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Posts posted by HHN1234567

  1. 1.) Saws & Steam- The scarezone was freaking Legit. i dont see why the house wont be :P haha

    2.)Nevermore, Madness of Poe- Its Edgar Allen Poe, do i really NEED to say more? (Possible H.O.T.Y for me)

    3.)The thing- i love the movie, and the first haunted house. So im pretty stoked for this.

    4.)Nightingales- Ive never been in a haunted house involving War, so this should be pretty cool. im a sucker for Historical scenery :P

    5.)The Foresaken- Parade building houses are always one of my favorites, so we'll see how this one goes.

    6.)Winter's Night- A cemetery house seems pretty generic. But its a sound stage house, which means really COLD. and i like that :3

    7.)HR Bloodengutz- i love comedy houses, but this one seems kinda predictable :/

    8.)The In Between- I saw many problems with Jacks 3D house back in 2007 (INVOLVING DRUNKS -__- ) But we'll see how this one ends up.

    Now to be honest. They're ALL in my top 1. lol yes, top One., Im excited for all of these houses. Cant wait to go<3

    What problems do the 3D houses pose with drunks? I apologize if thats an obvious answer, I've never been in a 3D house and I'm not sure I even understand what it will be like (mostly black and neon I'm guessing). I am working in this house this year and I'm a little nervous it won't be scary :( I will try to make it so to the best of my ability.

  2. I think the hint picture could be a scarezone. Those orange faces look like they could be carved jack-o-lanterns I know they have that one bridgelike area back past Mel's where they had the jack-o-lanterns hung last year, (forgive me I don't know what that area is called zonewise) and I know there are stilt walkers there though so if they are using the pumpkins again that could be stiltwalkers with those masks standing in front of them?

    I'm probably way off but that's what I thought of when I saw it.

    either that or Tent 1 which is my house.

  3. On the subject of tent 1 being Dante's inferno I found this

    "Each sin's punishment in Inferno is a contrapasso, a symbolic instance of poetic justice; for example, fortune-tellers have to walk forwards with their heads on backwards, unable to see what is ahead, because they tried, through forbidden means, to look ahead to the future in life"

    floating head maybe?

    sorry I can't quote who originally had the inferno idea on my phone.

  4. The façade for Jaws is built further out than normal (and is getting a true façade).

    Rusty pipes, gears, and water tanks have been seen in the Jaws queue

    "Horizon Extraction Facility" has been seen painted in the Jaws queue.

    The items in the Jaws queue seem to imply the Saws and Steam house.

    "One stands to lose their body's bounty, If they return to God's Own County" - Implies Yorkshire (the only place called God's own COUNTY. Saws and Steam took place in New Yorkshire. The "body's bounty" would be blood or the flesh in general. In Saws and Steam they extracted water from bodies.

    This seems like the logical place for them to do this house the heat might actually help them somehow. It works with the code names as well, if you remember last year in the scarezone they had victims chained which could be the "gagged" role and I have heard all of the people being cast in this house are men.

    The logical place for The thing would be a sound stage (namely SS 22)

    I don't see it being in SS22 with the codenames, widow, spirit, Dr. F clone and Sarah all seem to not fit (I checked to see if there was a Sarah in the movie). For some reason the place that makes the most sense to me for The Thing house is 23A with "radio" being someone calling for help on a radio since the setting would be pretty isolated and the other two names being causes of death "redneck" being a slit throat. Idk this soundstage just makes more sense to me.

  5. I really enjoyed watching Fear's minions too. They were very graceful, almost ethereal in their movements, swirling around people like shadows. And they were great at catching people off guard - you'd turn around and find one standing behind you, or leaning over your shoulder, or following alongside you, ever so silently. Sunday night, I had a couple ask me to take their picture with Fear, and as I was doing it a couple of grey fingers suddenly poked into my line of sight and started caressing the picture I'd just taken. I turned to find a minion lurking over my shoulder, I had no idea he/she was even there... I was just like "Oh, hello." LOL

    Speaking of the minions, some of Fear's interactions with them were really cute. I caught him stroking one on the head, and leading another one around by the hand, prompting a chorus of "Awwww!" from all of us girls watching.

    This is quite the delayed response but I just wanted to let you know this was me! Caressing your photo that is, I used to do that all the time haha and papa fear led me around by my hand every once in a while, I can't be sure if the time you saw that was me though. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

  6. Or it could be like in Chucky with the stuffed animal wall where the scareactor is literally a part of the wall in the house.

    Keep in mind that the original translation of rune means "mystery" which doesn't really give me any ideas but maybe they quite literally don't want us to know what the "rune room" is and then I found this

    "3. ( mysteries) the secret rites of Greek and Roman pagan religion, or of any ancient or tribal religion, to which only initiates are admitted." which reminded me of Hades?

  7. This may seem like a stupid question, but for a call time of "5", as stated above, does that mean that you need to be at Universal at 5 pm for the nights of the event? (I just am not sure if this "time" is just for rehearsal or the event)

    Not a stupid question, that time is for days of the event.

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