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Posts posted by Keosilver

  1. The icons prior to Terra Cruentes didn't interlock the stories of the houses and zones at all. The Director had the Hide and Shriek and completely random, demon infested Port of Evil, and the Caretaker (the guy with the funeral parlor) had Jurassic Park and Marvel. Jack in his first two years got one house and one scarezone...I suspect this year is going back to the early 2000's conceit, with a general theme and icon, who has 1 house and/or scarezone, and that's it. The rest of the houses and zones are a conglomeration of cool ideas.

    I think you missed what I meant. I'm not saying that all the houses would have to have something to do with gambling but instead have some sort of connection with the icon or even icon House. The multi themed areas are nice but I'd find it real creative if they are able to find a way to connect all the zones and houses in some way. Sort of like how Fears symbols could be found on the icons. Each of the icons were different but they were all tied together by the main icon, Fear.

  2. Now, that doesn't mean every house has to be based around gambling any more than every house in 2003 had to be based off of films. A&D likes to give us a good variety (notice how despite the massive "horror movie" theme for 2009 and the advertising based solely around film characters there were still several houses and scarezones that had nothing to do with movies), so the theme only has to be the general overlay to bring you into the world of horror. Even 2005 had two houses (Cold Blind Terror and Where Evil Hides) that didn't fit in with Terra Cruentes.

    I'm well aware of this and what I forgot to say, mostly due to lack of sleep, what if we are going to an era where the houses have some sort of interlocking story line. Think about the horror anthology movies such as creep show or the newly released and wrongfully released as DVD only, Trick R Treat. In Trick R Treat the movie had a main icon character, he's on the front of the cover but he isn't the central character of every story within the movie. But he does interlock the stories together. Now think of each of the stories in the movie and turn them into houses and Zones, I think it would be more immersive as a guest if each haunt isn't too drastically different then the other's around it. Sort of like when you walk into HHN you are accepted into a world that is dictated by fate or lady luck whatever. She has a hand in everything that goes on within the park, it's her domain. Not to mention it would be a nice challenge for the creative team to do that sort of thing. Now I'm not saying be completely heavy handed in showing how lady luck effects each house, but just be subtle enough to keep a general vibe of perhaps dread that your luck may run out tonight.

    On another note, since the hand was dealt Ace of Spades and Queen of Spades, what if this year we see out first wife and husband or couple icon? A dealer named lady luck and some hitman named Ace, being very generic. I think it would be awesome if they do a Bonnie and Clyde type deal, since it takes two cards to make 21.

  3. I just wanted to throw out some more speculation. True it seems that the theme might have something to do with gambling. But what if it is a rouge?

    I know that in my study of magic that magicians have used stories of gypsies that curse gamblers for cheating etc. Such as in this performance by an acquaintance.

    Now everyone should know that Gambling can't be the central theme or over arching theme for all the haunts. Now what if that is changing now that a new era of HHN has begun? I propose the idea that our icon if there is an icon could be some sort of witch or gypsy. The other thing that leads me to believe that this could be a factor is that a mysterious "Rune Room" Has manifested. Now in New Orleans, voodoo is prominent and runes are used in divination. Another thing that can be found in New Orleans is riverboats, and casinos. Not to mention it was a bootlegger central, cut throat business was just a way of life.

  4. I thought the idea was to retire the old characters, used or not used? However, I'm def. thinking that the character is related to a death of some sort. The ace of Spades is the card of death when you translate playing cards to their roots as tarot cards. Now that I have time to think about the theme, perhaps maybe we could see a failed magician within the haunt. One that mutilates for entertainment, I mean think about it, magicians/ specifically illusionists, torture girls for entertainment. I'm still skeptical about the theme, but the more I think about the possibilities, the better this gets.

  5. I'm not hung up on the idea, but am not fond of the vibe I'm currently getting. I wish I could go to HHN this year, mostly because I'm still a virgin in that regard, but then again I'd rather be scaring people and watching the event from the side lines. I started following this event back with Islands of Fear, and have followed it ever since. I'm enjoy filling in the blanks of what a house or zone looked like through other's perspectives. It is almost as fun for me as actually attending the event.

    Still to early for me to say, but so far, I'm not a fan of the current ideas.

  6. I'm going to be very honest, I'm not to excited about this theme. But that is mostly because I never really liked gambling themed haunts or casino themed haunts. I can see a Casino being one theme for one haunted house, but not entire event where there are going to be six or seven other haunts. I mean really, with the theme hint given what houses do you think could be made out of this?

    House themes:



  7. I'm sort of back to the idea that the next icon is going to be something in line with "Fate". Perhaps if there is an icon maybe it is going to be an old gangster character from the golden ages of vegas. Coming back to collect money owed. Or maybe they will just go icon less and go with a general theme for all the houses and zones. I'd find that pretty damn interesting to see them take a word like Fate, and create multiple, different haunted houses that use Fate as a guide line. You could have a gambling/vegas style haunt or zone, Zombie theme where you need to find your way out of an infested area, I've seen haunts that use the "Nerve Gas" idea very well, also it could be fun to see them attempt to do a more traditional haunted house again. Perhaps maybe a haunted inn or hotel and loosely base it off of Room 1408. All those ghosts met their Fate, will you be next?

  8. Read a BOOK? I hardly think so. Instead, perhaps I shall wildly misinterpret your post thusly:


    Yes, that'll do.

    So we are going to get to see some of the members of the chainsaw drill team in leather, assless chaps? Hawt.

  9. I missed exactly how people shifted over to the Librarian idea but I think it could be a nice idea. The character sort of reminds me of a character I've written into a personal short story. Basically, the character's name is Rot. He lived as an illiterate farm boy, who worked for the family farm. He was kept away from most people and out of school by his very mean and hateful drunk of a father. Rot hears from others about the glories of reading and books and desperately wanted to learn how to read and escape into the fantasy worlds that books guide readers to. The father didn't like this and one night while Rot was up in the hay loft "studying" The father gouged out his eyes and set fire to the barn, blaming Rot for the failure of their farm. Rot died in the fire, blind and stumbling through the flames. Rot's desire to read and then hatred toward his father made him into a vengful ghost in the afterlife, still blind he struggled. Some higher being, could it be Fear? Took pitty on Rot and gave him the task of watching over a large library. Not only watching the library, but stocking it with new books. He was given the task of being the sole author of the books that are put into the library. All the books within this library were blank to any normal person's eyes, but Rot when he picked up any of the books he could see the story in his head, not only see it but conduct it. The cool thing about this is, Rot basically controls the story, the characters, etc. witihin the book, those characters in each book actually exist on the mortal realm. Basically, Rot is death and creator of life, he creates characters and controls their lives by "Writing" Their lives. How will your story end?

    Perhaps Rot could create a character that creates a Butchering shop for the characters he is unsure how to end their stories. Sort of a cope out device. Perhaps Rot, could write a story that changes and manipulates reality, like something from twilight zone. Or he creates a monster of a person who creates an extreme haunted house, where your fate will be determined, whether you live or die, live while walking through the house. Walk in your story, how will your story end? Only one knows, and he doesn't like to ruin a good book.


    Also the reason why I named him Rot was to symbolize that all of our "Stories" Are rotting away. Once we are born, we are always moving forward, ripening, then soon deteriorating and rotting toward nothing.

  10. Catacombs and Hades made it work by using "scenic elements" (ropes, 2x4's, and cloth) as faux-roofs in certain rooms that allowed for a roof-type effect while still keeping the actual top of the house open. That sort of work-around can't work with every house theme, though. Grating could be an suitable "roof" that would allow the fire-suppression system to work while still implying a ceiling, but guests would still be able to see through it. They might have been able to work something out with the Code-Enforcement Office, but until we start walking through the houses I anticipate no roofs again.

    That is what they used at our house as well, it's mostly themed as a hotel but the first floor was a sort of underground theme. They used mine shaft studs that weren't lit in the back to give the illusion that there maybe something there, but isn't. They used 2x4 braces where patches of roof or, the "floor above" has fallen away and decayed. As far as I know, as long as the fire sprinklers aren't blocked you're in good shape. Concerning the fire marshals and codes, sometimes you get the good marshals and other times you get the good but policy heavy and rigid marshals. Safety is a big deal, that doesn't excuse the fact that there are breaks in communication and knowledge between person to person. One marshal might not be aware of "X" Rule, while the other is aware of "XYZ".

  11. I don't know what the specs and regs are over there at Uni, but the haunt I work for here in San Antonio requires an open roof in the haunt itself for fire sprinklers. Not saying that is the reason why they didn't do closed top ceilings, but it could be a factor. Like maybe they got a different license ect. Anyway, can't wait to see how this years haunt pans out. I'm saving up some money to take some time out of my October to fly out there.

  12. in my opinion there should not be stairs i mean its ok in LA cause there is no achol sold so no one is drunk key word "most" but in orlando 3/4 are and people are hiding behind each not paying attention so they will trip also when ur scared u shake and it is a big safety hazard in my opinion....

    If it was truly a safety hazard, do you think it would of passed codes and regulations that all haunted houses have to abide by?

    Also if this is indeed the Legendary truth house, what if you didn't enter through the front door? If I were the builder of such a nice facade, I certainly wouldn't want hundreds of thousands of feet stomping through that. Maybe there is a back or side entrance that we do not see. I am just basing what I am saying completely off the fact that our haunted house starts int he basement and works your way up to the upper floor.

  13. Not necessarily. The Underworld of Greek mythology was hardly a place of hellfire and brimstone. Your exact punishment in the afterlife depended on what your evil deeds in life were, so fire would have a specific connection.

    Theoretically, fire could be seen just about ANYWHERE in the houses. Hallow'd Past could have the lantern with flames erupting out of it like in the commercial, Zombiegeddon could include guys with flamethrowers near the entrance or exit, etc.

    I was unaware that it is going to only be greek based. When I hear Hades, I think of underworld, which in my head translates to Demons, extreme cold, extreme hot, twisted humanoids consumed by their flaws, etc. So if it is only greek based then yeah, maybe not a whole lot of fire. But even still now that I think about it. Catacombs could have live flame torches to light the way.

    Also true any house could have an open flame, a candle is an open flame and a big ol lantern could have an open flame. The thing is, what would be more likely enhanced by an open flame? Candles, fireplaces, torches etc. could all be replicated by lighting. The only reason I say Hades would be the more likely of the houses is for the reason that most people if not qued by a story, hear the word hades, and think of brimstone and fire. That is the entire reason why I am basing my theory that Hades would have some sort of live fire. Also it may depend on the house location as well Que line or tent.

  14. Where was it confirmed that Hades will showcase an indoor flame?

    It wasn't...as far as I know. But I am pretty darn certain it is one of the more likely candidate next to the Orphanage only because of Cindy's background. BUT! We'll just have to wait and see. ^^

    Also this may seem silly, but do they actually like bring in their own dead trees for the Coven?

  15. Make sure to come down to Howl O Scream as well. They have Sliders also.

    I won't be going anywhere this season, got a full time job at Starbucks and am also working a new Haunt here in SA Texas. I am really excited I am going to be able to go behind the scenes of "The House of Torment" in Austin to see how they do there scares and possibly learn some stunts. But yeah, ever since I watched the documentary on sliders from Knott Scary Farm, like three four years ago, I've seen a huge boom in slider population. Currently because I am going to be actually in the house I am working in, I have to keep sliding to a minimum so I do not wear out my gear to soon. Got to pay for it myself.

    Glad to see that other peeps have other haunt events that they enjoy heh. My ultimate goal though in the future is to like take a September October vacation and tour the US to all the big names in the Haunt industry.

    Also as an aside, it totally makes sense if they choose to put out stuff over night. Can't wait to see what it is they put out.

  16. Ahh so the area speculated to have sliders has red brick. *noddles* Yeah that probably wouldn't do. Bricks tear up my knee pads and steel something fierce, not to mention I do just as much damage to the surface. Also aren't some areas pretty dense with people, or have been known in the past to be pretty dense? That wouldn't be a good thing at all to have people sliding around at people's legs, not enough room and could turn very quickly from Scare, to human bowling if the person isn't careful about it.

    Anyone have updates on what the facades look like?

  17. They are adding sliders to the haunt? I should fly over just for that, I slide for a local haunt here in Texas, just finished making my gloves and stripping the leather from the steel toe boots.

    But to stay on subject heh. Yeah the coverage is great! if there are any complaints about the covered areas, it will no longer be Universal's fault. I wasn't impressed with the Coven's description, but I am now very curious about what the heck it is going to be like.

  18. In my opinion, Everyone should boycott the show, so he gets kicked out and UO puts together one of those awesome shows that they used to have every year, I don't think it would hurt to have another even themed show, i enjoyed them actually, like the 2008 jack show, where they did this fun gory stuff.

    Yeah it is your opinion, its a wrong and impossible one, but an opinion I guess I have to respect. The thing about Brushwood is you and I mean you corpselicker are just one person. The majority of the "hate" of the brushwood show comes from the "hardcore fans" of HHN. Well guess what, most of the online forum board "Hardcore fans" are only a handful compared to the ones that aren't and go to the even just to have fun and could care less about certain themes, the production behind the show, etc. You know the stuff we discuss on the forums and also care about. The same goes for the other things people whine about. There are going to be things that do not please everyone. You can't please everyone it is quite impossible to do so. I say just wait sit and wait until the show actually starts then whine about it, because all of the hate of houses, scarezones, events, etc are all based off of speculation.

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