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the ghost

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Posts posted by the ghost

  1. Well I don't know, personally fun and horror shouldn't mix which comes out either dark, horror comedy or hokey haha.

    Dark, horror comedy would be like Idle Hands or even Drag Me to Hell, which is a sub genre I appreciate.

    Hokey, as said before, would be Haunted Mansion buahahaha

    Knotts is notorious for having a crap load of hokey mazes... last year's perfect examples being Uncle Bobos, Dia De Los Muertos.. granted these are 3D mazes but they usually have the upbeat soundtracks to them (which is kinda what I hear when I hear WTMN). Murdy said they'll be fit to a horror soundtrack though, so we'll see how this all works out... very experimental project and very ballsy so I give major kudos for trying something new.

    I'm with Trevler... FEUD! Haunted Mansion is NOT HOKEY at all!

  2. All I will tell you is this, cause the others have answered all your questions. Last year(opening night) was my first year and all of my friends first years because we finally had a ride. The year before I was 18 but got my license when I was 17, so my mom didn't want me to drive in LA cause it sucks! We were kind of pissed off when we got there cause of the traffic, it was 7:30 by the time we finished dinner and we didn't get into the park until 7:50 cause of the security line... BEST NIGHT EVER! We were all used to scary farm scares, which make me jump and occasionally make me yell in shock, but HHN SCARED US! Every scare caused me to jump like a foot in the air, and every maze we did produced multiple AWESOME scares! VERY VERY AWESOME NIGHT... and we had no game plan last year AT ALL... we just went to what had a short wait! Opening night RULES!

  3. http://www.shocktillyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=21077

    After watching this(redband trailer) the maze just sort of jumped back to my #1 most anticipated! There is so much creepy shit we didn't get to see before, and unless John's full of crap about using all the characters then this will have some VERY VERY impressive effects. Just look at the 47 second mark... that guys a beast, and he's got that long thing coming out of his dead. There is also the dude with spidery fingers and other stuff... AWESOME!

    Also Murdy said today on twitter that he was painting and adding finishing touches, but he said it was awesome. I know he sort of has to say that... but still.

    ^Are these real, Trev?

  4. Both lower lot mazes have a chainsaw... the Ghost approves! B)

    Seriously though, I am not gonna lie even with a great looking facade I was not looking forward to this too much... I am not a huge fan of the movie and was one of those that compared it to Saw... but I am VERY happy to see it is receiving positive reviews. Like I said... so far The 4 HOUSES(they are houses at HHN and mazes at scary farm!!!!! :chainsaw: ) have no clear leader despite positive reviews. I will say that I plan on hitting this second after Alice Cooper... but also after Jurassic and maybe after Mummy! Friday cannot come soon enough!

  5. I didn't use to do HHN... I didn't drive then, but that was only part of it. I am 100% willing to pay 37$ for 5 or 6 houses(don't like the term maze for hhn... knott's has mazes hhn has houses) cause we're doing killer deal... but I would in the future pay full price! I am not willing to spend that much money for 2 or 3 mazes... just won't happen... then I'd rather just do haunt. I said Murdy not running it would not be a deal breaker, but if there is a steep design in quality or quantity that will be the end of HHN for me.

    HOWEVER! I did not mark the last option, cause if I move to England or something no HHN! That is the only thing I am worried about. You can generally judge a haunt by how the theme park is run, universal does VERY well themed areas and rides, and have a rich history to work with... the quality of everything they do is nearly Disney quality...Disney would have the best but I never ever want a Disney haunt cause Walt would HATE it! Knott's is the exception to the rule... they are run by Cedar Fair, who do not theme very well historically, but because Haunt was there long before Cedar Fair it had a STRONG following, which is why Knott's pumps a nice amount of money in... not HHN quality, but not crap. Six Flags is JUST known for coasters... their theming is little to none and their park is not run particularly well. People go to fright fest to ride the coasters late at night... but in the end they know they can't beat the quality or quantity of Knotts and CERTAINLY not of HHN! The point of this long post is that HHN will always be held in the highest standard no matter who they get in charge... it's like how if Disney builds a coaster like Space Mtn. At any other park it would be outside the most boring ride in the world... but because it's Disney they can give it crazy effects... think of HHN that way. Anyone can make a Haunted House, but most can't include movie level props, costumes, and effects! For those reasons HHN reigns supreme... and I will always pay for 5 or 6 quality scary ass mazes!

  6. I'm excited just cause one of the characters of this maze has a chainsaw... VERY cool since there weren't any indoor chainsaws last year... they're relatively scary in scare zones... scary as shit when you don't see it coming. Now that I think about it this may be VERY high on the anticipation list... there's just so many unique characters! VERY COOL!

  7. La Lorena! In reality it's The Thing, but from what I've read(halloween blues has a nice article) and from the facade and everything this is at the top of their game. The WWW venue is my favorite... and I love the original thing... but until I've seen more this is the current "edge" in terms of houses. However, as I said somewhere else I LOVE that Alice is getting a house and think Hostel is a VERY promising concept, so any of the big 4(no wolfman no hotc) could really end up as my favorite. Also I am looking forward to Terror Tram, cause although I was not a fan of a Scream house he works VERY well on the terror tram, and that maze... well... thats just damn awesome!

    SZ is Reapers just cause I'm the most curious about it... plus I LOVE Rammstein and other kinds of industrial music! That being said however, I really liked Clowns and Freakz and am excited for Zombieville since last year the only "big" scarezone that didn't work for me was La Llorena... which will be a kick ass house! This year will rule! No doubt in my mind!

  8. ^ Thanks! I've been on the Floridian version and LOVED it, so hopefully this is no different. Last year we were forced to miss NOES and I was okay with that, because although I love the original I have refused to see the original because NOES is my favorite horror movie and I didn't want them to bastardize Freddy. However, I DO NOT want to miss La Llorona and have no intention of doing so cause I want to see Murdy's creative side!

  9. I liked this one a lot last year... Clownz as well actually... of course last year was my first and this year will be my friends' first. I am INCREDIBLY excited... less than two weeks til opening night... my night and I LOVED last year! Can't wait to meet up with some of you guys!

  10. I know it's a bit off, but where and when are we meeting? It looks like my group is down to hang out since you guys know all the locations and stuff. I don't know the park well AT ALL... so like, I have no idea where the Chucky courtyard is or whatever. Also(probably in a different thread) maybe we should come up with a group gameplan? I'm not AT ALL picky, just wanna do all the houses, TT, and Bill and Ted, and a ride or 2 if theres time.

  11. I'll be there opening night! It would be pretty cool to meet, but I'll talk to my friends... they're not HHN nerds, but they may be down to meet as I figure if anyone knows which "order" to hit things its you guys. To people living in the OC, do you guys thing 430 gives me enough time to get there by 7? Its about an hour drive traffic free... so were leaving 2.l5 hrs early.

    Anyway add me to the list, but no guarantees I can meet up since I am one nerd going with 3 or 4 non nerds... but there are some advantages going with you guys, so we shall see. We'll try to hit EVERYTHING, right?Cause I missed a maze last year and was NOT amused!

  12. Wolfman and La Lorena... as of now those are my 2. Even the FB people are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together and realize Murdy wouldn't do a Dracula maze. HoH makes sense to me... as does La Lorena. Also DTH316 just because he hasn't announced it as La Lorena(or whatever it is) does not mean anything. The GP aren't figuring it out really, and it seems to me like people want an original maze and that an original maze announcement would end everything on the high note! WHOSE STOKED?!?! 1 DAY 1 MONTH til HORROR NIGHTS OPENS ITS GATES!!!!! WOOT!

  13. I think this tweet is enough to make the following point.

    .@HorrorNights If you want to attract latino culture, have an el chupacabra scarezone with tall ass people lol not the lady in the dress

    @joshb55 Done a lot of research on this

    I don't see La Lorena per se, but a "mexican" maze is my ultimate prediction. If you think about it La Lorena as a maze does not work well on it's own in a 7 minute maze... shes a lady that killed her kids pretty much... but there are several dark things with a maze based on Mexico. It did well on some survey somewhere... did you see Freddy, Jason, and Spaulding on the poster last year? No, you saw Freddy, La Lorena, and Spaulding last year. PLUS while most of us didn't see Alice Cooper coming it was still up in the air as a possibility for months... it wasn't the top prediction for a while... but it was always there. Also frankly until we get better clues the church clearly resembles Spanish architectural styles... Calling it now!

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