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Posts posted by NickC

  1. mask-image is a CSS property used for overlaying transparency or textures above text/images. It basically overlays a .png image above whatever class you specify. Things like gradual fades, gradients and dirty/grungy textures can be accomplished with masks.

    If you look at the css you'll see this:

    #homepage h1{
    	font-size: 42px;
    	line-height: .8em;
    	-webkit-mask-image: url('images/mask.png');
    	-o-mask-image: url('images/mask.png');
    	-moz-mask-image: url('images/mask.png');
    	mask-image: url('images/mask.png');

    So the mask was intended for the homepage header (h1 = header). The CSS then clearly specifies the image URL for different web browsers (webkit=safari/mac, o=opera, moz=mozilla/firefox and the normal mask-image is for IE).

    If you want to learn more about mask images or see what they can do, you can read here:



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  2. Nothing new in Sting Alley yet, but they have started putting things out in Hollywood. So far there are seven actor platforms in the street, starting at The Brown Derby and going all the way down to the magic shop across from HMU. Here are some shots from today's construction update:





    You can view all 24 pictures from today here:


  3. They added three new multi-player games. One for The Forsaken (Secret of the Stones), one for Nightingale's: Blood Prey (A Bit of the Bubbly) and one for Bloodengutz (The Final Cut). When you beat these new multi-player games, you unlock the second half of the corresponding poker chip on The House page. Clicking on the corresponding colored circle on the house of cards will bring you to a neat page with click-able items providing detailed backstory for the house.

    It also looks like the banishment time has been reduced to 30minutes.

  4. Yeah, it's a problem on Universal's end. They have indeed updated the site.xml file (the file the updatechecker checks), which, to put it as simply as possible, contains the website's structure. They've added a new level to the house (house08.swf) and a new game (Game_Friendorfoe.swf). However, they haven't actually put those files on the server yet.

    EDIT: and as of 7:45 it's all fixed. Took over an hour.

  5. Also, there's a stylized "R&R" on the doorway. Has me thinking.

    The R&R is for Reverse and Repeat. If you notice, only half of the facade is detailed on the drawing... it's a mirror image of itself. R&R is just drafting shorthand used when creating symmetrical objects.

    The convention of reverse and repeat (R&R) is frequently used when drawing detailed symmetrical objects. Also known as "opposite hand" and "mirror view" drawings, the practice of R&R is used as a form of drafting shorthand. Typically, the drawing is oriented on the object's center line, one side of which is drawn in full detail, while the opposite side is outlined with a long dashed line and noted "R&R THIS SIDE"

  6. They also updated the mobile site today. It's got slightly different verbiage describing the event and a pretty snazzy header:

    Face the odds and see if you’ve got a chance to survive Halloween Horror Nights® 21.


    You can get to it by going to m.halloweenhorrornights.com, but it'll look really pixelated unless you're viewing it on your mobile device's screen, as it's optimized for QVGA resolution. They also have one optimized for larger which will look slightly better on your desktop screen, but you'll have to fake your browsers user agent to see that.

    It also has this spiffy calendar:



    And one last website related update. There's also a non-flash version of the full site for those iPad people or the >1% of the population without flash installed in their browsers, and it looks like this:


  7. In 2005 Belgium opened up registration of their TLD, .be, to the public. For the entire year you could register any .be domain for free. So I took that opportunity to register HorrorNights.be, because it's short, simple, and to the point.

    Originally the site was just a plain old directory listing where I hosted various pieces of images and video decompiled from the .swf files on the official HHN site. Universal had just started creating elaborate HHN websites that told a story and were worth re-visiting, so I started archiving them and providing links to .zip files you could download so you could view the full websites offline, and people seemed to really like that.

    But the HHN fan community was growing around this time, and a lot of the newer, less internet savvy members couldn't quite figure out these "zip files" and how to look at a website that wasn't on the internet. So I started hosting the full sites on my server, organized all my archived media from past events into their respective years, and made .be into an actual website.

  8. I love my Domke shoulder bag:


    Plenty of room for my DSLR with attached lens + two extra lenses. I also carry an extra battery, filter, lens caps, and other miscellaneous items in the front and back pockets.

    I highly recommend Domke for camera bags. You can check out all their options here if you're looking for something smaller.:


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