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Posts posted by Disneyson1

  1. Isn't Envy's universal symbol a snake? I mean besides "green with". I'm pretty sure there's some sort of Adam and Eve reference somewhere. Jealous fake snake always ruining stuff. Jerk. I mean, I think that they made the sins the most recognizable for the "LCD", or "Normal People", or "Peons" (AKA Gluttony). But yeah, that's cool. I got them pretty quickly when I saw them. I like it when Lust wears the Las Vegas Showgirl feathers. I mean, yes, I guess the "Vegas, Lust, Showgirl" thing is clever but I really just like the feathers. LOVE Dante's Inferno. Did a research project on it.

    You're going to be a little disappointed/excited for Poe: No Cask. But YES a scene from Poe's actual life! WOO! I expect that there are a bunch of references in there that aren't rooms, too.

    And yeah, there's this stone wall that has holes in it in Winter's Night. There's some pretty stuff behind the walls!

  2. PS I think the "Eighth Sin" might be Wrath still... Are they around the chick with the wrathy wreath of thorny thickets around her chair? Cuz they're wrathful so they carry chainsaws? Makes sense to me. But I don't get what's going on with Sloth (blue). Like, she slept so much her face turned green and ugly?

    PPS The point with the 1072 Lady Lucks is that I think they're supposed to be omnipresent or yeah. Because when both my friend and I have bad luck I usually just chalk it up to the fact that there are 2,358 Lady Lucks randomly following us. Each. Plus, she's pretty old. Like, I think Adam-and-Eve-snake old.

    PPPS This is a double post.

  3. There are miniatures... Behind the wall? With the hole? And, co-incidentally, I just finished Berniece- I heard that there would be a Berniece in the house, so I guess we should look for shiny teeth... Or lack thereof? OR WAS I PUSHED? Yup, I was pushed. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on everything else!

    PS I think those Lady Luck masks are basically anti-monomania, so...

  4. I wonder how the bottoms of the skirts will translate... the bottoms look like leaves and the tops are the "birds"... I wonder if they'll put a lot of bushes and trees in there to make the scareactors appear like they only have torsos?

  5. Let's try and figure out how Lady Luck is in all the houses...

    Winter's Night - The most obvious one; She takes the form of the hag woman who gives Mr. Hawthorne tthe choice in the backstory. Of course, the choice led to her death. Look for a hag character in the scarezone?

    Holidays of Horror - I think she's the woman heard on the audio recording that offers HR the job that ultimately made him a flop, ended his career and made him crazy. I think she was supposed to be casting director in that clip?

    The Forsaken - She's Queen Isabella; historically, she was Columbus' patron, funding his voyage. In HHN, she gave the captains a lucky draw and had our captain choose his ship first. Lucky? No.

    Nevermore - Lady Luck, as a ticket lady, sold Poe the ticket to Baltimore, leading to all of his bad luck.

    The In-Between - Perhaps it was Luck that those college kids got that Ouija board with the pesky portal... Maybe Lady Luck sold the board to them? Or perhaps she assigns the rooms, giving the kids the worst dorm. Because it has a portal of death in it.

    Nightingales - From the clues, it looks like she's actually the personification of an "Enlist Now!" Poster... Enlisting does seem like a very important "choice", doesn't it? Perhaps she's Head Nurse... Or "Dearest", Edmund's love back home. Either way, his fate of going home was definitely twisted by our fair Lady...

    Saws N Steam - Definitely the head of The Horizon or something to that effect. She controls the fate of who lives... And who goes into the machine to become steam.

    The Thing - Why is the team even out there? I'm guessing there's a certain female scientist back home that has sent the unlucky crew to Thrule Station...

  6. I'm imagining the Canyon will be extended with either

    a) Lighting (at least)

    B) Stilt-Walkers extending the row of "Lost Souls"

    c) Floor-level actors

    And I wonder if they'll treat you differently if you're loud than if you're quiet? They said on some facebook post that you should "tread lightly" as not to disturb them... but who knows?

    As for 7, it DOES look a little... night club-ish. But the prospect of it changing overnight and the other roaming characters really makes it interesting to me, and a great photo-op area. And plus I can imagine a lot of "distraction" points... isn't that how they usually get people?

    Oh, and P.S. I'm new here, I've never been to an event and I'm scared VERY easily... but all the same I love this event! The stories, the effects, and the performances are better every year! Well, that's what youtube videos show, at least!

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