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Posts posted by SamanthaHaine

  1. While I may not find them terrifying, the look of The Plague Doctor is one of my favorites. I cannot wait to see all the costumes in the house.

    As for facades, the tent houses have always kind of had a few issues with this, but for me the contents are more important than the exterior.

  2. This house wasn't what I was expecting. It was better. The children are little terrors, pardon the pun. The first time I saw them my skin crawled and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Their masks and other worldly behavior reminded me of the masked townsfolk at the end of the original "The Wicker Man".

    The house setting is incredible in its eeriness and detail. I wish people could look more at all the little details like the pictures on the walls. I love going through houses once for the scares and a second or third time for the details of costumes and set. The background track in this house with all the rhymes and children's voices as well as babies crying is just creepy. The sound effects are great too. They sound so authentic.

  3. It would make sense if the zombies in the house look the same or are similar to the ones in the zone because of the close proximity. The past few years have seen the house in the Disaster queue be the "funny" house, but I thought "Leave it to Cleaver" was pleasantly creepy in the B-movie way it was intended. With a name like Z.A.P there is a certain implied hilarity, but it is zombies so it could really go either way. Zombies have the potential to be hilarious [shawn of the Dead] or terrifying [28 Days Later] it just depends on if they take the Shambler or Mutant approach. Zombies are one of the monsters that seem to remain a staple in the horror culture. Seems like you can't go wrong with them. This house should be awesome.

  4. It seems like this year the lighting has been halved in some areas. In the Orfanage I felt some rooms were too dim and fog filled. Granted, I LOVE CO2 fog like crazy, but sometimes it just seems a little dangerous. I think after this weekend it might be improved in some areas. Can't wait to walk your Zone, Marty!!

    I like the runes on some of the pieces in this area. I've only seen it during the day, but I'm sure the effect at night is thrilling.

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