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Posts posted by Pez

  1. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs415.snc4/47834_10150268548190227_793715226_14580184_2250558_n.jpg

    That would be me on the right : )) with the blue hair. According to my scareactor friends, it's pretty easy to spot me nowadays because of it, haha. I'm active backup this year, but I can only work on days that I don't close at my day job-- which is not this weekend at all, lol. So I'll be attending for the third time tonight. I'll even be wearing the same jean jacket as in the picture! <3 I've hit each house once now, so my goal is to try to alternate the casts vs. what I saw already. Hope to receive some good scares! ; ))

  2. I do believe the Cindy mentioned is my friend Tara! : )) If she doesn't see this first, I'll pass on the commentary!

    I just gotta give some props to cast A of both Havoc and Zombiegeddon-- the amount of energy those two casts had when I went through was just incredible. Easily made them my two favourite houses of the evening!!

  3. I gotta admit, out of the houses I got to do on Employee Preview (of which there were five), Zobmiegeddon was my favourite : )) I'll likely do a more proper review after tonight, but the energy put into ZG when I went through was awesome. It just was, overall, a really really fun house!! Can't wait to go through again tonight. <3 And, yes, zombie babies ftw deeeefinitely.

  4. Thanks for posting up all the information! : )) I got caught up in events at home so I wasn't able to make it to the Q&A, but that's some very interesting information released. I sense a downhill ball-rolling now that September has begun, and the onset of the event is drawing nearby. (I love that someone pointed out that the coordinates point to the Bass Shop Pro and Steerington is off on a fishing trip, lol. Maybe the "event" is that he got kidnapped or murdered of something while shopping! lol Yikes!) Anyway, much appreciated to those that went ahead and put all the questions and answers in one place. I'm also really interested to see if Gerry Morrison is related to LT~ <3

  5. And now take it another step.I've been communicating with IH and found out that the Collective had GW Facebook account seized.Also, be prepared to question Senior Staff within "the next few days".

    I'm going to guess "senior staff" are our main three listed staff members. I wonder if we'll get a chance to talk to Mr. Fell and question him directly somehow.

    GW is all over the place, isn't she? I hope all of her other accounts are okay ....

  6. Phew! Long-time lurker finally getting all caught up. Sorry to be late to the game, silly real life doing its real life silliness. I was all up in 2008's LT biz last time, but I was awful quiet. (I also worked the event, so I didn't have a lot of time to do the running about with everybody, sadface. Being a victim and a schoolkid and all sorts of creepy nonsense keeps ya busy.)

    I've just spent the past two hours getting myself all re-organised and informed! So hopefully I can keep up every step of the way now.

    Lame addition to this thread, I know, I just wanted to pop my head in, so to speak. Here's to hoping that the "finalisation of the new reporting structure" will be ready sometime in the next day or so! ;)) Happy Monday and all that!

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