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Posts posted by Stitch_101

  1. Hmmm you think if we just asked Murdy if he's giving us HoH codename he'd tell us, considering that he's hasn't done so before? And at schools we are still required to have vaccine shots in k-12, so that theory can't be it :\
    Your right about schools still requiring vaccine shots, but that's not only what he meant. Back in that time, with the Polio vaccine, it's was taken to schools all over and administered to children in their schools as part of a campaign to stop the spread of Polio. Today, it is almost never heard of vaccines of any kind being administered in schools (this could probably be chalked up to the legal climate me live in today), and instead is up to the parents to insure that they receive it from the family doctors before starting school. So, something that kids used to do in school that they don't anymore: recieve vaccines. Not to say I believe thats where all the hints are pointing, cause I'm still unsure, but I can understand how his reasoning fits the hints.
  2. ... and the holiday tradition of "The Nutcracker" was influenced by Edgar Allan Poe's " The Murders in the Rue Morgue "
    Close, but wrong... firstly, you should have clarified "The Nutcracker" as the story by E.T.A. Hoffmann for which "The Nutcracker" ballet is based. At first glance I thought you meant the tradition of actual Christmas "soldier" Nutrackers, which of course date back to the 15th century and therefor couldn't be based on a Poe story. Secondly, The Murders In The Rue Morgue was NOT based on or inspired by The Nutcracker by E.T.A. Hoffmann. It was loosely inspired by a lesser known Hoffmann story called Das Fräulein von Scuderi, as well as the novel Zadig by Voltaire... Sorry to throw a wrench in that line of speculation.
  3. Wow... I'm gone a few weeks and I fall WAY behind on the speculation! Gotta make a point to stop studying long enough to check in more often. As it is, my head is hurting after reading through the new code names and hints... So I think I'll wait for another new code no before trying to jump back on the band wagon. I must say, I like some of the connections you guys have made to AWIL.

  4. Also, there was the hint that one off the mazes he's looking into has "unique technical challenges."

    Which could apply to a lot of the often wished for mazes. Poltergeist, Alien, Exorcist, Hellraiser, and Evil Dead come to mind.

    Yeah, "unique technical challenges" could apply to just about any property you could name in some way or another... I'm sure just about every maze they do at some point presents them with some kind of challenge.

  5. Alright. Here's an attempt to decode the codename to maze relationship.

    The Smiths. Later said to represent a Smith song that would reveal a central theme in the maze. With a few further hints it was narrowed down to "Suffer the Children." Which still could apply to a lot of properties (NOES, Poltergeist) but ended up being La Llorona.

    Classic Cowboy. Referenced a character (Shane, directly related to the codename) that represented a central character in TWD. No further hints were given that would narrow down the relationship of the codename to the maze. The codename didn't seem to provide guidance. People were guessing TWD for this one before the Shane connection was made.

    Dante: The most literal of the codenames. ACGTH...a very Danteish vision of Hell. But with Alice Cooper. Which suggests that the Cooper codename (should we get one) would be a direct reference to the codename. Then again, Murdy could change his MO this year.

    Quigley: Was the connection Clint Eastwod=his son=TCM? I saw people connect the codename to TCM. So in this case there was no themes or characters involved in the codename, just a single actor. And even then, it was a different TCM.

    Carpenter: The hint later said that the codename is related to one of his works. The Fog...Fogworld. A phrase that was related to an environment.

    So if/when we get more codenames, we should remember that Murdy wants to avoid noticeable patterns in his hints.


    Edit: The HHN Hollywood page just asked what was everyone's favorite part of HHN 2012. I say that the most common is TWD, second is SH, with La Llorona and Alice Cooper roughly tied for third. Chainsaw a little behind those and very little love for Remix.

    If Murdy doesn't already want to do another TWD maze, I'm sure the Universal higher ups are telling him to. Seeing the very positive GP response to SH suggests that more abstract mazes or IPs with less recognition are more fair game. Also, Murdy said that SH was well received. Dead Space 3 seems to have gone in more of the action adventure route than survival horror, so that's even less likely than it's already been.

    Well, there were more hints then I think you explored, particularly in TWD and Dante. You failed to mention all the hints that pointed at the 7 Deadly Sins in AGTH, and Murdy gave a lot of clues that pinned Classic Cowboy: A clue that linked to the Atlanta Falcons (Atlanta being a major setting in season 1) clues to the song "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" and the clue about his cats name being the name of a character. So there was a lot to Classic Cowboy that pointed to TWD.

    Oh and for The Smiths, it was the hint about mazes taking places in different countries that narrowed The Smiths down to La Llorona, which takes place in Mexico.

  6. @ Ferfox how am I twisting the facts? It's all laid out in the forums if you want to go back and read. It's really common for people to look at the hints, find a property that matches a few of those hints perfectly, then bend over backwards to try and make the rest of the hints fit even if they don't. I think Dante/Silent Hill is a great example from last year. I kinda feel like that's what all of us, myself included though I've been trying not to, are doing at the moment. It's not always bad thing. It's part of our process and how we speculate and go about ruling properties out... It's when you come across those few stubborn posters (none of whom are currently posting IMO, though I'm sure as more and more hint and possible code names come out they will trickle back in) that it gets a little tiring.

    Now that I'm thinking about it, did anyone ever actually speculated properly that Carpenter was Silent Hill last year? We really only got one hint, and it makes sense now looking back on it, but I don't remember anyone putting it together at the time.

  7. And as far as last year goes, the fact that people guessed actual mazes but for wrong code names even more illustrates my point. The fact that those mazes were guessed on wrong code names shows that people were messing with hints and trying to make them fit what codenames thought they should fit. The fact that we got the mazes right at all was somewhat based on the broad hints he gave about all the mazes collectively, not just individual hints, and the fact that some maze, again Silent Hill & TCM, had current or upcoming movies that made them relevant at them time and obvious choices in our eyes. So we tried to force them into code names while trying to explain away anything that didn't quite fit.

  8. It seems like we are going around and around with "Trickster." Nothin anyone has suggested really fits all the hints that Murdy has given. I have seen a lot of people suggest AC, but does that really fit if Chris, not Murdy, was the one to come up with the maze concept? And though I'm inclined to believe it will have original elements to it, we know its based on an IP, so it can't be a wholey original maze. This is all making my head hurt lol.

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