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I am Weighting

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Posts posted by I am Weighting

  1. So, I did some research (by which I mean I went on Wikipedia) and I searched Lady Luck, which brought me to the page for the Goddess Fortuna. She controls the Rota Fortunae, which is the Wheel of Fortune. She spins the wheel and changes people's fate. In both the pictures we got so far, there is a Roulette wheel (a very large one, I might add) with cards on it. Perhaps this is our Lady Luck's "wheel of fortune".

    I don't know; just throwing stuff out there.

  2. I agree with Jumboshrmp

    see, I just saw Suspiria Recently, if you read reviews for it, people say is one of the best horror movies ever made, people say that is amazing and bla bla bla

    I saw it, its one of the worst movies ive seen, is boring, is long, there is no real tension, the acting sucked, the music sucked, it was as scary as watching a squirrel eat, so I guess like Jumbo said, we all have different tastes, I even went to IMDB.com to read about it and all the people that say suspiria is amazing keep bashing Saw series saying that movies nowdays are pure vomit like Saw, that nothing will be as amazing as Suspiria, I watched this movie and i almost couldn't finish it it was so boring, and I like Saw,

    About Inception and why you didnt like it, there are no real original stories anymore, the cliche heist plot, well, every super hero movie or every slasher movie tends to be the same, if you think about it, if you saw one slasher movie or one superhero movie, you pretty much can guess the rest, so cliches affect all movies now,

    i Loved inception because it had great casting, it was interesting, it kept me interested the entire time, i kinda knew what was going to happen at the end, i mean, they were going to pull it off, so it was no surprise,but i liked that it was different and that Nolan took a risk, it was a heist movie but he made it different, Way different, he took the cliche and went out of the box sort of speak, worked the cliche so that it felt new again

    I respect both of your opinions, and I must say that I 100% agree with you on Suspiria. My friend and I decided to watch it after seeing Black Swan, and we both thought it was almost laughably awful. I also enjoyed the first three Saws, but after that it sort of lost its appeal.

    I agree that Nolan did make the heist plot feel new, and the special effect were absolutely amazing, it just isn't in my top five.

  3. Lol. Inception is about as close to a perfect movie as I've ever seen.

    I really have to disagree with this. It had a cliche heist plot that was then made "original" by adding that everything takes place in a dream. Then, a very large amount of pseudo-intellectual garbage and red herring camera shots that were made to make a viewer think, even though there was absolutely nothing behind it. The movie was then redeemed slightly by the DoP's special effects, and though I didn't care much for cinematography, that too was still very well done. In the end, I just thought that it was very over-hyped for such a boring movie. I also have a problem with some of the film's devout fans, but that is a different rant for a different day.

    I agree that there haven't been many good movies this year. Last year had some great movies and this year is a little lackluster. I think the best movie I saw this year is Insidious, and I didn't even think it was a very good movie, it's just the first horror movie that I ever found to be actually scary, which is why I enjoyed it so much.

  4. Can't help but think of presidents for these clues.

    Woodteeth - George Wasington

    Dwarf - James Madison (the shortest pres at 5' 4")

    Grass - Clinton (" I did not inhale")

    Top Hat - Abraham Lincoln

    I also couldn't help but to think of Presidents with names like Woodteeth and Top Hat. I don't think a White House haunted by the belligerent ghosts of Presidents past sounds too bad. It seems like something more fit for a soundstage though...

  5. but how could they make the house bigger on the inside than on the outside? And what about the Minotaur that nobody actually sees?

    The facade could be a small one story home surrounded by trees. You enter, and walk down a hallway, and at the end is the door leading into darkness, but on each side of the door are windows with trees and a yard perfectly visible through them. I imagine the Minotaur would just be heard, and not actually seen, which I guess would be pretty disappointing. That's why I thought the walls themselves would come to life, and hands from within the walls would try to grab you and such. Also, LT members could be seen being absorbed by the walls. I think the house on Ash Tree Lane would make a very interesting house, but not necessarily a very good one.

  6. I love the album by Poe inspired by that book. Especially "

    I think that would be a clever house. The unothodox style of the book itself would make for an excellent website. Various notes and things to read through with footnotes that have footnotes.

    - Through all windows I see only infinity

    I like that song and I like Poe. I didn't know Poe was Danielewski's sister.

    I agree 100% that it would make a clever house and great website. I imagine it would be going through all the explorations and video journals leading up to the event. Legendary Truth could be investigating the House on Ash Tree Lane or something. I think it would be enjoyable to everyone who's read the book, or at least know of it. Everyone else would probably be really confused about walking through a lot of black-painted hallways.

  7. I would really like to see a house based on the book House of Leaves, by Mark Z. Danielewski. I imagine it being an actual maze that is really dark and small with the scareactors literally in the walls of the maze. It would be pretty cool.

    LOL! Is it bad that I thought about a CandleJack house the other da

    Wait, I don't understand why everyone is stopping mid-word. Does it have something to do with CandleJack? Is this an inside jo

  8. You know I love Myths. Ancient, modern, urban, or viral I am fascinated by them.

    I've been watching a particular online viral/ceepy pasta called "Slender Man" lately. While it is complely made up... it's still freaky as all get out to me. Something about faceless people I guess.

    It would be cool for him to make an appearance. Not to mention he reminds me of the Body Collectors.

    I never thought Slenderman was scary until I started watching Marble Hornets.

    I think it would be very interesting if Slenderman is involved. It would definitely make for a very creepy house; I can only imagine what it would be like to be walking through a woods, turning a corner, and seeing a twenty foot faceless man reaching at you. I think it would be even scarier though if in every house there was a very small reference to him, like him standing outside of a window in one of the houses, or something.

  9. Wasn't there runes on the obelisks in The Coven scarezone last year? I think a house based on that would be very interesting. However the first thing I thought of when I read "Rune Room" was Nose mythology which immediately made me think of Hades from last year. Perhaps it could be similar to Hades, but based on Norse mythology instead of Greek?

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