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the ghost

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Posts posted by the ghost

  1. I feel like a bit of an ass saying this... but... I LOVE THIS! Music is so damn subjective... and to put it bluntly Murdy almost has a fetish for Alice... he loves the guy. Give Cooper some respect... he is the original shock star... the original person who combined horror elements with hard rock... like him or not give him some credit, because there would be no rob zombie or Marilyn Manson without Alice Cooper. Also even though we(as a group) didn't like Vampire it still scared the hell out of me and I jumped SEVERAL times... give Murdy's twisted mind a chance. With the quality he's brought to HHN do any of you really think he'll be okay with something like brutal planet? REALLY? This is Universal... quality is key... quit you're bitching and lets all be happy.

  2. Steven is House of Horrors... the movie is Frankenstein.

    Drew Struzan did a picture for Frankenstein. It also makes sense as if you google Frankenstein and the French Revolution you will find many connections between the 2 things... which is related to the second clue. A headmaster may be involved somewhere as Victor Frankenstein was a student in a university before the "frankenstein" event. That is what I currently believe and it makes sense with the cups and things like that. The mask Murdy showed were all different... someone thought one may be the wolfman... in HoH they use many different masks... so it makes sense. I think the Saw twins were right about the maze Frankenstein... just wrong about the overall event... because Murdy denied classic horror as an overall theme... but I don't think he necessarily ever necessarily denied a Frankenstein House.

  3. Working w/ the PR team on the next MAZE release. Notice how your getting info earlier this year? Fans wanted it, we got permission to do it.

    @HorrorNights Trick or Treat?

    @FitHCky No plenty of people expect that one because I know the director). Wish that was all it took. This is different for us...

    @HorrorNights oh I see. How about Army of Darkness? :)

    @FitHCky No...very VERY few people will guess this one.

    does this mean no trt or evil dead/army of darkness... hmmm this is getting very interesting

    also very good find on the walking dead connection jymmymack

    How curious... Walking Deads not a movie... but I suppose a TV show works. Scare-zone.com has a few clues posted and I totally feel this is Terror Tram as one of the clues is "you will see these clowns somewhere is the maze." It seems weird for them to go anywhere else besides the Terror Tram which sometimes features a clown section. Could this be our maze scarezone combo with Walking Dead as the scarezone on the lower lot? It makes sense if you think about it... that makes me excited!

  4. ^ That reminds me... does anyone have ANY terror tram info? I heard rumors for a long time that is was going to be re routed... then the rumors just kind of stopped... and I still don't know anything. Also you're post just made me VERY happy because it makes me think that if this is in fact the HoH Murdy said it was not Evil Dead... so YAY! I'm assuming 65 pages HAS TO be for TT. I mean... theres only so much they can do with HoH since it's permanent... but Tram is all under his control.

    Just thought of something... TrT or Wolfman on Terror Tram... heres the logic. The "anit wolfman diatribe" was about my belief that Wolfman will not be a "icon" this year aka he will not get his own house... but he may be on the terror tram. However... TrT has it's own wolf creatures who come in the form of HOT girls... so I just thought of that... but it seems to make sense to me. I agree with DTH316 that this is likely for terror tram!

  5. Yeah... I am pretty damn sure that's not the Wolfman. I actually have some "issue" with the speculation for Wolfman... so heres some of my reasoning... Remember in 09 when we were supposed to get Wolfman but instead got MBV? Well...it seems like they would still have masks and props lying about if it is true they design these things all year... it just seems to me like Murdy would never ever make it that clear.

    Second of all... this

    When speculating about which movies may or may not end up as mazes for 2011, we have been getting some hints from John Murdy himself via Twitter. Mr. Murdy tweets A LOT. And he’s also very kind to answer almost every question he gets. And if you read through his responses, you will get some clues as to what concepts stand a chance for consideration:

    Wolfman: “we just don’t see that many people asking for that particular film”

    Has always jumped out at me. Sure... we have some fanboys in here... but the GP didn't like it. If you go to Rotten tomatoes there are 2 reviews... there is a critic and an audience review. Critically it has a 32% and the audience gives it a 38%... and a lot of people have rated it... over 215,000 people. The demand just isn't there. Army of Darkness has 193,000 reviews... but 85% of it's fanbase likes the film. Wolfman isn't Freddy or Jason... the name alone won't sell a maze and people will say "oh... this maze is based off that shitty movie" because that's how the general public seems to work.

    This is the reason why... to me... they won't bring Wolfman. It just does not have the demand... if it had been a huge hit or something it would be different... but in HHN can't rely on films the GP does not like... it's just a bad idea. It would be like Disneyland making a new ride based on something like "prom" which was a box office failure. They're pretty much ignoring it... but had it been huge like High School Musical I can almost guarantee it would have gotten a show or at least some merchandise... but it does not because it didn't do well... so consider that.

    Lastly I feel like the mask is a VERY good thing. The ONLY thing that "bothers me" is that evil dead 2 has the deadite with one eye after Bruce hits it... but I believe the "milky eyes" are a crucial feature to Deadites and Murdy has said in the past that he is a fan of the series... so it seems to me that he would make them looks as Deaditeish as possible. This does not work for any of the other mazes as far as I can tell... I suppose it could be in the catacomb room in corpses... but it seems like this is pointing to ZOMBIES ON TT!!!!! YAY!

  6. I knew you didn't all lose faith in TrT! :) I watched the trailer for TrT for the first time today despite seeing the film a few times... it seems to me like it makes sense for Trivia. I mean the trailer is essentially a video of rules to survive Halloween... that to me makes Trivia seem possible as a clue. For another thing it seems like if these were the 2 Murdy tweeted that long ago I see it "in the cards" as opposed to Scream.

    To those speculating that our event will have the same theme as Universals do you think we will finally get a real icon? Of course, there is always the possibility there won't be an icon at either event... but I've always wanted one for Hollywood. I know the director and Jack came to HHNH but both seemed kinda half assed at best as they just served as terror tram stories. I am very much hoping we get an icon or something... at least move into that direction.

  7. ^ Those are all pretty good points, but I just don't see the fairy tale house... it's just too out of "left field." I have a little info that will make Screamers happy. Someone on twitter a while back asked about a Dead Silence maze and Murdy said it was not well known enough. DS is much more known than TrT so... not too happy right now. I asked Murdy if theres a chance, but he hasn't gotten back to me... so BOO!

    Also if I may do this... though the mods may not like it. I'll keep this short but please go to the scary farm thread... I am trying to organize a "west coast haunt meet" and TPR is doing a day... that is all but I am trying to asses if anyone wants to meet up.

    Back to you're regularly scheduled thread. So... if Hostel may not happen then what else can we speculate? Original house after all? What if there is a Freakz house after all? It makes sense for maze and Scarezone so it could happen... I'm actually very curious about this. It seemed to make so much sense, but I don't remember rotting corpses and the broken neck being wrong really through me for a loop!

  8. Does Hostel even involve the burning of flesh in any way? It's a cool effect... but it needs to make sense with the film. Second of all... Sam is alive and well... look at what the creator did for Fearnet. It seems to me like this video is valid evidence... because this is a legit commercial... and although 14,500 reviews is not a huge amount the likes compared to the dislikes is HUGE! This also shows that the director wants to expand his franchise... and it seems to me that this will at least help in some way as a promotion... WATCH AND BE AMAZED!

  9. I personally feel like we have more evidence for TRT than Scream. That didn't end up on his short list and Murdy has said that scream did not have the environments... and maze "game changer" or not it has all the right stuff. Then there is the Halloween trivia Rhonda tells all the people... I do feel like the stories are parts of the trivia as there are 4 rules of Halloween... those to me count. There is also the fact that this maze is gaining a following like it or not... it has quite a few reviews on netflix instant, there have been facebook pages, and it seems like the movie is only gaining in popularity. And Freak... I respect you... but none of the scarezones you posted have a chance. Remember Shaun of the Dead? Those were all characters from Shaun of the Dead... specific characters. If a sz is based on a specific property it will have specific characters... they can't throw in the fireflys or what not.

    SZ characters... based on info

    HOTC: Have a hard time buying this as a scarezone seeing where it was last year and that it's returning.

    ED: This ones a maybe... a few specific characters.... but I can't see this as I feel like it will feel like a generic zombie scare zone if this is done.

    Scream: A just ghostface scarezxone? BORING

    The Thing: Could happen... but as you saw before I had my reasons why it probably wont

    Wolfman: One "villain."

    TRT: A variety of characters including Sam as well as the "short bus kids" and the werewolf women... offering a variety of characters while maintaining a specific theme and ambiance.

    Heres one last piece of evidence. Murdy said he's trying to mix the varieties of horror about and that is awesome.

    Wolfman=Creature Horror

    ED: Zombie/Possesed horror... I feel like the GP will treat this as a "zombie maze"

    The Thing: Syfy horror

    HOTC: ? Idk what to classify this as

    Hostel: Slasher horror... torture porn

    Scream: Slasher Horror

    TRT: Ambiance based character driven horror.

    With all the repeats in the past Scream feel to me a lot like Freddy or Jason... different sets but similar maze and killing styles... he's got a knife or something. Then Hostel is gonna be like Saw... so they need something here to distinguish the event and although the thing will do that it seems like the other's minus ED feel relatively similar. Fans want a new maze with new effects and characters... something different from the girl screaming "No don't let him get me" and then boom the killer pops out of the closet. This will force a new kind of horror and a different sort of feel.

    Lastly how important is "brand recognition?" HHN is a continuously and frankly Knott's as well as Florida's event rarely rely on films... in fact it surprises me they are using the thing... these are both HUGE events based on fanbase. Sure, brand recognition is important to an extent... but uni has done a good job so far and after the repeat backlash they got last year it seems in there best interest to turn the tables and give fans an entirely new event. Let the debate continue!

  10. Also remember when murdyy said one maze will have its on SZ. I got this from someone on the thiong thread and did not realize that. Based on DTH316's list the only maze/scarezone combo that makes sense to me is TRT. I can't see just a Ghostface maze or a Wolf man scare zone... I mean... I know Pigz were all one character... but I doubt he's going that route with a "icon" character... although it could make sense with scream since there are like a billion ghostfaces. I suppose it could be The Thing... but based on it's location that is usually a MAJOR scare zone... for example Klownz and La Lorena were the major scare zones,... but La Lorena was VERY small so I can't see the thing going in there. I also don't see the Thing going into where Klownz was... because thats usually the big scarezone with stiltwalkers or a "ring master" of sorts... so I can't see it there. I will also predict the maze base scarezone will be based on the maze in the building in the lower lot or the JP que... similar to Pigz with saw. Evil Dead could potentially have a scare zone... but even that I think is a bit of a stretch because I feel like most people feel like it was a zombie scarezone and not realize the characters were possessed. This reason leads me to believe that TRT will be the maze with a scarezone. It has a variety of characters and a cool ambiance and it works well for both a maze and a scarezone and for some reason I see it in JP que. I feel like Scream would have been announced first... it just makes sense to me cause that would be the "icon" and it feels instead like the thing is the big property, so I am beginning to very much doubt Scream... I just don't see it.

  11. Screw Ghostface... I wanted Ash to be in the video. Tram Driver: There's all sorts of horrors here... I don't know why I'm supposed to drop you guys off here. SOUND OF CHAINSAW REVVING Tram Driver" All right... it looks like you guys may be okay after all... just follow that guy!" In the long run it's a fact... sorry Ghostface but Ash is the best horror character of ALL TIME!

  12. I just thought of something. ^^^ This guy said Creation and Movies as his code names... and as of now there has not been enough TT predictions. I feel like it may be awesome this year and that Ghostface will take over the terror tram... and I feel like they may try to do something with the classics in some way besides HOH since there is going to be something to do with Frankenstein this year. Creation is a clear point, and he is on the cups, and although Murdy said no icon I know a lot of fans want something with the classics. If they do a TRT "reroute" I predict it will be Ghostface taking you through his favorite classic Universal Films. I think that would rule... the oldies have so much to work with... like a Giant monster terrorizing you as you walk down the path and maybe some angry village people who are angered at the creation of the best. Just an idea, but it's something no one has really thought of.

  13. Predictions:

    Trivia = HoH Overlay (Prob original)

    Bunny Gibbons = HoTC

    3DN = Hostel

    GV Black = Evil Dead

    Soap Opera = Wolfman

    Steven = TrT

    I still feel like Steven is TrT! He's a headmaster and in the movie! It just feels right to me... although I am probably overcompensating for the fact that I'd rather have TrT than scream... Either way it will rule, but I like TrT better. NOT AS MUCH AS I LIKE EVIL DEAD THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Here's probably the stupidest post ever made to these forums... bet here goes...

    If you were to look at the background of the hhn hollywood website you would notice that it looks a bit like a foot if you actually look at it. The "fat" part at the end kind of looks like a heel and the curviture kind of makes sense as a foot as the arch becomes the "balls" of the feet. I seem to remember hostel having part where the guys foot is nailed down and him having to get out or something like that. Pretty stupid post... huh. <_<

  15. We need one more maze to take place somewhere else... remember... 3 continents. I am totally willing to bet the thing will be here this year so because of that I think something is wrong with that list. Also I still don't see Hostel as being in. It's not a very successful franchise, and despite the Eli Roth connection I just don't really see it coming... especially when I believe Orlando has animatronics or something for the thing which they could send our way. I see the logic in your guys' reasoning... it just seems like a strange choice to me. Also keep in mind we don't know shit about the terror tram or anything... so we don't necessarily know if something points to that... its clearly going to be something special if the re route rumors are true. Call me a non believer... but thats how I see it.

  16. But fans associate Michael Myers with terror and fear and I don't think they do Ghostface. His mask makes me laugh cause it reminds me of scary movie. Also Scream is no where near as awesome as halloween... it lacks Dr Lumis and all the other crazy stuff. I don't remember any characters in scream besides Ghostface and Cindy Prescot while Haloween is so recognizable even my dad knows it, and he's not into horror at all. He is just not scary... and the good part of haloween is that the movies make you paranoid and filled with dread... you like the characters... you like Laurie Myers. When watching scream I cheer "ghostface kill that stupid bitch." Its a different connection I have with the characters I guess. I don't object to ghostface per se, but I think this maze will fall on it's face. However... I would love to see him take over the tram, so if that happens no issue there... but I see this being the weakest house of the year.

    Look at it like this:

    The Thing: A sense of paranoia... the monster could be anyone and attack from anywhere.

    Wolfman: A wolf stalks you in the dark forest and through medieval towns and gypsy camps. He's incredibly strong and a savage beast.

    Evil Dead: A group of possessed people attack you as you try no to become possesed... also ash rules

    Trick R Treat: A killer midget alien thing takes his victims in a world where you die if you don't follow the rules of halloween. Also this maze has additional monsters and creepy scenes.

    HOTC(if it comes back) you get trapped by a sadistic family who perform odd rituals


    Scream: Some dude runs around in a plastic mask and kills them.

  17. A hostel maze doesnt work... it did not do crazy well and there's no main central villain except for that old guy. I just thought of something. Could Trivia not be a clue for a TrT maze? I mean, it makes sense for scream... but almost too much sense. Technically if you look at it Sam kills the people who don't follow the old ways of Halloween. Also Rhonda tells facts about old Halloween and the principal guy, who was also potentially a hint, tells the fat kid about how the rules of Halloween are there for protection. I know many won't like my opinion and I don't really give a f*** but I honestly don't really want a Scream maze. Ghostface isn't scary and I find the movies more comically entertaining than scary... for god sakes my sisters hate horror movies and they liked scream 4 because they thought it was funny. It reminds me of what knotts does where they try to implement humor into a maze and it never really works. Scream doesn't have the darkness going for it, and although it is damn entertaining and the first one is good and the fourth one was decent the franchise doesn't have enough for a truly awesome maze.

  18. I feel like it will be corpses just cause of Bunny Gibbons, but by the same token I feel as though Rob Zombie maze may just end up happening like thrilling chilling world. I'll believe it when I see it, but I am having trouble believing it.

    Here's what I REALLY wanted to speculate on... why cant we have both? It seems to me that 1 of 2 things will happen. I am pretty confident that Ghostface will be the terror tram icon like chucky was... it was his attraction, but he did not get a maze. That way the lack of environments can be coped with. There was rumor that the terror tram was getting re routed, and I feel like they may be doing that to create an environment for Ghostface. This means TrT will get the maze. I do feel like ghostface will be part of the event, but with the thing pretty much confirmed that was the big 2011 movie maze, so thats what I see. The other thing for this is that TrT takes the terror tram as the tram generally focuses on a variety of scenes, so it also makes sense if you consider that each area of the tramcould be devoted to a segment from TrT.

    All clues point to Wolfman... but that still feels wrong to me. Call it a hunch, but I don't know if we'll see that come this late... not against it coming just saying it seems like an odd choice to me, and I feel like Silver Bullet is too clear of a hint for Wolfman. However... if there is a wolfman maze I predict HOH as I don't see any of the other proposed properties fitting, so that makes sense to me.

  19. Murdy says the mazes this year span 3 continents with 4 taking place out of the US! I am now saying we are(I am pretty god damn sure) getting Army of Darkness(which takes place in the middle ages, although I dont think a country is necessarily said) and The Thing as that takes place in Antarctica. This is throwing me off and making trick r treat seem less and less possible as Scream and TRT both take place in the US I believe. Of course, TRT and Scream could be the 2 "american" houses if we get the 6th maze! Also makes me wonder what will be in HOH as maybe that could be one of the "foreign" mazes... sooooo many questions!

  20. I'm totally praying we get both. I watch some of HHN Bros videos(still don't like him, but hes ok at guessing) and as of now I am assuming he's right that TT is moving. I asked Murdy what they are doing and although he didn't necessarily mention location it was something like "something entirely different" and HHN Bro said the same thing. The new question is now that Murdy knows what works will they be able to transform another area into something scarier. I mean, Psycho house is a horror no brainer, but another area might lead for more scares, because I was pretty surprised how I still got a few good jumps from this despite their being so many people... We will see... but maybe one of out "houses" is a new terror tram location. That seems like it makes sense... and I can likely see Ghostface being icon/ host... but I would LOVE it to be Ash literally more than pretty much anything! We'll see, but something tells me this is what is to be with the terror tram.

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