypse", the former may hold some truth due to what we have seen from the website, but the latter is highly unlikely as only The Walking Dead fits the mainstream idea of an apocalypse. I truly wish that Marketing decides against an overall theme, as I prefer variety and the idea of coming across a roaming group of walkers (possibly four if I remember the speculation correctly) does nothing to pique my interest. I would rather see multiple scarezones (even if roaming) of differing ideas rather than a repetition of zombie makeup, no matter how amazing it and/or the scareactors are. Just my two cents, but am I alone in this opinion?

  7. I agree that they did a great job with Dracula and Wolfman back in '09, at least in my opinion, although I can't remember anything from Frankenstein lol. I feel it would be difficult though to take a house from a sound stage and have it become a single room, I'm guessing, inside of the parade building. Although it could be pulled off, I'm not sure if it would have the overall feel that came from walking into a castle and being completely immersed in the setting. I truly hope this is the direction they go with this house though.

    Would they be able to use flyers (such as the flying vampires) in the parade building?

  8. But after hearing recant thoughts I don't think the Parade Building house is going to be 100 years of horror...HHN 23 will be that....The house, if it's made or approved or w/e. if it isn't zombies will probably be another Universal horror monster house...

    Why do you think it'll be used in HHN 23 instead?

  9. My post sought to cover three points:

    1. It was difficult to understand what you were speculating on. (Thank you for clarifying)

    2. Thematic sequel (In helping you support your own argument)

    3. My speculation on your idea of a sequel most likely being incorrect.

    My coming across as a jerk was unwarranted, but also unintended. Would it help if I put a :P after every sentence? :P

    As for speculation, what monsters/characters do we think will be featured in "photograph", if the theme relates to the 100 years and "classics"? Also, any ideas on what the sets would be inside the house?

  10. I think maybe you didn't read my post correct;ly...its was speculation, and if you recall i stated maybe a house like MyX at HOS but with zombies or w/e...A sequel doesn't have to follow the EXACT SAME STORY, they could change it for HHN 22...I don't think you give A&D enough credit. Just because its a sequel to DE doesn't make it necessarily the same story...Know what I mean...I don't want to piss ne one off but Thats my opinion...just a thought, I don't work at USO...lol...obviously...but That's just my idea. It would work with AC being right there....not trying rock the boat...*napoleon dynamite voice*...GEEZ. Carry on.

    It's difficult to "read your post correctly" while wading through the stream of word vomit, but the term you're loosely grasping at is called a thematic sequal. But even if the rumored photograph house came to fruition, the only similarity to be found would be the use of intermittent strobes, but it is highly unlikely they would be meant to resemble a camera flash akin to DE, as it was employed to tie in the backstory of our photographer. Hence nothing about it could be considered a sequel. Otherwise I could state that The Matrix and The Lion King were sequels because they both included CGI.

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