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Posts posted by GeeksBsmrT

  1. To the zombie (not sure which cast) that gave me two bead necklaces tonight, I believe you groaned to me to give one of them to giant over in Saws n Steam, but he was already off his last set by the time we made it over there :( I gave it to a lovely lady in Esqueleto though and it made her very happy so at least it got put to good use :)

    I still have the purple one and will be keeping it as one of many souvenirs I obtained through the SZs over the past few weeks. Thanks for giving me something to remember you all by. I loved walking through your zone and would almost always dance as I waltzed through. And hey, Mardi Gras is coming up in a few months!

    Thanks again you guys. I loved watching you all dance, shake and groan in front of Disaster Studios this year <3

    You Sir are most welcome. It was a pleasure meeting you!

  2. I knew the connection, it was so stretched it was horrible. Also, in the house you hear a car crash - that's the sound a float makes when crashing? Please, at least have some Mardi Gras stuff near the end to make it a little better.

    See these are perfectly valid points for not liking something. I feel that if you included more of this in your review it would have been much better received. I can actually understand where you are coming from and make valid points.

  3. Fair enough. I actually don't blame the actors - they did a great job for what limited amount of resources they had to work with. My observations were based on 20 minutes of being in the scare zone. My primary gripes with the zone is that the theme was ridiculous, both in it being corny and having no direct tie to Zombiegeddon. There was one float, the prop, but it felt out of place and didn't contribute to the atmosphere. It served no function because the actors could not directly work with it for scares. I give full credit to the actors as they were trying very hard after a long day's work.

    Now the review is starting to sound like a review. The float actually makes perfect sense if you know the back story behind it. The idea present here could not work if Zombiegeddon was not here as well. Keep in mind that Zombiegeddon is after a zombie take over and people have found ways to control zombies. This control only functions if there is a constant power flow. You are taken through a training center that teaches people this control system. At the time you are going through this center there is a Mardi Gras parade taking place outside. Something happened and the float crashed into the power pole. This shuts down power to the training center and turns the zombies loose. It would make a little sense to have one or two zombie outfits from the house on the street so you can make the connection that some got loose and infected the parade. So while I agree that the idea is a little far fetched it is actually a fairly comedic play on horror.

  4. So what should I respond to? If you reference a post or two I'll respond.

    By nothing I meant you do not offer any suggestions. Specifically 'I am not sure, that is why I am not on the creative team." I understand that you did slightly elaborate about the mask being bloated etc... However, you constantly give points about how and why things are bad but offer no CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


    What I'm looking for answers specifically to is:

    "Fear Revealed was a joke." - What was wrong with it? What could have made it better? (Already got your point about the stilts and Icons should have houses)

    "Zombiegras - how did this even get approved? The worst scare zone in the existence of the event." - I understand this is your opinion but WHY is the the worst in existence? How long did you stay here? Is this just because no one tried to scare you or maybe they did try and you don't scare easily or they just didn't scare you that time? What were the feelings of the other guests in the street while you were there?

    I ask this not just because I am in Zombie Gras but because I get more and better scares here than I have previously in streets. As I have said in some earlier posts there are two different casts and I know for a fact that we approach the street differently. You also have to take into consideration time of night, other guest in the street at the time, and how many people are in the street. This goes for all over the park. As actors we have so much to worry about: keeping energy levels high, keeping show as consistent as possible, staying away from people who want to harm us, etc... A lot of the actors that work for HHN also have day jobs which means VERY long days and almost no sleep. Personally, HHN is my THIRD job. I have a Mon-Fri 730-4, another PT job I am at EVERY night I am not at HHN and on Sat and Sun mornings, then HHN on top of that. I know this is not the same for many if not all other actors but maybe you can see my point. I run myself ragged for the month because I love the event so much and I thoroughly enjoy what I do there that it doesn't bother me.

    Now, I would agree with you if by "The worst scare zone in the existence of the event." you meant staging and scene. I feel that we are too open in that street but we can make it work. All night long I hear guests "where did he come from?" "holy s*** I didn't see him" etc... If you thought the idea of a Mardi Gras parade gone zombie was a bad idea say so. I'm okay with that too. Not every one is going to like every idea implemented. Even if you thought it was going to be good but the actors didn't live up to your expectations, that's okay as well. Sometimes things just happen but seriously to claim worst ever and not elaborate and you expect to not get flack...

  5. I have nothing else to say, so why would I post? I don't need to reply to everyone who disagrees with me (though I find it funny that if someone doesn't like the event they are automatically trolling, yet praising it is God's gift).

    I don't feel that everyone that does not like the event is trolling. However, you post all of these things that you don't like and when people attempt to start a disscussion with you on why you didn't like it or feel out ways to make it better you give us nothing. That is why people are calling you a troll. All of your reviews have had an overall negative tone with a few plusses thrown in. I feel that you do this just to make it seem like a review. Maybe you need to try to work the event just one set. Not even a whole night. I guarantee your views will change. You seem to have no idea what it takes to coordinate all that goes on, how much blood and sweat the actors put into this event, and how much time Universal poors into Concept and Design, building, and executing this event every year.

  6. Sorry you got that not scary feel from Zombie Gras. I've been seeing that a lot on forums. I have also noticed that the comments line up with a lot of the media (photos and videos) that I've seen. Most of this seems to come from one cast. If you get a chance to go back I would be interested to see if the other cast would be able to switch your opinion of this zone.

  7. Here's my take just from what I've seen in my scarezone. There are 3 types of smokers:

    1. I'll smoke where and when I want and no one can say anything about it. These are the people I can't stand. I am a smoker myself and will always ask those around me if they have a problem with me smoking (e.g. in the break room I typically sit around the same people most of whom do not smoke yet I still ask if they mind.) This is a common courtesy thing. The people who smoke in line, in the middle of the zones, etc... have no idea who they could be affecting. I heard a story being told back stage where a scareactor with a rather awesome beard lost some of said beard when a guest tried to light a cig and didn't see the actor coming in to scare him.

    2. Move away from crowds and try to keep as much smoke away from others as possible. These people I really don't mind. Typically, I see them sitting at a table of a closed restaurant or standing far enough from the street that it will not bother guests passing through. These are the people that like to sit and watch the scare zone. Security has never said anything to them and from what I've seen there haven't been any guest complaints about it.

    3. Those who only smoke in designated areas. From sitting and talking with these folks over my nicotine fix I have come to find these to be some of the most level-headed people I have met.

    While in a perfect world #3 is the only type of smoker, I can understand and I even respect #2. Both types are considerate of others and try to avoid any incidental second hand smoke going to others.

    So to answer your question, in some cases I do not see where bringing a pipe in and sitting and watching a zone for a while would be an issue. Try to find an area away from most people that has good air flow and enjoy the show!

  8. As C_D said very well written review. I agree with you on the Zombie Gras. We do not have much in the way of scene to work with. However, spend a little time on the Jaws end of the street. You will find three very hidden zombies. Crowd weaving done properly is an awesome tactic.

  9. I'm sorry that you feel that Zombie Gras did not live up to anything for you. Like many others have mentioned I remember you from the Vault and nothing that we ever do is good enough. However, I hope that one day I get the chance to see you as a guest in the park. Maybe you should spend a little time in each zone. Not just walking through but actually watching the actors. Please note that there are two casts that do not always operate in the same manner. Watch both. I understand that YOU may not be easily scared however if you sit and watch ANY zone you will see many people terrified.

    Hoping to scare you someday :)

  10. One of the zombies in Zombie Gras just wasn't having it, and matched my pace, then blocked me off...backed off, and pointed at my shirt. I grinned, stood at attention and saluted him, and he cocked his head like I was stupid. Then walked away....shoutout to him for keeping the already humongous smile on my face going.

    Epic night! Epic scareactors! I thought at first that this year was going to be so-so. I was definitely wrong! Keep these things coming, guys! I entered the park in a bad mood with a headache, and here two hours after it ended I'm smiling and feeling so awake that I can't even sleep. Awesome!

    You sir are very welcome. Glad you could enjoy the evening.

  11. i was entering the zone from amity. he saw me, i walked by, thought i was safe, and he creeped up a moment later. there was a teenage boy a few steps behind me that clapped and laughed, if that helps any.

    That would have either been me (in orange with a full face mask) or my counterpart (in green with only a party style mask.)

  12. didnt get a good look at him, but there was a masked male in zombigras around 1145 on oct3 who scared the hell out of me. creeped up from behind.

    Depending on where you were in the street it could have been one of three. Most times during the last set the cast is in party mode but a few of us stay hardcore scares. I will let those on the cast know :) Thanks for the shoutout!

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