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Posts posted by Coast

  1. Hollywood is by far a more R-Rated event compared to Orlando. Death Drums only had one sexed up show, the other two not so much. The jello shot girls are not really any more slutified than a bartender (actually they wear more than a bartender).

    As for Bill & Ted... hah. The show is barely a PG-13 and that is coming from a #1 fan of the show who will defend it until I die. If anything, it needs more sex appeal just like the rest of the event.

    Hollywood is more hardcore and isn't afraid to do so.

    2007's F13 house in Hollywood had a sex-scene kill

    2009's SAW house in Hollywood had a frozen naked female body.

    All of the years they had Chucky's Insult Emporium

    I'm sure there are more :blink: worthy things at Hollywood that Freak or Zombieman could list. As for the Silent Hill nurses, it is a little ridiculous that Orlando seriously felt the need to cover up the iconic game character's chest (by that I mean the character is iconic not their chest you pervs lol). My point is, the event is not for kids & its not like the kids aren't already SEEING the sexualized nurses already since they play the games.

    Did not know about that scene in the Friday the 13th house. I also forgot about that prop in the Saw house... I remember seeing a picture of that somewhere and thinking "Holy crap, how'd they allow that to fly?". Like I said Hollywood from what I've seen is definitely more pushy, I was just trying to dismiss the idea that Orlando is a PG event because they push it in some ways too.

    Come on now, some of the complaining around the internet is getting a little silly. There's been plenty of cleavage in just my two years of visiting HHN. Grown Evil bats? The ice queen character? 7? I mean, I'm a guy who enjoys cleavage as much as the next, but it won't make or break either Silent Hill house so it really shouldn't be that huge of an issue.

    I'm very unfamiliar with the Silent Hill franchise, but I've been checking out some of the stuff on YouTube and a mannequin monster would be terrifying.

  2. Still related to Silent Hill..... BUT regarding a completely different aspect...

    So we all know that Hollywood's event is a lot more graphic & sexualized than the Orlando event, but it seems that even with Hollywood's puppet masters pulling some of the strings this year, our event can't escape its dreaded PG rating....

    The event hasn't even started yet and it is already being "censored" <_<

    Hint: The lack of cleavage.

    I find both ads to be pretty risque if you ask me.

    While from videos I've seen of Hollywood, other than the Freddy or Zombie dancers of year's past, it seems like the sexuality is on the same level at both. I've never been to Hollywood though, so I can only go off of what I see online. Between the Death Drums show last year, Bill & Ted, and the blood shot girls, I wouldn't say Orlando is PG at all.

    Oh, by the way, if the nurses are wearing either costume, I'll be pretty happy about them scaring me. ;)

  3. About the use of the characters in the Walking Dead: I was under the assumption that they weren't going to appear in the first place except for maybe a queue video. I kinda figured the way they would present the whole story would be that you are in the group following along or having to meet up with them or something along those lines. It's probably more for marketing and advertising than actual house use.

  4. Quick question... with the code names for the scarezones, do any of them indicate Sting Alley? Seems kinda odd that it would be left out, especially when you figure they could easily create a scarezone based on P&T by reusing the Saws n' Steam traps and most pf the decor/props from last year...

  5. I don't think I have ever seen and heard this much negative speculation towards HHN and this years event in my entire 15 years of attending Halloween Horror Nights. I can't wait until the event starts and proves all those wrong... ;)

    I just can't even begin to fathom all of the hate on this year AND IT'S JULY. JU-LY.

    Also, my sources told me that the icon is going to be the deer head and laughing lamp from Evil Dead II.

    Would like to clarify that my post wasn't being negative towards the event, just the "take what you get" attitude. Not trying to start trouble at all, just trying to voice the other point of view. I think it's impossible to be negative about a year that they haven't even announced yet and that nobody has experienced.

    And regarding the walls being extended, I imagine that that is just for construction purposes. They would need the lagoon side for a facade/entrance/queue. Definitely does once again complicate crowd flow for HHN.

  6. It's interesting to read through this thread and see the opinions about this year's event, but a lot of it seems to be from locals. And I've been trying to keep quiet, and waiting to reserve my judgement until official word starts coming out. But as someone who lives a few states over, I think there's a different viewpoint and an added layer of complexity that isn't really being discussed here. Deciding to go or not go is not a simple decision for people like me. We have to plan out our trip many months in advance. As pointed out by a fellow long-distance traveller above, even just a trip down to Uni and HHN for a few days can very quickly and easily reach a few thousand dollars. So the viewpoint of, even if this year sucks, enjoy what you do get and next year will be better, is completely inexcusable and a little insulting to someone like me.

    That would be like paying 3 thousand dollars for a trip to Chicago, but before you get there you find out that Wrigley Field is going to closed for construction, and the top 30 floors of the Sears Tower will be shut down for remodeling, so you won't get to see that awesome view that everyone raves about. Oh, and because of a parade, all those awesome little shops and exhibits that you love to stand around in and take in the flavor of the city are going to be closed, replaced instead by a couple guys walking around with a cart of hot dogs and pizza. But hey, even though this trip will suck, the next time you spend 3+ grand and come back, it'll all be back up and running, so just enjoy what you get this time.

    I was extremely excited for this year, after spending my honeymoon there in 2010. Even though I couldn't get the funds together to make the trip last year, I still followed the event closely, to the point that I am completely versed in the houses and SZ's from last year without ever having stepped foot in the state, let alone Orlando. So when things aligned earlier this year, you can't believe how pumped I got to for a sophomore visit. But all the speculation with seemingly verifiable evidence that's been coming out from this year has just been chipping away at that excitement. Prices, in general, have gone up. We're down at least one house, maybe even two. And of the remaining houses, one seems to just be a best-of from a tv show; and a second features a Vegas act, that while may have darker elements to their show at times, by no means would I consider horror or synonymous with HHN. The Scare zones might be brought down to one with some other people wandering around. There may be no amazing set pieces, but we'll get smoke machines and mood lighting instead. And there will still be a large crowd of people to clog up what is there.

    I was blown away by 2010, and what Universal can offer is what made me want to come back. It's a chance to go to a single event that features 8 haunted houses and six scare zones married with the best rides a theme park can offer. They play spooky music throughout the park, and build an atmosphere that I simply can't get anywhere else. But this year is starting to sound less and less like HHN and more and more like Six Flags' Fright Fest. I am REALLY trying to stay excited about this year's event, especially since this is probably the last year I'll be able to go for at least a few years. But I've found myself starting to justify this trip and the massive cash price by looking at what I can do during the day at the parks, and by going to Disney for the first time, instead of what HHN will offer.

    As I wrote in the beginning, I am doing my best to reserve judgement until at least something official comes out. And I really want this year to be amazing and successful. This isn't something that I get to do very often, and I'm putting up a significant amount of money to do it. But I've been starting to wonder if I shouldn't just cancel my reservations and get back as much money as I can from what I've already put into this trip, and say screw it for this year. The attitude of 'you get good and bad years, so just suck it up' isn't acceptable to someone in my situation. When Universal demands a premium price for their event, and has the capacity and funds to make the event amazing, I expect nothing less than their best effort every year. Not their best attempt, given the circumstances. There is no justification for an 'off year' when they charge more for it and have the capability of doing whatever they want on whatever scale they want. Not with what they expect me to pay to fly down there and stay a few days.

    Sorry for the really long rant everyone, and thanks for bearing with me. Just thought I'd throw in the opinions of an out-of-towner to give a bit of a different perspective to all of this discussion.

    You hit this so beautifully right on the head. This is exactly how I am thinking about the event this year as I read various boards and I cannot agree more.

    "It's a chance to go to a single event that features 8 haunted houses and six scare zones married with the best rides a theme park can offer. They play spooky music throughout the park, and build an atmosphere that I simply can't get anywhere else."

    100% quoted again for the truth. I am not only a roller coaster enthusiast but a haunt enthusiast as well. I come from NY to experience the event because like you said, the atmosphere alone just cannot be duplicated anywhere else, forget about the incredible attention to detail and immersion. That is why the rumors of just one elaborate scarezone is seriously starting to worry me. I'm afraid that the atmosphere may not be there. It's also started to bother me as well that many have said that "year so and so only had x number of scarezones and x number of houses, be happy you get what you get" because of the cost of a trip to HHN. I'm allowed to be skeptical and start to worry. Universal is charging by far top dollar, so I expect their best efforts. "Some years aren't as good as others" isn't acceptable in this case. This is not Fright Fest or Halloween Haunt at a regional Cedar Fair park. This is an $89 ticket event put on by Universal Studios. I'm sorry but the notion that "next year will be better" just isn't a fair thing to say, and I agree 100% with boogeyman when I say that it is insulting to one who spends easily a grand to attend.

    Now, I of course will not judge the event until the reveal because doing so beforehand is not fair and would be way too premature. I still trust Universal and the creative team because they've already blown me away enough times in the past two years of attending to show me what they can do. They're incredibly talented individuals who love creating the event as much as we all love attending and hopefully the higher ups don't interfere too much.

    • Like 5
  7. I don't get how anyone can really say that the houses will suck when a.) With all due respect to Dr. Jimmy, they aren't officially confirmed by Universal (it's been mentioned before about how things can always change) and b.) nobody has seen any concept art of any kind. This is the equivalent of saying that a roller coaster is going to suck just by looking at it when you haven't even ridden it yet.

    I will say that the rumors of only one scarezone and roaming hordes scares the hell out of me because what makes HHN so special for me is the atmosphere that no other event has in my opinion.

    Anyone else feel or think that the Victorian house is a repeat or reused props from Winter's Night? That was my first thought when JW explained the clues.

    Now this sounds awesome! One can hope!

  8. I think everybody's blowing this up a little too much...

    It could be that they started constructing the house, ran into some serious trouble that they didn't expect with the structure, and had to get rid of it quickly. I think we'll see some sort of house on the former lot of SS44 and some new attraction in its place, possibly Transformers which wouldn't be a surprise.

    Also gotta consider that business-wise, a new attraction that can be open all year and bring in even more revenue will always win against a house that operates for 20 nights.

    My two cents.

  9. I do not post here very often, but I have been very closely following this just as you all have been. I'm really excited that the event is staying Studios side, I just love the atmosphere (which to me is what makes the event so special).

    Now with all of this discussion about a possible Walking Dead house, at first I was completely lost as I had never even heard of the show. How I did not even know about this show being a huge horror/Halloween fan, I don't know, but I'm glad all this HHN speculation introduced me to it. I started watching and catching up on the series and like many of you would love for it to be a house. Seeing Rooftop and Hospital hallway leak and then seeing the barn and RV, I just can't see how it won't be making an appearance. Obviously would love to be able see the iconic scenes such as the "Don't Open.." door, the tank and horse (they already even have those props from last year), and the barn and the well from season two. It seems like it would be pretty easy for them to pull off considering how they can reuse a majority of the props from Nightingales.

    Oh, and in case you didn't notice, Shane wears a chain with "22" on it in season two. Just kinda ironic, don't ya think?

    Now about this 8th permit... Is it really that far fetched to think that just maybe they were able to keep it from leaking? I know that we live in a time where thanks to the internet, we can get any info about any new attraction fairly easily, but maybe Universal was able to keep one under wraps. Just throwing that out there.

  10. Winter's Night... I'd kill to walk through just one more time. Also would love to see the famous Leave it Cleaver house. But that's just more of my "wishful thinking" than it is actually even possible.

    As for the elements we've seen, I agree that it's a very safe bet to see projections and evolving scare zones. The projections I'm a bit iffy with. They were very impressive, but I'm not sure how you could create something that scale again... Yet, this is the Universal creative team we're talking about, so no doubt they could do it. Evolving scare zones I'm all for, the whole concept behind 7 can be done with so many different themes, I think the possibilities are endless.

  11. Not sure why there's a lot of negativity surrounding this year's show. I REALLY enjoyed it, I thought it definitely was funnier than last year although the dancing I will admit felt weaker.

    Popular rips on the show I've seen are the villain and Twilight. The villain I can see, as it was WAY out there and I really didn't get it either too much, but he really wasn't that important to be honest with you. Twilight though, I think was probably the best "true" parody of the past two years in terms of how they portrayed them. "YOU DON'T EVEN SPARKLE ANYMORE!"

    I think the video intro was almost the highlight of the show, if it wasn't for Osama and Conan. Not everyday you get a Smurfette in a 69, dudes.

    Great job by the actors once again and congratulations on a really awesome job in my book to the new writer.

    P.S. Universal, please have more hot, half naked chicks. B&T kinda lacked a little on that this year..


    Every man in attendance.

  12. This one is REALLY tough. It was between the Courtyard in the Forsaken, Winter's Night distant cemetery, Winter's Night facade or the Body Room in Nightingales for my vote.

    I'm going to go with the distant cemetery, though, in a really tight one. When considering scare consistency, set design, actors, and intensity this one won for me.

    Just going on "WOW!" factor, Courtyard and Winter's Night would win just because of how blown away I was.

    Honorable mention to the Red Masque of Death room for still giving me nightmares.

  13. Wow...I can't believe you skipped, what I think are, the two houses that have the best run for House of the Year in Saws n' Steam and The In-Between (at least I hear that come from a lot of people, but I tend to disagree). 5 times in Winters Night?! I liked that house, but every time I've been through since the 1st time its lost a lot...Forsaken is one of my faves. That one for me has just gotten better and better. But how could you miss Saws n' Steam?!?!?!

    To be honest, the only house I regret missing is in fact Saws n' Steam. Just hearing the saws and screams from outside made me want to get in line, but with waits at 75-100 minutes, I just for whatever reason skipped it. The only mistake I think I made both nights was in fact skipping Saws now that I hear how awesome the cast was.

    As for Winter's Night, I can't put my finger on exactly why I loved it so much. Anytime somebody has asked me why it was my favorite, I tell them "I don't really know". It was just a great house to experience, and one I took pleasure in repeating.

  14. I think they must have upped the frequency with which they do the rip scene, because last Sunday I almost caught it twice in one run. :D

    Nobody likes a bragger!

    As for this house being the scariest, I have to say it's second to Nevermore, but to each their own. Still loved it though. So simple yet effective.

  15. I don't even know how to start off writing my thoughts on Halloween Horror Nights XXI. I'm pretty sure the words to describe how blown away I was don't exist.

    This is the nation's premiere Halloweene event for a reason. The detail, the energy, the surroundings. I've simply never seen anything like it. Ever. The atmosphere is unmatched by any park event I have attended. It's hard to describe to someone who has never experienced it before.

    This will be a spoiler-filled review for those who have not had the chance to experience some aspects of the houses or events and wish to see them in the final nights (which I don't think is really anybody on here).

    Winter's Night: The Haunting of Hawthorne Cemetery- I was in love. Love at first sight, as a matter of fact. The second I entered Soundstage 22, I was knocked off my feet by the simply stunning facade. It was beautiful. As the snow fell, I couldn't help but notice that the snow was everywhere: on the bricks, the trees, even on the bench. It's the little details like that that makes not only the whole event but this house special. The teal lanterns had an awesome glow, and there were plenty of them. (21 of them I believe? I think I counted 21...) I wanted to sit and stare at it for the rest of the night. My first time through, I was a sucker for every scare (except the Weeping Angel; it was just too obvious it was an actor) just because of how captivated I was by the detail in the sets. My favorite part of the house had to be the forced perspective room, which also was the best scare in the house. It really looked like the cemetery went on for miles. The surprise in this house was the vine wall. Totally didn't see it coming and when those arms stuck through, they had me jump. I loved the costumes, particularly the girl's costumes (I don't want to say bride, because it's hard to tell if they were brides or not). There is just so much to see. It took me four trips through to see a good 75% of the details in there. I was able to go through this house a total of five times, and I walked out with a big smile on my face every damn time. I loved Winter's Night so much to the point where when I think about how we'll never see it again, I get pretty upset about it. Rating: 10/10, no doubt about it.

    The Forsaken- This house really, really, really wanted to be my favorite, but it just couldn't top Winter's Night. Very interesting choice to have the facade at the midway point, but when you do get to it it's a sight to see. That room is my favorite room from the entire event. It felt massive, way bigger than it was. I couldn't tell who was real, who was fake, what moved, what didn't. I really liked the storm effects, I caught myself feeling like I was blowing in the wind. It's a very immersive room. Easily my favorite room of the event this year, as long as Winter's Night facade doesn't count as a room! The chapel scene had a great distraction, set up a good scare. I was a little disappointed though that it seemed like there was only 3 or 4 Forsaken projected and not really an "army", but it did the job and distracted me. The crooked path was a great effect, and even though I knew it was coming after hearing so much about it, I was still disoriented. Had I not compeletely accidentally fallen to the right (or is it the left? can't remember) and not seen that you could walk straight, I would have been disoriented all night and stumbled across like everybody else. The actors in here did a great job too, great energy and more in your face than I expected. Definitely had that "get me out of here, quick!" feeling to the room.

    However, what kept this house at #2 for me was that odd part about half way (or three quarters of the way through, can't really remember) where it's just plain walls for a few corners with nothing going on. It felt like it killed the flow of the house. It's comparable to a roller coaster's mid course brakes, where it goes from "OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME!" to slowing down. I think a few of you might agree, but it seems here the majority of you have this house at #1, so we'll see. I gave this house 3 chances, and that part still kinda knocked the house down from a 10 to a 9/9.5. (9.5 for the one really good run through I had where pretty much every scareactor got me) Another little thing I found just a little odd about the house is the lack of Spaniards at the beginning. There was one, maybe two that I saw. I guess it's kinda clear who won that battle, though with the blood in the cells and in the mutiny room that the Forsaken didn't leave many survivors. I hear alot of complaining about the eyes, but I felt like without them the Forsaken wouldn't be the same. That green glow was kick ass! I even found a lot of the actors covering their eyes until it was scare time. Overall, the Forsaken was a very creative house that had very immersive rooms and like Winter's Night, felt so real. rating 9.5 or 9/10.

    Nightengales: Blood Prey. Immersion is the name of the game here. The second I walked in, I was thrown in the trenches. I was looking all around me, up down, left, right and there were things to see in all directions. The tank was really, really cool. Just wish it wasnt so on top of you like it was. I did stop looking up, though after a Nightengale caught me looking up at another and got me good. This means that I missed the flying Nightengales that I had heard about. The room with all of the bodies is what I remember the most about this house because it had that really unsettling feeling to it, like death was right in front of you. I had really good timing in this house and got to see pretty much all of the gun effects and got lucky enough to have a group of girls in front of me so I saw probably every scare right in front of me. I wasn't THAT lucky, though as I missed the "rip" scene. Overall, very immersive, yet simple house. Rating: 9/10

    Nevermore: The Madness of Poe. Easily the most intense house of the night for me. I like to think that it's tough to get more than a startle (I was startled in every house; got a few "OH SHIT" exclamations too, particularly boo hole in Winter's Night) out of me from a scare, but this house had me screaming. Yes, a 6'1 18 year old male was screaming. I'm specifically talking about the Red Masque of Death room. I have never wanted to GET THE HELL OUT of somewhere so fast. The actor on the balcony (or was it a ballroom-type of dance floor? I know whatever it was, it was elevated) got me right as I walked in pretty good and when I saw the dancers spinning I knew this would be trouble. The dancers would lunge, and at the same time the actor above would lean in. I felt very targeted in this room, probably because of my initial reaction to the first actor right when I walked in. I was screaming profanities, telling the screaming folks in front of me to walk faster... I was a mess. Comparable to the 15 year old girls in the streets when they see chainsaws.The second I got into the next room, I burst into laughter. I absolutely loved it! Yes, I was the creepy kid by himself that was screaming like he was really being killed and then was laughing into tears... I did also enjoy the first real room, which we were given the teaser image for and although I knew it was coming, the axe actor still was a surprise.

    Overall, this house was very intense for me, thanks to it being very dark. I did, though feel "lost" in the scenes. It probably has to do with the fact that I have only read two Poe stories, but I think the fact that it was so dark that I couldn't see the details didn't help at all. 8.5/10

    H.R. BloodenGutz: Holidays of Horror: I really enjoyed this house, I laughed my way through! The rooms were really nicely done, I loved the scents! I know for a fact I remember there being a scent in the Thanksgiving room, but for some reason I remember there being a gunpowder-ish scent in the Fourth of July room. Can somebody confirm or deny that? The segways between holidays were very simple, yet effective. I wished we would have seen HR in one of them, at least, but they were small so I don't think it could have worked anyway. Lincoln was the star of the house, he got me good my first time! Caught me looking at his very gory victim on the couch. I saw the bomb scare twice, and it was really cool, reminded me of an old school dark ride gag! The scares though, did wear off after the first go around. Only one part kinda had me scared all three times through and that was in the Valentine's Day room, where the fishing line hangs down and tickles you. I have a fear of spiders and creepy crawlies, so that had me freaked a little bit. Overall, the tamest of the houses, but I really did enjoy it! I LOVED the concept and the story and it had a kick ass facade! 8.5/10 from me!

    I did not get to see Saws N' Steam, In Between, or The Thing. The lines by the time I got to them were all at 75-100 minutes and I was forced to pass on them, I'll be honest, those three were the bottom three on my "Must See List". It also didn't help that I did Winter's Night five times and the Forsaken four times. Do I regret not seeing the three houses I missed? Yes, somewhat. Do I regret going through Winter's Night as many times as I did? Not for a second.


    Grown Evil: My favorite zone this year. The lighting was perfect, and it had that eerie, spooky feeling to it. This cast gave me the only scarezone scare I had, and that's thanks to great teamwork!

    7: This was a close 2nd for me, it was really well done! The actors had great energy and the chicks were hot! I had "Beautiful People" stuck in my head all night!

    Acid Assault: The projections really were jaw-dropping. I hope we see more use of projections in the future. The acid rain falling was a nice touch as well.

    Nightmaze: I didn't get it. I just walked in, picked the path on the right hand side and went through without any gate changes... I don't think I gave it a fair chance, to be honest but I never went back to it.

    Your Luck Has Run Out: Again, a very nicely done scarezone that had a really good distraction tactic and I could see it would get alot of people, especially the men being lured in by the Lady Lucks up top.

    Canyon of Dark Souls: Should be Canyon of Dark "I Can't see Three Feet in Front of Me" Souls. Loved the claustrophobic feel and the fog. Some say too much fog, but I think it was perfect. I got to see a great moment early in the night when a wheelchair guest came through and the actors crowded him and took turns popping in his face, which he loved! I was laughing just as much as he was! Funny moment to see, great to see the actors having fun!

    Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure: EXCELLENT! I loved this show last year and really liked it again this year! The new writer did a GREAT job with his one line jokes and the preshow video was hilarious, almost the highlight of the show (which went to Osama and Conan). The dancing parts felt slow though, this year, particularly the first one. Flashmob idea was cool, just the dancing felt slow and dragged out. Overall, very good this year and I'd say dancing was worse than last year, but the jokes were better. The crowd lead by Bill & Ted singing "Kickstart my Heart" was a great way to end the 20th year! Not everyday you get a Smurfette in a 69! Rating 8/10.

    I could not have asked for a better two nights at a better event. Congratulations to the Universal creative team, actors, event staff, and to anyone who helped play a role in Halloween Horror Nights XXI on a phenomenal year. It's the best event in the world for a reason!

    I'll leave this review the same way you leave Bill & Ted: The show goes on.

  16. 1. Grown Evil

    2. 7

    3. Canyon of Dark Souls

    4. Acid Assault

    5. Your Luck Has Run Out

    6. Nightmaze

    With the exception of Nightmaze, all the zones this year were A+! Very tough to rank them, but in the end I went with the only zone that gave me a scare. Damn good team work inside of Grown Evil!

  17. I really enjoyed this house, I laughed my way through! The rooms were really nicely done, I loved the scents! The segways between holidays were very simple, yet effective. I wished we would have seen HR in one of them, at least, but they were small so I don't think it could have worked anyway. Lincoln was the star of the house, he got me good my first time! The scares though, did wear off after the first go around. Only one part kinda had me scared all three times through and that was in the Valentine's Day room, where the fishing line hangs down and tickles you. I have a fear of spiders and creepy crawlies, so that had me freaked a little bit. Overall, the tamest of the houses, but I really did enjoy it! I LOVED the concept and the story and it had a kick ass facade! 8.5/10 from me!

    Also to anyone here who is an actor in this house, I would like to apologize for a small incident. On the 15th, probably right at opening, I went in and was thrown into a few of you at the start. This was my very first HHN house, so I was nervous going in, not knowing what to expect. Right before entering, a pretty attractive girl told me she was alone, and asked me if she could hold onto me... and I said yes. Safe to say I wasn't using my brain at all. At the start, I was kinda getting pushed around a bit but I was able to break away half way through, probably around the Thanksgiving room. I really do apologize! I appreciate what the actors do and would never do that purposely to any of you. It was a pretty stupid thing to do, I was nervous and not thinking.

    So, anybody get any more funny H.R. quotes?

    To woman in front of me: "What's your favorite Holiday?" "HALLOWEEN!" His response: "Uh, well that's a little awkward. I kinda missed that one..."

  18. Forsaken so badly wanted to be my favorite house... It really, really did, but it just couldn't top Winter's Night.

    The ship scene is STUNNING! My first time through, I caught myself feeling like I was blowing in the wind. I couldn't tell who was real, who was fake. I was looking in all directions, it's a very immersive room. Easily my favorite room of the event this year. The crooked path was a great effect, and even though I knew it was coming after hearing so much about it, I was still disoriented.

    However, what kept this house at #2 for me was that odd part about half way (or three quarters of the way through, can't really remember) where it's just plain walls for a few corners with nothing going on. It felt like it killed the flow of the house. It's comparable to a roller coaster's mid course brakes, where it goes from "OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME!" to slowing down. I think a few of you might agree, but it seems here the majority of you have this house at #1, so we'll see. I gave this house 3 chances, and that part still kinda knocked the house down from a 10 to a 9/9.5. (9.5 for the one really good run through I had where pretty much every scareactor got me)

    Other than that, this house was phenomenal. Great job by the actors in this house! I found a few of them covering their eyes until it was scare time, which was a very good idea. I didn't feel the eyes killed the house at all, I actually think they added to it! That green glow was kick ass!

  19. Don't mean to brag, but...

    At first when I saw the black doors/walls in the Coven scarezone, the very first thing that came to my mind was that they could be trying to "blackout" the area. Imagine that... a scarezone that is COMPLETELY dark and pitch black.

    I was right!

    The pallet towers are really interesting looking... There are skulls under the black covering, but are the skulls covering something? A platform maybe?

  20. At first when I saw the black doors/walls in the Coven scarezone, the very first thing that came to my mind was that they could be trying to "blackout" the area. Imagine that... a scarezone that is COMPLETELY dark and pitch black.

    After some more thought into it, I thought the same thing we all for the most part agree on: It seems to either be pick your own fate or changing scarezones. Either way, whatever it is, it's probably something never done before and it could change scarezones as we knew them.

  21. Ok, I'm in the very small majority of the people here that thought the show was great. I had it pretty hyped up in my mind too, and still came away thinking it was awesome. I had a great crowd for my show... lots of chanting and singing before the show and when "We Will Rock You" played, the arena was so loud it could have collapsed. The crowd was very into it. I've NEVER experienced anything like that at a theme park show before. That right there shows you that this tradition is something special.

    My favorite parts of the show were the intro preshow, the Count, and Woody.

    All the parodies were very good (I loved that they just destroyed the Jersey Shore with me being from New York and having to put up with people like that every day), the jokes I thought for the majority were very funny, the dance numbers were great and there was plenty of hot, half naked chicks.

    Only thing I agree on was that some of the movie characters were a little random (Tom Cruise? Dr. Evil?) but you can't blame Universal when Hollywood doesn't have a good movie year.

    My first Bill & Ted show gets a 9.5/10 and two thumbs up.

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