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Posts posted by Alkharon

  1. It would be pretty cool to have the back entrance. When you leave the House through the front of the building, you find yourself exiting the prison walls and going through an outdoor outbreak full of walkers that will chase you out of the whole Kid Zone area. Just an idea from someone who has not seen a single Walking Dead episode :P

  2. Ah, yes, I see. Thanks for bringing that up too. I remember moving closer and closer to that bunker entrance and seeing/hearing the turret firing overhead just outside, really giving you that actual feeling of being in danger. Seems I had just been stuck in "the supernatural" for too long to think outside of the box or so. I mean, I remember very little from my walkthrough, but I do remember feeling uneasy at being yelled at and going through a savage environment. I'm just not able to enjoy myself in a place like that (which is completely normal and very much intentional, given the environment you're in). As with most things around, "to each, its own". I will attempt to view these unusual/different environments with a more open mind, I guess. There are a lot of fears that are being dealt with in these environments anyway (less fictitious scenarios, etc...). Thank you all for responding and showing your views on this.


  3. Good morning everyone! I am getting ready to leave in a few minutes for a weekend-long marathon of work with our local haunted house here in Puerto Rico and was wondering...

    Being the classic haunted house environment lover that I am and given the fact that there were (or still may be) rumors of a HAVOC 2 haunted house this year, it stumped me a bit how that very specific house may have a return. Again, I personally am very fond of the classic haunted attraction, where the scenery is mostly a haunted house/mansion with its ghosts and demons; the vast graveyard with its spirits and undead; the forests and any area with a lush environment; a forboding castle that you may have to brave; classic 1930's horror etc... That is also my forte when it comes to design and storytelling (I drool all over gothic architecture). My questions to all fellow Nightmare makers and dreamers alike are these:

    *What was the appeal that HAVOC: Dogs of War had for you?

    *What scared you the most out of HDoW, if anything?

    *What did you enjoy the most out of HDoW?

    *anything else you wish to comment is very welcome.

    Thank you all, and I'll be tuning in after this busy weekend is over to see what's popped up and to reply, if I may.

    Happy Haunting!


  4. If you could have any HHN prop or costume, what would it be?

    I would have to go with one of the demon costumes from The In-Between (HHN 21). The bat-like creatures from that haunted house were one of the few creatures in HHN that have actually frightened me in the event and for that alone they have a place in my dark heart. -other creatures that have truly scared me: The body collectors, the creature (Creatures!, 2008), Dead Exposure zombies.-

    Hmm... now that I think about it, the Owl costumes from the Grown Evil scarezone (HHN 21) were amazing too, although not scary.

    What would you want from the past HHNs?

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