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  1. Was outside for over an hour on Thursday for rehearsals. They had the outside audio for both AC and P&T playing. I didn't hear the same song twice from either of the loops. That could change but I hope it doesn't.

    Well lets cross our fingers and hope that doesn't change! I'd love to hear some dragontown or poison!

  2. I must say I am anticipating this house more than the others! I hope they play some of the music from his album Dragontown in the queue line at least. Best album in my opinion. Hollywood executed the house fantastically! I just hope we don't loop welcome to my nightmare (although it is a great song!) I hope we have more variety.

    if no one has heard anything off that album these are two of my favorite.



  3. There is 8 weeks until the event, I'm guessing a card every week? Up to the event? Of course I'd like to see the full website before then like within this week but I don't run the thing. I also think that this could be in the tent with the speculation of the floating head so that's my speculation.

  4. I agree. There are, though, instructional pictures at HHN rumors. I don't know why they aren't posted here as well, but you can see some there. I'm a little disappointed that we aren't getting much web action. Or is it still possible for it to kick up?

    I hope so, they need to kick it up soon cause this 21 day update is getting old. I like following the website not getting a little thing every once in a while until the full reveal.

  5. Why do I feel like there is nothing to speculate on specifically. The thing house we know is going to be there and it is in either ss 22 or 23 but we will find that out during the even plus is not that big of a deal. There's absolutely nothing big on the website and no one is taking construction pictures. Everything is slow this year. Does anyone else feel this way?

  6. AH the question, year after year, nobody seems to know the answer too. Every year I go in every day to all the stores and ask "When will the lanyard be out?" "When will the merch be out?", every year we get as many answers as the people you ask, and every stinking year the merch comes out either later the same day or the next day after I asked and nobody at Uni knows.

    For example I've already been told the lanyards came out last week and they sold out (har har), last Friday, Today (Monday) and opening day (this Friday). All by guest services employees.

    I had a myriad of similar answers about the merch for this year from various employees. So I guess the only real answer is "When it comes out"

    I honestly have know idea why they wait so long. The more you sell earlier... the more you make or the less you have at the end.

    Thanks jw, I only asked because my family and I always get the tshirts before the event starts and luckily I am going to the employee preview this year and I wanted a shirt to wear to school but I guess that wont happen.

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