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Ha11owed Be Thy Name

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Posts posted by Ha11owed Be Thy Name

  1. Well that is very short sighted... They haven't even see all of her. you saw a 30 second blip of a commercial cut for an affliliate.

    I agree, we should wait for the full promo before we make any final decisions.

    I believe that Lady Luck has been around for a long time. If you look at the Queen card from the intro to the site, she bares the same hairstyle. Perhaps she changes appearances every so often with what society considers lucky. Once the queen card was a sign of luck, and now she's moved on to the form of a las vegas beauty that moguls like to keep near them for good luck.

    Perhaps even dear old Edgar Allen Poe was a victim of lady luck. He's notorious for having bad luck in life, and even wrote about one of the greatest signs of bad luck. This is all starting to come together storywise, which is why I find it hard to believe people believe there is no backstory.

  2. Several reasons why this commercial (partial cut or otherwise) is awful:

    -The Narrator. No Narrator until the kill/scare is the way to do it. Look at 2007 or 2008 or 2009 - no narrator until the victim has been killed, works fine. Hell, even earlier commercials like 2002 and 2003 have NO NARRATION AT ALL. The narrator kills any sense of suspense or dread - same issue last year (2010). Let the story tell itself, no narration is needed.

    -The Loudest Victim Ever. Seriously, does this guy shut up? His grunting is so unbearably annoying - it's not terrifying, it's just unneeded noise.

    -Lady Luck's voice. Goodness, I imagined something more sinister. She's downright campy, especially at the end, holy crap. She should've taken a lesson from The Director or The Caretaker - or at least go off of Jack and only say a single phrase. "Come try your luck" was godawful and nearly made me facepalm. I'm not even going to address what the hell that bird is supposed to be doing.

    -What is even happening to the victim? He's strapped to the wheel of misfortune as expected. As Lady Luck explains shrilly, red you win, black you lose - what happens when you lose? It isn't shown. FEAR repeat - we have no idea what happens. He just keeps grunting. No payoff to the setup.

    -This simply is not scary. Nothing about it is creepy or terrifying, it's just campy and the sound annoying. Here's hoping the full cut is better, but I think it's unsalvageable at this point...

    If this is any indication, Lady Luck may be FEAR 2.0 in terms of final execution. This "second side" of her seems to be hyped up a lot by the insiders here, but I've yet to see any payoff. I really don't see how anything else could be incorporated into the final commercial.

    I agree this teaser is a tad disappointing, but the look and concept of the character is strong. This isn't the full promo, and as people have mentioned there is a darker side to her. This is just one aspect of her. Think of the queen card they showed that strikes the same hairdo. All royal cards in a deck have two sides to them, I'm sure this will be reflected with her character as well. Time will tell if this turns out to be Fear 2.0 or not.

  3. I agree with a lot of you that it would really suck to have Lady Luck wasted the same way they wasted Fear last year. He really had a lot of potential to be a great icon, and rather than use him in more interesting ways he just was nothing more than a photo op. The story and intrigue was there, and then all we got was a photo opportunity. Bad execution of a great idea.

    Hopefully there IS indeed an icon this year, as I still think the event needs an anchor to tie everything together. We all love the story behind HHN, and to drop the ball on that would be disappointing. I think they again have the chance to have a great icon this year. It's never a lack of creativity with the icons, but instead how they use them that's the issue.

    I'm hoping for the best and hope we have an icon this year. Only time will tell though.

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