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Posts posted by Blizzrock13

  1. t7dhv.gif

    hahahaha this made me laugh

    I don't think the commercial is that bad, is a little campy but, is not as terrible, Is a Thousand times better than Fear, at least she has more personality, I seriously dont hate it, Sure it could have been more scary or something but, This is Not the worst, Fear is the Worst Icon we ever had, there is no way this is worst than the Potato Head with Smooth abs....

    Fear was, at the very least, slightly intimidating (in the promotions, not in the park). He was boring, but that was because he wasn't fleshed out. We wanted more. Lady Luck, on the other hand,....I'm not sure how much more I actually want....

    Oh well. Presumably, on the 31st we'll have a much better idea of what we're in for, for better or worse.

  2. Commercials are an admittedly flawed indicator of the icon they portray, but...

    This honestly felt like a howl-o-scream commercial, instead of an HHN one. Is Lady Luck supposed to be a horror icon....? The complete lack of intensity leads me to believe that I'm supposed to walk away from this 30 second spot thinking "I'd hope for her to die in a horror movie." rather than "She's the reason for the horror movie." I hardly feel like she's dangerous.

    I skeptically await these "multiple sides" that people keep promising.

  3. So... you're implying that a "guest," imaginary as he may be," would somehow die at Universal, and then Universal would release a statement to the media stating that said "guest" had died at the park?

    Doubtful. I wouldn't be surprised if "he" keeps posting throughout the run.

    That's not what I'm saying at all.

    I'm saying he would continue posting these grainy, teaser photos for the majority of the houses. Then, say for example, he gets to the last house, promises us a video, and we get something akin to the Bill and Ted sneak-in in '09 or the Legendary Truth exploration of Bloody Mary's office in '08.

    There's a reason they released these through this fake guest Hal, instead of just posting it on the website.


  4. Hal said:

    Managed to snap a shot before I felt the need to run… will go back for more later this week!

    Hmmm. So, I think it's safe to assume there'll be more where this came from, but the "need to run" gets me thinking. Anyone else think Hal will meet a rather unfortunate and mysterious end before the big website update (presumably Sept. 1st)?


  5. Blacklight environments seem to be a favorite for the tent houses. Consider Jack's funhouse and dead exposure, not mention parts of Psychopath in 06. And, considering we have at least semi-substantiated rumors for all of the house locations except for the jaws queue and tent 1, our prospective locations ARE rather limited. Blacklights wouldn't work well in the jaws queue, obviously, because its the location that has the biggest problem with outside light sneaking in.

    Trippy demon house in a tent it is, then!

  6. Well they put Bloody Mary in the Jaws Queue in 2008 so why not the Casino in a tent. Besides, tent houses can be just as amazing as a soundstage houses. Just look at the Catacombs last year for example.

    It always depends on what the house is going for. The tents are great for a more cramped atmosphere, but if you want to see jaw-dropping sets, the soundstages or the parade building are going to be the best locations. I've always hated that RoF was tossed to the Jaws queue like an afterthought, when it could've easily been a classic if put in the right place. If the casino is the icon house, I'd rather seen (presumably) lady luck displayed with extravagance, rather than subjugated to the event as a whole. But...hey -- universal can see the big picture of what they're going for, whereas I can only make largely uninformed conjectures.


  7. It's odd. I always thought The Thing: Assimilation was so well received. If I remember correctly, Elm Street won house of the year, but Assimilation was a close second and got a lot of positive reviews for being a leap forward. And it WAS. It was a great house. The puppets added a whole new element to the experience (one that unfortunately we haven't seen effectively used since). I always got plenty of scares in it, and it was one of the coolest environments I've ever been thrown into. So...it takes me by surprise that there's this much backlash.

    The question with this house will be if they can differentiate it significantly from the original. I think it'll be pretty similar of course -- but what franchise isn't? The feel of the house, I think, will be the big change. Assimilation was like being thrown into a sci-fi action movie. I doubt the 2011 version will follow suit. The house will focus on recreating notable scenes from the new movie, so I'm pretty sure massive shootouts and military teams can be ruled out. Instead of soldiers running around battling various incarnations of the thing, ala Assimilation, I expect we'll see more researchers here. Of course it'll be puppet-heavy, but this will be a much more conventional HHN house than we saw in '07.

    I have high hopes for this one, personally. If it is -- as speculated -- in one of the soundstages, we'll see the concept from a whole new angle with larger, more elaborate sets. Sure, it's not all new. But it's one house of eight. The negative responses have been a tad overblown.


  8. In light of the HHN tournament of champions game currently going on, I was thinking about how HHN has progressed over the years in terms of details, scaretactics, etc. As I'm sure we can all agree, every year it takes more to impress us. If Universal didn't improve upon itself, we'd quickly grow bored because the houses/scarezones wouldn't have the same impact on us if we saw something of comparable quality year after year. I mean, even with the improvements, few of us get as scared now as we did during our first or second years.

    So, with this in mind, I was wondering if you guys really think the old classic houses that stand out so prominently in our memories would really have such a following if they were seen for the first time this year. Would they compare to houses today that we appreciate but don't necessarily revere?


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