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Status Updates posted by Lilith

  1. Dig. Sift. Cut down trees.

  2. Soon, I will have free time, and I will have nno idea what to do with it.

  3. Oh my Hermaeus Mora.... Finals are in two weeks.

  4. New job? Yes, please. I've been dealing with Paul Mitchell for too long.

  5. Anyone else here hate people? I'm really not liking them... well one in particular.

    1. JDW


      don't hate them. I don't like people on the whole... people let you down. But there are some good people.

    2. Lilith


      This person is just the scum of the earth. Makes it difficult in the heat of the moment.

    3. JDW


      That is difficult. I always distance myself from people who take away from me.

  6. Someone share silly gifs with me, please. Thank you.

  7. Apparently, I'm not sleeping tonight.

  8. Maya child sacrifice is such an interesting topic. I can say that here and not be judged =)

  9. Ok, who are you six people that told my profile rater that I'm a wonderful person? I love you, even though you're filthy liars. (I had to find someway to let you all know I'm not dead.)

  10. Just bought Skyrim. I've never played it before. You may never see me again...

    1. Ridesandstuff


      its amazing isnt it

    2. Lilith



  11. The Olmecs were cool, but we've never found an Olmec corpse to tell it how cool it was...

  12. Three articles and five chapters left. And a small written assignment due by 11:59 on Friday. I can do this. Oh.. and 15 hours of work.

  13. What are you asking me to give away, Anthony Kiedis?

    1. Freak


      Never thought about that. Haha

  14. Lighten it up..

  15. Freedom from school for two whole weeks! The world is beautiful =)

  16. I think I can go to bed now... maybe...

  17. Watching Das Boot. I thought sitting through a foreign film for three-and-a-half hours would be torture, but to be honest, the only reason I'm typing this is because I have to put in the next DVD.

  18. Still waiting, UCF.

  19. UCF, why am I still on hold?

  20. Heey Happy Birthday! U gonna audition next year now that you're old enough?

  21. Went to HHN on Friday and took a total of 0 photos of scareactors. Thoroughly disappointed with myself....

  22. Going lesbian sounds soo good right about now.

    1. Brandon


      Thats sooo random!

    2. Rhi


      rofl, I know that feeling. xD

    3. Mae


      Who else here raised their hand? *looks around*

  23. Getting ready for HHNXXI! Five weeks of workouts planned so far. Imma be a beast!

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