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Everything posted by L8NiteEngineer

  1. anyone got any info yet by messaging Scott V. Gordon?
  2. I've heard some pretty funny stories come out of HHN from other people (aside from my own)...maybe a show revolving around worthwhile, story telling experiences.... I'm only able to go one night so first hand snap shots of what happens throughout the rest of the event would be cool.
  3. I was only able to catch your show in 2008 but have been a huge fan of your Scam School since it started. I greatly enjoy your work, sir, and congratulate you. I must also thank you for all the "free" beers!
  4. I like your idea so please don't take the following comment as anything but good-hearted jest........ That reminds me of Voltron !..... and I suddenly pictured a Lego Batman figure made up of different HHN icon character pieces
  5. We have mutliple charaters (some who have disappeared, quit or were terminated), two "devices" (portametus and "Device"), the old investigation about the "Device" by Throncastle, the new investigation surrounding Fear, the separate investigaton involving Wyandot Estate.... we have LT, Spirit Seekers, Universal and Uni's A&D... the lantern itself... artifacts changing and burning and scorch marks... etc etc etc MY POINT: Could it be that the Q&A did provide us with some information but we can't see the forrest through all the trees. - OR - That we were not asking the right questions because it was an overload of everything (some of which may not have been specifically "LT related") just trying to trigger aditional thinking
  6. Funny how the GPS coordinates leads to a Bass Pro Shope and they said Steerlington went on a fishing trip. but I agree, none of the pertinent questions were answered. Tried to reiterate that we were asking about how the pics were scorched BEFORE we ever saw them and nothing....To be honest, other than knowing the piece is called a partametus.... it was a dead discussion. This is starting to be more spectator than investigator.
  7. to expand on what she told you.... We believe that Ryan Richard (who we suspect is part of the breakaway group Spirit Seekers) is in possesion of the Device or at least knows its whereabouts. Dr. Thorncastle may have assisted him. IH The Spirit Seekers are those involved with the haunted house at HHN... looks like they created a new faction separate from LT.... but the house is still labeled as LT.... curious
  8. I actually got more, but it hasn't been a topic of conversatin yet. The Device does much more than store information. It has produced images, sounds and even matter. I don't think she'll tell me much more because she ended her last message with... "Explanation to follow". Now that there is a LT house that mentions using "a machine" this topic could get more interesting later on.
  9. ...and (1) he was investigating the "Device" before he left (2) the immediate cancellation of all research on the "Device" ceased about the same time could it be that this "Device" could be used... not in the summoning (already been told that) but in the future for something else? Just trying to follow a lead here
  10. Received message fom IH, thought I'd share: Although the Device is not linked to the current events, it does indded seem to do much more than store information. More when we know it... IH I have been trying to figure out the purpose/function of this "Device". I keep bouncing back and for the with the significance of it and how it plays...
  11. According to the story, once Adatu is summoned, he kills the five men (icons) by wrapping them in thorny plant branches. Wouldn't think they would want him out then.... Whoever puts this together would have to force the five to surround the lantern.
  12. but LT does not have the lantern soooooo..... yeah, mind tease there with the whole Uni vs LT thing Also Is he being summoned tonight, at the event or with the website update?
  13. Not altogether convinced that LT is the "bad guys" yet. They stopped and fired staff after using The Device.... what if The Device not only scanned you but also stored what it scanned. Perhaps it an amplified method of extracting and storing fear.... for this. If so, LT wanted that stopped.
  14. Messaged Mr Richards: ME - how will you be able to contact us in the future so that we may help stop Adatu? . RICHARDS: I will find a way. we need to keep our eyes open. Don't think LT will be allowing him posting things much longer
  15. This is very cool but............ Thirteen Ghosts anyone? lol
  16. Fell is happy with what? putting the puzzle together? that's it? I mean, kudos to those who did it but....FB posts seem to imply a larger implication
  17. The crest makes sense but you have that circular shape at the bottom... that's what sparked shield... the idea of Terra Cruentas came when, for a split second, thought it looked like a crown of sorts
  18. The full image looks like a shield to me.....each section seems to be either a spiritual symbol (as stated) or a spiritual weapon. I think the shield may belong to someone and those symbols may represent something more... kinda like Terra Cuentas but not.
  19. guys I gotta go, see if my previous posts triggrs any thoughts
  20. The symbol in the section containing the Story Teller seems to be a smiling face ADDITION: LOL...filters at work are preventing me from searching further but found a link to something called the "Cirlce of Eight"... looks like it was a movie...and a game....something with "The Temple of Evil".... What called attention to me was the following: Lareth's Staff of Striking Otis' Longsword Spiritual Weapon Rapier Spiritual Weapon Scythe ok, so it might be a video game but it seems that connections have previously been made with these artifacts.
  21. YES... that's the kind of face I was mentioning earlier. Forgot about the Fire King mask pic.....
  22. I think you are on the right track with this... the Mary Shaw and Midway pics match up to the sketch and therefore are the top of the image....however, looking at the proportions.... you might have arranged the other pics too close together.. probably because more pics are missing for the puzzle...but i think you are dead on your way to piecing it together
  23. guys, I agree the sketch is the image we need to created by matching up the burned pics but..... I'm seeing a face, not a symbol.... I even see a piercing above what would be the right eye... edit: looks kinda creature from the black lagoon-----ish. might just be what my mind interprets. what do you think?
  24. Thanks.... how was it used? Did they say where it came from? What's the story here? I have so many questions and have been directed to review it.... maybe its not the red herring (sp?) I've heard it labeled as once
  25. Does anyone have or know where to find the CFO video of The Device? Found 2 videos of YouTube but they are dark and shaky...can't really get a close look
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