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Posts posted by doubledown211

  1. Alright here is my story, I've been a lurker on here since the first HHN I went to which was 2008. I'm from DC and it has always been my dream of mine to be a scareactor even before I knew of HHN, I attended Busch Gardens Williamsburg's Howl-O-Scream and always wanted to be a part of their event but it never worked out due to distance etc etc. However I became a Disney CP in 2008, thus my first event, and fell in love with HHN. I returned as a summer CP in 2009 and wanted to audition that year but I still didn't have a car down there then. After that summer I moved back up here to DC and always thought of auditioning for 2010 and 2011 but due to life and not being able to get a solid audition time I didn't try. Now here we are in 2012, I've secured a 5:30 spot on the 17th and I'm feeling pumped like it might actually happen this time! However a friend of mine seems very concerned about the fact that I love the event so and doing it as a scareactor might ruin the event for me and turn it into a job however I have always read how everyone enjoys being part of the event so much that I was wondering if anyone could elaborate on that. Furthermore I am still in DC and I don't mind taking like two months off my full-time job to do this but since it would be that I just want further advice or if I should just stick to going on vacation in October and enjoying the event that way OR maybe the casting people will take care of that problem for me and not hire me at all haha (#sadface #butstillconfidentIcandothis). Also I remember reading about advice about scareactors actually attending the event but if I could get a refresher on that as well that would be awesome.

    A big thanks to everyone who helps out and just a thanks for this forum's life for it has been an awesome way for me to read up on the event we all love so much, hope this year is still awesome even with all the negative vibes from the speculation.

    Working as a Scareactor will definitely not ruin it for you. If anything it will enhance the experience, you'll make new friends who appreciate HHN like you, and you'll be able to go as often as you'd like (on your off days of course).

    You wouldn't even need to necessarily take a whole two months off from your DC job. Get the Scareactor role, ask to be an Active Backup. You'd be able to take two weeks off, work the days required and enjoy the event.

  2. Congrats!

    I believe you mean "performer C," which is the general performer with base pay etc. Has no effect on location or role. Your size is perfect for chainsaw yes, but thats just a general idea for your size.

    Regardless. Your cast. Welcome to the family.

    Thanks for the welcome! Can't wait to start scaring!

  3. Newbie here and just got cast yesterday, woohoo! I've never been to HHN but I'm incredibly pumped to start scaring and meeting new people. Sorry to those who didn't make it, but keep your chin(s) up and hopefully you get your call soon.

    I'm a "big guy," and I was curious what roles I could potentially be cast in. Not fat though - 6'2" 230lbs. Some of my friends who worked in the past said I'd be a perfect chainsaw, but I don't think I got cast there as I'm in group 'C'

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