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Posts posted by DanB89

  1. 17 minutes ago, Ozian16 said:

    I believe the numbers in the grid image refer to dates. January 19th and May 16th. The account's first tweet was on January 19th and the image was posted May 16th. 119 and 516 respectively. The account has made 19 tweets, corresponding to the number of cells. I believe the coloured cells are connected tweets, teasing the same thing.


    Thanks for putting this out there, I think you're on to something.


    Following this logic, it looks like the first black bar refers to The Shining. The second, blue, bar refers to what we are speculating is the Catacombs requel/crossover.


    Just had a thought...in the tweet from May 13 they mention "bones" and "stones." There have been two houses set in Carae: Catacombs and Gothic. Both of these houses were very well-received in there respective years. Could a crossover of these two properties be possible?


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, criticalanalysis said:


    TBH I remember GT v2's sets being "grand" but pretty bare. Anyone else want to chime in with their thoughts?


    Personally I think that Ghost Town's sets do a pretty good job of having a layered and "used" look to them, more so that FvJ last year. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed FvJ, but for me the Ghost Town sets feel much more detailed.

    • Like 3
  3. Since I've accepted it WILL be pouring on Friday and Saturday, I highly recommend picking up a few of the super-cheap pocket ponchos from walmart or target. Not only do they cost barely over a dollar each, but they easily go in a back pocket if you don't end up needing it and can be thrown away if you get tired of it. Sure, they're a little on the stuffy side and you'll look like you're wearing a garbage bag, but I wore one for the duration of opening night in 2014 and the only part of me that got wet were my feet.

    • Like 4
  4. Popping in from lurker status for a couple shout outs to this amazing cast.

    From the B&W cast, the Bride of Frankenstein and Dr. Frankenstein both had great interactive moments with my friend while we were hanging out in the zone at our usual bench. (Dr. F asked how my friend's "experiments" were going while she was checking the world series score on her phone).

    As for the color cast, major kudos to the two ladies playing the Strangers. Same friend and I were hanging out in the zone, watching everyone do their thing, when these two stopped by the bench we were sitting at. They stuck around and stared at us for about three minutes, which actually succeeded in making me kind of uncomfortable (mostly because I'm awkward and don't know the etiquette for these situations). Finally, the "Dollface" girl decided to get things over with and "stab" me a few times before moving on. Probably the most fun scare zone moment I had all year.

    • Like 2
  5. Just thought I'd chime in with an observation, but looking at the speculated list right now it seems that at least 4 of the houses have quite a bit of thematic overlap.

    1) If we get TWD, it would hopefully include the prison from season 3. However, we also seem to be getting an original prison-themed house.

    2) Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't CiTW and ED share the major element of...a cabin...plus an ancient race of evil beings that control an army of undead? I realize there are some major differences between the two in the story and style department, but I'm concerned that if they adapt both of these to houses they might feel a tad too samey.

    I really want to avoid preconceptions about the event this year and just focus on enjoying it, but right now this concerns me even more than the (expected) high IP to original ratio.

    • Like 1
  6. 1. Gothic - This sounds like it could be the "wow" house in terms of set design, and I'm really hoping that atmosphere and scares prove to live up to the expectations.

    2. Dead End - I actually like that the details we have on this one are vague. As long as it's done well I'm interested to see how the story and scares play out.

    3. Alice Cooper: Welcome to my Nightmare - Lots of good reviews from last year's Hollywood house, so I'm hoping that the Orlando budget only makes this one better.

    4. The Walking Dead: Dead Inside - I'm a fan of the show, so I'm looking forward to seeing the highlights in person.

    5. Universal's House of Horrors - Never got to experience DE, so I'm hoping this is similar. I don't, however, find the classic monsters to be all that frightening. For now.

    6. Penn & Teller: New'kd Las Vegas - I enjoy P&T's style of showmanship, so I'm hoping that it really comes through. However, after really enjoying The In-Between last year I'm really not expecting to get as much wow factor out of the 3D here. Uni, please prove me wrong.

    7. Welcome to Silent Hill - I don't get why this is my least anticipated. I've seen and enjoyed the first movie, but maybe because I've never played the games I'm just...meh...about this one. That being said, if the intensity here is what I'm thinking it will be then my opinion could quickly change.

  7. Leave it to the good Dr. to send the rats running the maze....

    Some thoughts and observations (operating under the assumption that there is, in fact, some validity behind these cryptic statements).

    1. Vincent - First thought was Vincent Price, second was Vincent Van Gogh. Quick google search shows that Vincent Price was in a film adaptation of HP Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward." A bit of a stretch, I admit, fueled by my wishful thinking for a Lovecraft house. A Van Gogh themed house could be interesting, though. He was something of a tormented soul along the lines of Poe and it may be interesting to see his works brought into a more horrifying light.

    2. "I drink Dr. Pepper and I'm proud" is the opening line of a Dr. Pepper commercial from the 1970's. Not really sure where to go with this, but maybe it has the potential for a comedy house? Or a cult - based house?

    3. Winnebago - as Dr. Jimmy says, it's the obvious one. Further fuel for TWD rumors.

    4. The "joking but quite serious" comment also sounds like it could be a comedy house reference. Maybe connected to the bat belfry and mirror room scenes as someone going crazy? Honestly I'm grasping at straws on this one.

    5. Water spouts - I admit I've got nothing on this one.

    6. 19th Century - any Lovecraft stores set in this time period? Again on the wishful thinking.

    7. Twins - further fuel for a duality theme for a house, and potentially the icons. Any chance of the dual run house that's been tossed around?

    Sorry that my thinking cap sort of dwindled as I went through these, but as a disclaimer these are just my first impression anyway. Even if it's all really off base, the potential is there for some truth to be found.

  8. yeah looks like a barn, does that mean WD for sure?

    I know that nothing is for sure until Uni announces it. It just wouldn't surprise me at this point if the Disaster house does end up being either a TWD house or an unbranded TWD "knock off," with the RV and now this. Obviously I could be way off base.

  9. Big thumbs up to the B cast of Forsaken last Wednesday night (I'm pretty sure it's B cast as I went through right after 6:30). You guys were really working hard, and one Forsaken in particular from the courtyard scene was really great. He was briefly blocking two girls in the group in front of me and really invaded their space, which of course freaked them out big time. It was one of the best "spectator scares" I've enjoyed in a while.

  10. This is tough, as there truthfully isn't a house that I don't like. I enjoyed them almost equally, so except for my top pick this is a bit arbitrary.

    1. Nightengales

    2. The In-Between

    3. The Thing

    4. H.R. Bloodengutz

    5. Nevermore

    6. Winter's NIght

    7. The Forsaken

    8. Saws and Steam

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