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Posts posted by StyrofoamCup

  1. 7 minutes ago, ChildOfHorror said:

    The "Names of station" could be referring to the Purge. All the president masks from the last movie. Lots of train stations and such named after presidents 


    I think this makes the most sense. I don't think they'd do dead celebrities for reasons already mentioned. Purge in Avenue of the Stars also allows them to use the property for the opening scaremony again as well. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Midnight Detective said:


    Haha no worries!


    Just another thought because I was trying to figure out where that uniform would fit in...


    We've had no indication of any house that would relate to this period or uniform so I figured it's just a photo they threw in there. However then I thought, why a Korean War era uniform? Because of the time period - the 1950's Sci-Fi Zone




    That is a really interesting find and does tie into the 50's sci fi zone that has been previously rumored! Perhaps some of these images are tied into zones instead of houses?

  3. Hello everyone! I have a few general questions for those on this forum who have previously worked as scareactors in Orlando. I'm planning on finally auditioning this year and look forward to potentially working this year's event. However, I have some concerns about scheduling conflicts with my full time job.


    My first question is, what time does a typical scareactor shift start and end? How early do they require you to be there?


    Second question, what days of the week are rehearsals typically on and what are the shifts like for those days leading up to the event?


    And my third question is: If hired, are you required to work all days of the week for the event or are you able to take one day off? For example, if my work schedule restricted me from working Thursdays, but I am available Friday, Saturday, Sunday, would that be an issue with Universal?


    Thank you guys so much! I'd greatly appreciate the help.



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  4. Could the megahouse be....Game of Thrones? Before you call me crazy, hear me out.


    A few weeks back when I asked those in the know if there was another "dream IP" in the lineup, the general answer I got was that some would say so and that it depends on preference. From what I got out of that, this would imply an IP that caters to a certain audience and not all horror fans.  


    Legacy also stated on OU that one of the remaining IPs was so shocking to him when he first heard about it, that he had to question his source on its credibility. It made him want to shout what it was from the mountain tops (The Mountain is a character on Game of Thrones). When asked if it was a good shout or a bad shout, he once again said it depended on preference (fans of the show will absolutely love it, while people who've never watched will question if it has any elements of horror in it).


    All these subtle hints on "faith" and "mass" (if they are indeed hints) can tie into various storylines on the show (the High Sparrow storyline taking place in the last two seasons, Melisandre, etc.)  This could also tie the "Shall not be named" code name into the Faceless Men and Arya Stark storyline from the last couple of seasons. Shall not be named-> the house has no code name -> a girl has no name (Arya Stark).


    Lastly, the "no church in the mega-house....yet." comment could once again be referring to the High Sparrow and The Faith storyline because, from my recollection, we've never really seen The Faith Militant in an actual church at Kings Landing. 


    I know, I'm REALLY reaching here. And that's mainly because I'm a huge GoT fan. But I guess that's the fun of speculation! *Waits for people to start throwing rocks* 

  5. Could the megahouse be American Horror Story? Covering all 5 seasons? Or has that already been ruled out as a possibility for this year due to issues with Fox once again?


    Legacy's last comment makes me think it's either a currently running tv series (Walking Dead perhaps, but we've already had a church appear in the series) or a film franchise with different settings in each installment (The Purge, The Conjuring). 

  6. 16 hours ago, Legacy said:

    Screw it, I've had fun with these in the past...


    House list.

    The announced

    The announced: Second coming (Tent 2)
    The unannounced: The return (Parade)
    The unannounced: The expected
    The unannounced: The returning
    The unannounced: The requeling 
    The unannounced: Claustrophic jewel (Tent 1)
    The unknown 
    Shall not be named

     Gonna give this my best shot: 

    1.The Exorcist

    2. Texas Chain Saw Massacre 

    3. The Walking Dead

    4. The Purge or The Conjuring 

    5. Returning IP: Cabin in the Woods or Penn and Teller 

    6. Requel-Nightengales, Catacombs or Blood n Gutz 

    7. Ghost Town sequel 

    8. Unknown original

    9. Voldemort house (This ties in to a code name Unknown posted on the Orlando Informer forums a couple months back, "H.P.". And Unknown tends to be pretty straight forward with their code names. 


  7. On May 13, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Legacy said:

    Well, there is a public list which I remember having Lovecraft, Hitchcock, and Krampus on it. I don't remember the rest of it and can't find any blood gas that DID post it. Most of it was fairly safe spec though, though there was no evidence supporting any of it.


    That said, I'm confident I know 89% of the houses this year. It's a strong line-up, with legit surprises and disappointments to keep the cynic in me satisfied.


    Would you consider any of the IPs that have yet to be revealed a "dream property" that fans have wanted for a long time?

  8. I know the speculation map says Insidious is going in the tent over by Kidzone, but are we sure it's not in the tent by MIB? Because the facade for the tent by Kidzone does not look like a house whatsoever where the facade for the other looks like it could very well be the house from the first two Insidious films. 

  9. Unless Marketing saves the day.

    So I'm guessing they found a replacement IP that they can get the rights to (Halloween perhaps?) or found a way to get Scream to work. Or maybe they'll do something with the Classic Monsters? I'd prefer they let A&D make an original and replace Ghostface with a slasher design of their own. 

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  10. Interesting thought. I'm assuming the facade for this will be the house from the first two movies. Similar to how Hollywood did theirs. Being that the entrance to the tent is on the side, how will they pull that off? It made sense last year for Halloween since the movie starts with you entering through the side of the Myers house. I'm guessing they could just do the same thing and have a fence on the side, although it wouldn't make much sense with Insidious.

  11. Interesting. Do they usually let you know if you're cast a few days after the audition? I'll be auditioning for the first time this year and I'll be super anxious to find out what house/zone they put me in if I'm cast! 

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